Topic: an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth | |
I am all for this type justice.. Are you? If not why? Blessings Miles ![]() |
Most of the time...Yes I do agree with that statement..there are people out there that do some horrendus things..and they should be the ones on the receiving end of what they have done.
i agree................think we need to go back to this way
If a guypasserby, passing a bar in a car, jumps out of his car and begins to taunt, guyleaving, as he is leaving the bar, maybe about his limp or about the color of his skin, or about what might be perceived to be homosexual traits, and eventually guypasserby, jumps in front of the guy and fires his fist into the guyleavings face as he yells "go to %$!! you nig@$&" and buyleaving falls and hits his head on a rock and later dies.
What should the punishment be for guypasserby. Being taunted, being jabbed and pushed, or being punched in the face or all of these, as well being slammed in the head with a rock? Because recently guypasserby was given 3 years in prison, because there could no INTENT proved, when possession of a narcotic can get you 25 years when your only intent was to use it or was totally unclear. Of course if a state happens to have a anti-discrimination laws like the kind of law the Matthew Shephard Act would give at the federal level, then intent to murder might be proven - but still what would the punishment be? |
I think it depends on the crime. Sometimes, some people just need to learn to let things go and move on. Other times... I'm comin for you azz. Again, depends on the crime...
i agree................think we need to go back to this way before we are too quick to agree, think of the things we've done, and if we like them to be done to us. An eye for an eye. I wouldn't....... ![]() |
i agree................think we need to go back to this way before we are too quick to agree, think of the things we've done, and if we like them to be done to us. An eye for an eye. I wouldn't....... ![]() |
kill 'em all...let God sort it out
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kill 'em all...let God sort it out ![]() You're asking for trouble...... ![]() |
Two Wrongs Don't Make It Right.Carma has a funny way about it,It catches ya one way or another.
Yeah two wrongs don't make a right , i agree
But Karma is a b!tch ... that's all i know |
Remember Yahshua saying as you forgive so you will be given.
We hear so often the family of a victim crying out that even though they were found guilty thier still was no justice for what they did. We see all the time celeberties all the time bring in 4 or 5 lawyers twist the law delay everything they can do for that million dollars they are being paid for. Chicago just the other day is a prime example. In an eye for and eye justice system Yahshua was not speaking against it's intent. He was speaking of what it had become. Sounds alot like our forefathers in this country. No everybody had equal representation mainly themselves and witnesses. The judges decided innocence or guilt and if found guilty the Victim all most always was given the right to decide judgement up to and including what the most severe punishment would be. They could also say you are free. Yahshua did this with the woman that was brought to him. Steal from somebody and be found guilty. The victim is entirled to 2x the value in restitution. If you can not pay. Guess what? Now we see where slaves are among thier own people untill they worked it off. Thats justice I could live with.. Shalom Miles |
I am all for this type justice.. Are you? If not why? Blessings Miles ![]() No, I don't. It would be barbaric to do those actions today. That law was given to the Israelites by God during the infancy of the human race. We have grown beyond that point. |
If a guypasserby, passing a bar in a car, jumps out of his car and begins to taunt, guyleaving, as he is leaving the bar, maybe about his limp or about the color of his skin, or about what might be perceived to be homosexual traits, and eventually guypasserby, jumps in front of the guy and fires his fist into the guyleavings face as he yells "go to %$!! you nig@$&" and buyleaving falls and hits his head on a rock and later dies. What should the punishment be for guypasserby. Being taunted, being jabbed and pushed, or being punched in the face or all of these, as well being slammed in the head with a rock? Because recently guypasserby was given 3 years in prison, because there could no INTENT proved, when possession of a narcotic can get you 25 years when your only intent was to use it or was totally unclear. Of course if a state happens to have a anti-discrimination laws like the kind of law the Matthew Shephard Act would give at the federal level, then intent to murder might be proven - but still what would the punishment be? It's manslaughter, dead of the victim wasn't the intent. Manslaughter should be punished as dictated by whatever federal laws apply. |
Edited by
Wed 06/18/08 01:22 PM
Justice is usually meeted out by those governing the sociities they govern over - or in the case of a republic/democracy - those put in office by the people to fulfil the governing law's established by common vote and approval of the people goverened.
