Topic: an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth | |
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Wed 06/18/08 01:53 PM
no one is blind unless they declare others to be blind.....
what thing be wise that say it is WISE? these will recklessly in haste to be WISE lead others into a prison by saying love is supposed to be blind.....and no BALANCE of humanity can be had. certainlly Jesus never forgave the RELIGIOUS that he called as their father the DEVIL, and declared them that held up laws of self-righteousness as a brood of vipers..... now if they had come and said "i see the error in my ways" then he would have forgiven, as his own ENERGY or FEELING would have told him if they spoke in truthfullness.... was it not these very ones that KILLED him? what you preach is no different than what makes many buy "no evil oil" from preachers on the tube that peddle THE WORDS god and Jesus for self-gain and profit.... HOW CAN THE TRUTH EVER HAVE A PRICE TAG AFFIXED TO IT.....AND ANY COMMON SENSE BELIEVE IT IS THE TRUTH? |
did i hear hitler ever ASK to be forgiven, lol..... have i heard charles manson ever declare he DID WRONG, by inflicting mayhem and murder upon others...... then perhaps all that say FORGIVE should offer to have MR. Manson come and live with them...... no eye for an eye and we are blind, that we have stolen another mans eye! Maybe understanding the reasons and motives, I know quite a bit about both Hitler and Manson. You can't for every occurence of a crime say "an eye for an eye", I don't even believe in any case the eye for an eye should even be thought of. Convicted and put in prison for life is the most that should happen, not eye for an eye. |
Spider.. Go argue With Yahshua.. You do a pretty good job of that.. Blessings...Miles Miles, By what standard do you insult me and then casually say "Blessings"? If you wanted blessing in my life, you wouldn't have insulted me in the first place. |
Remember Yahshua saying as you forgive so you will be given. We hear so often the family of a victim crying out that even though they were found guilty thier still was no justice for what they did. We see all the time celeberties all the time bring in 4 or 5 lawyers twist the law delay everything they can do for that million dollars they are being paid for. Chicago just the other day is a prime example. In an eye for and eye justice system Yahshua was not speaking against it's intent. He was speaking of what it had become. Sounds alot like our forefathers in this country. No everybody had equal representation mainly themselves and witnesses. The judges decided innocence or guilt and if found guilty the Victim all most always was given the right to decide judgement up to and including what the most severe punishment would be. They could also say you are free. Yahshua did this with the woman that was brought to him. Steal from somebody and be found guilty. The victim is entirled to 2x the value in restitution. If you can not pay. Guess what? Now we see where slaves are among thier own people untill they worked it off. Thats justice I could live with.. Shalom Miles Your interpretation of scripture is disturbingly wrong. |
did i hear hitler ever ASK to be forgiven, lol..... have i heard charles manson ever declare he DID WRONG, by inflicting mayhem and murder upon others...... then perhaps all that say FORGIVE should offer to have MR. Manson come and live with them...... no eye for an eye and we are blind, that we have stolen another mans eye! Maybe understanding the reasons and motives, I know quite a bit about both Hitler and Manson. You can't for every occurence of a crime say "an eye for an eye", I don't even believe in any case the eye for an eye should even be thought of. Convicted and put in prison for life is the most that should happen, not eye for an eye. an eye for an eye is only a discription of the law of human emotions...... if one commit and injustice upon another, then something arise within the the victim that is PURE, and no other has the right to say he should not miss his eye that his neighbor plucked out!!! to say all should understand the motives of another is to lead many to dismay, as who can see into the heart of motives, when even the perpetrator himself may not know his OWN.......that is why it DOSEN'T MATTER!!! My delusion that rob my neighbor matters not, as any man can say he is sorry, but only his EAGERNESS to undo his evil and pay for his innocence or ignorance right each wrong.......... if we live by "PERCIEVED TRUTH, rather than the simple truth of what is done is done, then we wander aimlessly looking for a "law" of what is RIGHT, when it is right in front of us, both the GOOD AND BAD feelings of each human that lead ALL to solutions and what is love....... love is not all sugar as many evil men will try to make christians to believe, just to sneak in and steal their loved ones......... no cake is made with just sugar, but with both sugar and SALT.....yes, salt will burn a wound, but it ALSO IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL HEAL IT! i have found those that preach a law to forgive and understand others do so because they themselves have much guilt about their own past actions, and do not wish to be held accountable, and so say to forgive only to not be judged themself....... like i said, move a serial murderer in with yourself, to live with your children, and your wife, then i will BELIEVE THAT YOU SEE THE WAY TO PEACE AMOUNG MEN. |
As I see it; we have killed too many innocents by hanging, electric chair, and lethal injection. Too many innocents. If there is an absolute witness, then so be it. killed. weed out those that are really guilty is the problem. People being people will always get in the way. Kat |
I am all for this type justice.. Are you? If not why? Blessings Miles ![]() Miles, on a personal level, Jesus has done this for me, and in turn, as a consequence of His Love and attention, I do the same with all that is consciously within me. He transmuted my spirit with his own, and in turn, He speaks to me and teaches me and shows me things and again in turn, I share that which is given me. Freely He loves me, and freely I love Him. and in the course of that, I meet others so translated and we rejoice together over His magnificent Love. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth indeed. More than a reasonable sacrifice, it is a pleasure. He offered His righteousness, and gladly, i turn in mine. ![]() It's "just" in this way. ![]() reconciliation instead of retribution. peace. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Without law, man is nothing more than a common animal.
