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Topic: One Guy's Thoughts on "The Clique"
no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:32 AM
I just noticed, on another thread, a guy who had been on JSH for awhile
was quitting because he felt the site was getting boring, and he
mentioned a clique on JSH; sounded to me like he felt he had been
excluded and wasn't ever going to fit in.

You know, there was a point when I felt that way, too. Shortly after I
signed up, I realized there was a group of posters who obviously had
been on the site long before I was, who posted a lot (they had thousands
and thousands of posts under their belts!), and talked about things and
people that I knew nothing about.

And I perceived a "clique" there, and I felt like it would be hard for
me to ever fit in.

So, what I did was, I started reading a bunch of the old posts, the ones
that maybe nobody had commented on in a week or a month or whatever.
And I started to get some perspective from that, I started to figure out
who's who, and who were the "old established pillars" of the site, and

And finally, I just said screw it, I'm going to start posting things,
even if I'm not a member of the "clique." I figured, it's not like they
can kill me or anything, not as long as I can avoid the bombs.

This was a little out of character for me; I have been described as
"reclusive to the point of intangibility," which is not far off the
truth. But I liked the site, I liked what I was reading, and I wanted
to be a part of it.

And then a funny thing happened; I found out there really was no
"clique" at all, at least not in the way I had imagined. The "old
established pillars" turned out to be supportive and welcoming. I got a
lot of nice e-mails from a lot of them.

What I found out was that, yes, there are a lot of people who have been
here for awhile, and they know each other, and they're comfortable with
each other, and, sometimes, as people who have known each other for a
long time will do, they make esoteric references that a new person
probably wouldn't catch.

But they are NOT exclusionary, they are NOT aloof, they are NOT standing
off in the distance somewhere, looking down their noses at the newbies,
laughing, and saying, "How droll, Max, here comes another pathetic tyro
attempting to join our exalted pantheon...."

You just have to let them get to know you. And the only way to do that
is to put yourself out there and post things. It doesn't matter if you
start new topics, respond to old ones, write a poem, tell a joke,
whatever, just let it be known that you exist and that you want to be

Really, that's all it takes....

There's no "clique," it's just a bunch of people, good and caring and
decent and supportive people, who will take you into the fold if you
just let them know you're here....

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:37 AM
Want to learn to swim, you HAVE to get In the water.

Situations like this are the same. Jump in people.
YOUR opinion is just as good as anyone elses.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:39 AM
Very nicely said Lex. I know the feeling that you are talking about. I
was nerves as heck when I first signed up. But like you said just start
posting and let them know who you are and people here are great.

And yes watch out for the

Oh one more thing.........



OnALark's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:42 AM
I understand exactly what he is saying. I can add to a thread, and no
matter what i post or how often, I very rarely get any direct response

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:49 AM
OnALark I feel the same way sometimes.

OnALark's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:51 AM
(((((((whisper))))))) I've seen many of your posts; you're a great
person. Stick with it, ok? I will if you will

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:51 AM
Whisper -- have you ever heard of a bomb-eating llama? See, they have
their uses.

Lark -- not everything you post is going to generate a lot of feedback.
You never know, because some threads die out quickly, and others linger
forever, and there's no way to know which will do what. I think you
just have to keep your presence out there, on a more or less consistent
basis, if you really want to get noticed. A month ago, I never would
have believed I'd have reached 250+ posts. Then you just get wrapped up
in different discussions, and there it is....

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:55 AM
Oh trust me OnALark I am not going anywhere not know sine Lex mentioned
bomb eat llamas. Still so much more I need to learn around

OnALark's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:56 AM
Gotta run; my son just showed up

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 09:57 AM
Take care OnALark ((((hug)))

Ok 2 more post before I hit 2000.

aleacim831's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:02 AM
Lex that was a really good post I can see how people might be
intimidated by the regulars on this site but we are really welcoming and
supportive. Thanks for writing that I wouldn't want any newcomer to feel
not welcomed. bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:04 AM
Good Morning,,