in that sense i find no flaw with social law's that are capable of being "equally and fairly" enforced.But that i see is the problem - equal and fair - is not the rule of thumb in today's society - as you point out miles. When you see car's speeding by you going faster than you were while being written a ticket - can you help think of the unfairness? of course you can reply - that it is not the problem because there just are not enough police to cover everyone driving to do so - my response is - if it can't be done then remove the law and forget it - or find away to resolve the problem, camera's, robotics, or other would suffice. This holds true of all laws policed - And out dated laws remain by the hundreds through out the usa - one such is a woman cannot undress infront of a "picture" of her husband????old ohio law - way old - our books of laws a stuffed full of things like this, get rid of them. in looking into the laws of hammurabi codes - i think they might be the most fair laws of all - but that is my opinion, they conform very closely to monothesitic laws of the follower's. and if i remember correctly are older also. One i really like though is the one that states if a judge is found to have not judged correctly he will loose his judgeship and pay the fine he meted out 10 fold - if checks and balances like that were in place the whole present judicial system would be much different than it is at present. Most people are also unaware that your allowed to plead your own case and defend it - unfortunately few do - the courts are a big boys union - who look out for each other- lawyer's and judges alike, though you may feel differently- the big "C" states clearly you are entitld to "councel" that has come to be taken as getting a lawyer to "defend" you when it's real meaning was for someone of law to "help" you defend "yourself" with there "help" or councel.i urge everone to study law and legal definitions of law so that they really know at least to a degree - what there right's really are, and how to defend yourself when the need arises. shalom/peace |
I agree. The problem with defending yourself is the study you have to do and apply it "by the rules of the court" break thier type rules and the good ole lawyers on the bench and prosecuter will hang u out to dry. Dismissing what you may have proved and you could even not be breaking them but the judges interpretation may go against you.
It can be done though i did it when i was 24 against a bank and when i called thier lawyer and explain to him i was going to sue them if they did not drop it and read him the statute I was planning on using. I recieved a call back that if i would sign a paper that i would not sue they would drop the matter. I was much more forth coming against institutions then and i am not sure it would work today. I agree 100% with the judges being ousted. They should be of the utmost interity. Spider.. Go argue With Yahshua.. You do a pretty good job of that.. Blessings...Miles |
America was founded on an eye for eye, tooth for tooth society......are justice system! We have left that for percieved "laws of love" or RELIGION that obviously will be viewed differently by EACH human alive, as each human LOOK unique, and has seen UNIQUE experiences, so each mind or idea of love will be different, and what is to be forgiven unless it be another that has OFFENDED the "love" condition each view all with
EACH MUST FOLLOW THEIR OWN HEART, NOT SOME RULE OR LAW! who the hell that is grown up DOSEN'T want to know if they have hurt another??? How will anyone know unless one we have hurt SPEAK UP? NOBODY EVER GAVE A COMMANDMENT TO FORGIVE......the only thing i read was if my brother ASKED to be forgiven, how many times should i forgive......70x70 in one day? HOW DOES ONE ASK TO BE FORGIVEN......BY DEMANDING??? HELL NO! by SHOWING they feel different now then when they committed the offense..... if a man murder my daughter, he will not be forgiven less he show me WHAT he sees now that he did not SEE then, or i only forgive him to be a GOOD person myself, and think not of the NEXT one he shall murder!!! it was dogooder forgivers that for their own GOODNESS and SALVATION forgave hitler even while he killed millions.....sorry, not what i read that any bible ever said to do, lol.... |
"Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind".
awww But the Whole World is already Blind
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did i hear hitler ever ASK to be forgiven, lol.....
have i heard charles manson ever declare he DID WRONG, by inflicting mayhem and murder upon others...... then perhaps all that say FORGIVE should offer to have MR. Manson come and live with them...... no eye for an eye and we are blind, that we have stolen another mans eye! |