Adherance to the law has nothing to do with religion. (This is where secularism is needed) Christianity, Judaism & Islam all say that murder (i.e. premeditated killing) is wrong, yet they all ask for armies to do their bidding. We are all agreed that murder is wrong (I hope) but my agreement has nothing to do with the religious aspects of it. Cutting off hands for thieves & death row for hardened criminals, I believe, do not solve the problem. Using religion to punish someone is outdated and inefficient ... Bloody hell Spider!! we agree on something (at least the last line) ![]() |
I trust the law of cause and effect will bring about justice for all even in the event a criminal gets off with fancy lawyers. He will get his justice in the end, ~if not in this life, then in the following incarnations. JB |
u r right spider. I was being a little sarcastic. I do apologize for that. I should of just said I disagree with you.
My Blessings. Blessings and cursing come from the same mouth and this should not be. Bless not curse. Also this is in the same line as saying peace or shalom unto you. Bless your enemies. not that u r my enemy. I hope not. Cutting of hands. Very rare in eye for an eye concept. You would have to of multiple times of stolen. By the time you are probally enslaved if you are stealing you will work for what u need. This eye for and eye concept came from Yahweh given to Moses not Moses making it up. To say that my interpretation of this is wrong show me with scripture where i am? Yahshua was the word so he is the one that gave this concept to Moses. He did not make a mistake. He came to show the true meaning behind the law. The law is Love. For all. Equal justice. Giving the victim the right to decide the punishment up to it's max was fair. Yet the Pharasees once again took it and hardened it. This is why Yahshua said you have heard. You all like to tell me how i misinterpret scripture but you do not show how i do? I have always said the Spirit of the law is what was always meant. I desire not sacrafice but a broken and contrite heart. This is the spirit of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But it was allowed if you killed someone and the victims closest relative just lost it and went after them if they killed them. They were not held accountable. Kinda like if someone broke in your house and killed a family member and you shot and killed are justified. But it was allowed for the law breaker or someone who did it by accident to hurry up and get to 1 of the cities of refuge to where they would be judged. Nothing wrong with these laws.. They are way better than we have now. If a thief breaks in or steals a credit card and charges up 5000 dollars. Someone if not you is out a loss. In this system if proved guilty they would not go to jail where we pay 40 or 50 thousand dollars a year and you or the credit card company is just out of luck. Not often is restitution ever made. If this thief had to pay you 10,000 dollars restitution and if not as a slave by you but monitored by the court made to work and give you 1/2 thier paycheck untill paid..this would be fair.. This is what the court does for child support in Mo. if you are more than 5000 behind. if you run and it keeps running up you go to jail. u sit in jail for 4 years and your ex and children may have to live off of welfare because the state will not make it up. Then when u get out not only are you behind the 5000+ you can add 4 years of support to that. this does nothing but encourage them to run again. the cycle repeats it self and you and me pay the prison bill. This is not justice to any of us. The eye for and eye is though. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
MILES.......YOUR QUOTE......"You all like to tell me how i misinterpret scripture but you do not show how i do?"