Lex,, you are an incredible writer and have an amazing ability to
express yourself in your words,,, I have felt that way, and have come to
learn people by reading them,, and once I started posting and got over
the fear of not being excepted I have come to learn and feel the Love of
the People here at JSH,, I have made some Incredible Friendships here
that I will carry with
me for the rest of my life,,, I would like to take this moment to
introduce myself to you and those around::: My name is Denise I am 45
years old I have 4 Incredible kids and 1 Incredible Grandchild and 1
more on the way,,, I also met the most incredible Man in the world here
on JSH,,, and we are making plans for our wedding,,, Well enough about
me,, How are you all doing today,,,,,

flowerforyou flowerforyou

(((Whisper)))) whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa coming up on 2000

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:08 AM
((((((Mom))))) How are you.flowerforyou

Want a bomb? I am handing them out freely. Got to speak to lex about the
bomb eating llama's though I am still unsure about them

But YAY for 2000 Ok Not that big of deal but I a hyper and
in a good mood today.

explode explode explode explode explode

LAMom's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:10 AM
((Whisper)))) I am great today,, good to see you smile my dear,,, 2000
Ohhhhhhhh Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,, I am still trying to get caught up on the

NYCgirl's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:16 AM
Well I do agree here. I felt like that in the beginning but it just as
oldsage said, to swing, you have to learn how to swim and I soon I
learned how full of wonderful people this site is.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:18 AM
Well Mom stick with me. I am sure we can figure it out together
explode laugh

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:23 AM
:heart: Let me tell YOU a thing or two YOUNG MAN!!!!!


You hit OUR "NAIL" on its "HEAD" here on this HI site..:wink:

:heart: Thank you for letting us and the newbee's both SEE,
and KNOW, how we "REALLY" are here and IT will HELP some to

Welcome to this place and I trully hope that you will continue
to make posts, and to keep us all in your REVIEWS!!!

And I also FELT THIS "OVER-LOOKED" FEELING, When I first came here, then
I added some pic's and said the hell with it and started speaking from
ME, my Heart, and didn't care what others thought!!!
Then I was rewarded with many, many, FRIENDS and close
conversations about "EVERYTHING" that is in LIFE!! LOL

And through that process,, I WAS FOUND, by a lady who NOW, will become

And I wish for YOU to have my same success here!! :wink:

You are off to a GREAT FUTURE HERE, Good-luck!!! Tsmokin

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:20 AM
hey.. even us OLD TIMERS lmao were newbies once.. you just have to put
yourself out thar as LEX, old sage and the rest stated and just jump

it's ALL about having fun ya know.. AND RESPECT!! I made jokes.. laughed
at myself.. heck.. on MANY occasions just TALKED to meself.. and people
finally started coming round and yakin with me.. NOW?? I run one of
GREATEst treads in the place.. the BAR.. and all because I thought it'd
be FUN just to HAVE a place to hang out and chatters with a few new
found friends.. half of us don't even DRINK.. but.. in REAL life when ya
DON'T wanna go home cuz there's no one there or just CUZ.. you USUALLy
end up at a local pub.. so... figured that was a good place to start...
although NEVER thought I'm sure NONE of us thought it'd be THIS much of
a hit!!! happy
we've posted over 1500 PAGES (had to open a new one cuz the first one
got too heavy laugh) and we're STILL going strong.. I don't wander
round much in the other threads cuz the FIRST bar rule is NO DRAMA ..
BUT.. Anyone can come in.. sit fer a spell.. yack with us regs and if
yer reSPECTFul.. well.. you can ALWAys come back.. anywho.. for SOME of
us it's our home away from home.. so.. if ya play NICE.. so will we..
O.. and remember to bring yer funny bone k?? :wink:

nicely stated lex :wink:

Marie55's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:36 AM
Well said Lex, take care of the llama, if he stops eating the bombs, he
can always spit on them to put them out too.

Take care.

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 05:31 AM
Well, I just started here, and ain't one bit nervous of taking on any
bullsh*t clique. These are usually just groups of people who can only
make "friends" that are as messed up as they are. Nope, never took
their hooey in school, and sure ain't going to on some website. There
is even one where I currently live, and I put them in their place way
too easy. Just point out what weak morons they are, ever so sweetly,
and they are usually too stupid to know why everyone else starts
laughing at them.

Be warned, clique better be a nice one, the exception to the rule,
'cause mean people SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RFLMAO So, how do you like me so far ?????

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