revealing the very MOTIVE of the HEART is what the book accomplish........ the very motive of the heart is revealed IF the law is what one preach.......SAVING ONESELF......can one not see this motive is MOST CONCERN only for ones own errors they feel guilty of........and MAKE ONE GUILTY OF NOT LOVING OTHERS MORE THAN THEMSELF, THE VERY GREATEST COMMANDMENT YOUR LEADER "y" MAN SAID!!! why was it said "what is sin for one man is not sin for another" EXPLAIN TO ME THE MEANING OF THIS ONE SCRIPTURE? THAT IS ALL, JUST ONE, AND I WILL BELIEVE IN ALL YOU SAY AND DECLARE IT TO BE THE TRUTH, FIRST BY IN MY OWN HEART DECLARING IT SO, THEN TO ALL OTHERS I WILL SPEAK EXACTELY WHAT YOU SAY, AS THERE BE ONLY "ONE" TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE.............. why was it said "any man that seek to save his life shall LOSE it, and any that LAY DOWN his life shall GAIN IT...... find, understand, and explain how just these two scriptures can be correct and not CONTRADICT others and you will find the essence of the cannot without first tearing down every false thing you already believe in, and feels redeems yourself............ all you say and do tells others how to SAVE themself..... the book REDEEM, and ALSO qualify as GUILTY if one read and FEEL guilt, then they are guilty, and ALL THAT EACH SAY is the PROOF of who and what they are and their very OWN HIDDEN motives of atempt to remove guilt...... if one read and hear a LOVE STORY OF the plan of all of CIVILIZATION, then this is the proof ANY have FOUND HOW ALL THINGS SPOKEN WITHIN ARE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, JUST AS IT WAS SPOKEN THAT THE TRUTH OF KNOWING WHAT THE BOOK "really meant" was knowing how GOD OR JESUS OR MOSES OR ANY OTHER CHARACTER WITHIN SPOKE OR WROTE FROM THIS "unconditional love" PERSPECTIVE......god is unconditional love, or one has not SEEN the EVIDENCE of the truth known of ALL the book..... HOW can ALL things written and spoken within be HEARD, then UNDERSTOOD, then DIGESTED, then ALIVE, then be unconditional love!!!! How DOES the book make and PROVE ALL ARE GUILTLESS......if one FIRST admit guilt FELT when scripture EVER tell any man to believe in something they CANNOT PROVE....... if one believe that FAITH is believing in things UNPROVEN, then they have not recieved the TRUTH......not even the meaning of the very simple word faith...... did not jesus GIVE thomas proof!!! because he asked!!! he did not say I BELIEVE when he did not, he only confessed aloud with his mouth his TRUE FEELINGS.....not what he was told he should believe to save himself, and why he was honored amoung all men and written was NEVER said WHICH was good, the thomas or ones that believed without seeing..... if one say jesus said those that believe without seeing are GOOD, or BETTER, then this be proof of the HIDDEN agenda to be blessed themself......AGAIN A SELF-SEEKING MOTIVE, AND THESE ARE INDEED BLESSED, BUT THE BLESSINGS OF GOD ARE JUDGMENT AND DAMNATION....... WHEN THE DICIPLES ARGUES WHICH WAS BLESSED THE MOST, THEY RECIEVED WHAT???? DAMNATION.......READ WHAT HAPPENED TO EASCH OF THEN.....WHAT WAS THEIR DEMISE........THEY ALL ****ING DIED, SOME EVEN BOILED IN POTS OF OIL....THESE ARE THE BLESSING YOU WISH TO PRONOUNCE UPON YOURSELF......PLEASE, THERE IS NO NEED......where was it said that blessings were peace, or money, or salvation.......IT WAS SAID SEEK OUT YOUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING......SO THEN HOW ARE SELF PROCLAIMED BLESSINGS PROOF OF ONE FINDING THE TRUTH....THEY ARE NOT! for each word quoted and the way it is used determine the condition of the heart at all times, and whether something has FOUND all the truth or what they WISH to be true to calm the fearful guilty heart....... YOUR HEART IS FEARFUL AND GUILTY OR YOU COULD NOT SAY WHAT YOU DO, AND PROOF THAT THAT YOU HAVE NOT EVEN FOUND FORGIVNESS YOURSELF YET....... TO FIND FORGIVNESS one find NO FORGIVESS WAS NEEDED, THAT IT WAS FORGIVENESS IN BELIEVING AND MAKING ONES SELF-SALVATION A GOD THAT DAMN ALL MEN....... |
I trust the law of cause and effect will bring about justice for all even in the event a criminal gets off with fancy lawyers. He will get his justice in the end, ~if not in this life, then in the following incarnations. JB YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH OF THE ESSENCE OF THE MEANING OF ALL THINGS THINGS WRITTEN......THE ONLY LAW THAT EXIST THAT ANY MAN SHOULD FOLLOW IS CAUSE AND EFFECT......I AGREE EMPHATICALLY, AND THIS TRUTH SAVE THE WORLD FROM IT'S OWN SELF...... |
"Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind". ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind". ![]() ![]() ![]() ghandi's truth saved us in ghandi's time......time has ADVANCED, therfore the truth also is now MORE or GREATER than what we have heard in times past..... |
"Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind". ![]() ![]() ![]() ghandi's truth saved us in ghandi's time......time has ADVANCED, therfore the truth also is now MORE or GREATER than what we have heard in times past..... I disagree.... truth is universal & doesn't change... the consequences are very real. BTW...there is a BIG difference between judging & admonishing. An admonishion keeps people on the right track...for their one elses. Judging has to do with self pride. BIG difference. |
I am all for this type justice.. Are you? If not why? Blessings Miles ![]() I could agree with this if there were never ever any mistakes made in our justice system but sadly and very sadly in the case of the death penalty, innocent citizens have been killed at the hands of our government. This is not acceptable ever never so I have to say hell no to this philosophy. |
Edited by
Tue 06/24/08 01:21 PM
"Eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind". ![]() ![]() ![]() ghandi's truth saved us in ghandi's time......time has ADVANCED, therfore the truth also is now MORE or GREATER than what we have heard in times past..... I disagree.... truth is universal & doesn't change... the consequences are very real. BTW...there is a BIG difference between judging & admonishing. An admonishion keeps people on the right track...for their one elses. Judging has to do with self pride. BIG difference. THE TRUTH CHANGE EACH SECOND......the only constant are principles.......each body has ONE way it was built.....this is a each body react and think and do is NOT, and if one think so then one will NEVER learn from anything exceopt what think JUST LIKE ITSELF......HOW WILL THIS ADD ANYTHING MORE TO THE WISDOM OF A HUMAN.....PLEASE...... a seed was planted.....true a sapling was created.....ture, but different or more truth now... a sapling turn into a a fruit bearing tree.....NOW EVEN MORE TRUTH, OR GREATER TRUTH......these are the laws of the universe that change NOT, and govern all WISDOM, as was spoken even in all the words of of the past from all wise teachers....... think the truth is constant and "feeling" love will GO AWAY!!! |
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Tue 06/24/08 01:19 PM
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Tue 06/24/08 01:22 PM
Without law, man is nothing more than a common animal. Adherance to the law has nothing to do with religion. (This is where secularism is needed) Christianity, Judaism & Islam all say that murder (i.e. premeditated killing) is wrong, yet they all ask for armies to do their bidding. We are all agreed that murder is wrong (I hope) but my agreement has nothing to do with the religious aspects of it. Cutting off hands for thieves & death row for hardened criminals, I believe, do not solve the problem. Using religion to punish someone is outdated and inefficient ... Bloody hell Spider!! we agree on something (at least the last line) ![]() HELL YEA.......THE LAWS MAN HAS PASSED COME FROM THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT, AND EACH ONE ANY ADULT SEE KEEP PEACE AND TRY TO FOLLOW.......AND IF ONE DOES NOT, IT IS THE TRUTH THAT SAY, GIVE ME MY CONSEQUENCE! THE REASON NONE THAT TRY TO AVOID HELL CAN SEE THE TRUTH, AS IF ANY MAN SEE THE ERROR IN HIS WAYS AND TURN TO A HIGHER POWER, HOW DOES ONE CHANGE IF THEY ONLY WISH TO AVOID CONSEQUENCES, LOL......WHY THE TEACHING OF RELIGION AS IT HAS BEEN IS OBVIOUSLY FLAWED AND PERPETUATE MANKIND CHASING IT'S TAIL IN CIRCLES OF UNPEACE AND MISERY, LOL.....JMO |