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Topic: clarifying misconceptions
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 06/23/08 02:31 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Mon 06/23/08 02:33 PM

Some have said that Catholics go to confession because the priest is holy enough to talk to God.

wrong. they are as sinner as I am. I can talk with God myself, and I don't have any holliness.
They perform a rite. A simbolic representation of something that happens in the spiritual level.
God is the one who forgives not the priest.
For me in particular (I'm talking just for me and nobody else) most of the time confession for me is a release in which i can get insight in some issues that i have to deal with. And the priest has some more experience and he can suggest ideas from a different perspective.
Furthermore, it's free no like therapists or psychiatrics.
If you are going to argue about why we need the rite. My answer is quite simple. I'm a catholic, and you are not, so it shouldn't bother u at all. U shouldn't even care about the rite.

You call them "Father". Now one thing that scares be about the Catholic religion is the fact that all of these priests choose to be abstinent in their sexually. Some of them begin to lose their control and molest children of the church. This is what I have seen out of Catholicism. My question is, will you please shed some light on these areas so that I can understand? I mean priest will refrain sexually and then go and have a cigarette. lol I just do not get it.

We are all humans you have your flaws as well.
The facts they are priest does not make them out of this world or saints. They are still sinners or have their flaws.
So if we are going to be judging them for their flaws I think that it would be more of my convenience criticize myself and correct my own flaws instead of losing time criticizing others.
SOme priests have committed atrocities such molesting kids, but not all of them. SO if I'm going to base my judgment of the whole catholic church for a few sick people. Well I would be more lost than Santa Claus in july.
It's very easy to criticize one side of things and remain ignorant of the whole.
These sick priests must be dealing with all the guilt of their sickness, but that is between them and God.
And ofcourse these priests deserve to be prosecuted and go to jail for their sickness.

I call priests "fathers" because that is the role they have in their communities. Educate and love their people as a father would do with their children. That is very simple to grab, so I won't go further with it.

I hope it helps.


Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:57 PM

Some have said that Catholics go to confession because the priest is holy enough to talk to God.

wrong. they are as sinner as I am. I can talk with God myself, and I don't have any holliness.
They perform a rite. A simbolic representation of something that happens in the spiritual level.
God is the one who forgives not the priest.
For me in particular (I'm talking just for me and nobody else) most of the time confession for me is a release in which i can get insight in some issues that i have to deal with. And the priest has some more experience and he can suggest ideas from a different perspective.
Furthermore, it's free no like therapists or psychiatrics.
If you are going to argue about why we need the rite. My answer is quite simple. I'm a catholic, and you are not, so it shouldn't bother u at all. U shouldn't even care about the rite.

You call them "Father". Now one thing that scares be about the Catholic religion is the fact that all of these priests choose to be abstinent in their sexually. Some of them begin to lose their control and molest children of the church. This is what I have seen out of Catholicism. My question is, will you please shed some light on these areas so that I can understand? I mean priest will refrain sexually and then go and have a cigarette. lol I just do not get it.

We are all humans you have your flaws as well.
The facts they are priest does not make them out of this world or saints. They are still sinners or have their flaws.
So if we are going to be judging them for their flaws I think that it would be more of my convenience criticize myself and correct my own flaws instead of losing time criticizing others.
SOme priests have committed atrocities such molesting kids, but not all of them. SO if I'm going to base my judgment of the whole catholic church for a few sick people. Well I would be more lost than Santa Claus in july.
It's very easy to criticize one side of things and remain ignorant of the whole.
These sick priests must be dealing with all the guilt of their sickness, but that is between them and God.
And ofcourse these priests deserve to be prosecuted and go to jail for their sickness.

I call priests "fathers" because that is the role they have in their communities. Educate and love their people as a father would do with their children. That is very simple to grab, so I won't go further with it.

I hope it helps.


drinker drinker

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/23/08 05:00 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Mon 06/23/08 05:04 PM


." A careful read of these passages ??


a ""careful read"" by whom? one with a preconceived bias? One who want's to prove their ignorence? one who listen's to man instead of their common sense? A ""careful read"" of paul's statement's leads to nothing more than that paul saying that it is "better" that man not marry if he is to serve god - it was never intended to be made a "law" for the ""entire clergy""!!

i'm sure you would believe that the "pope" is the mouth piece for god / christ in all matter's also. your ignorence is comical.:smile:

At least I know how to spell ignorance!
Or at least use a spell checker!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Now go play with your wiki-board or look for UFO's!
Your intelligence is benign!

tribo's photo
Mon 06/23/08 05:43 PM


." A careful read of these passages ??


a ""careful read"" by whom? one with a preconceived bias? One who want's to prove their ignorence? one who listen's to man instead of their common sense? A ""careful read"" of paul's statement's leads to nothing more than that paul saying that it is "better" that man not marry if he is to serve god - it was never intended to be made a "law" for the ""entire clergy""!!

i'm sure you would believe that the "pope" is the mouth piece for god / christ in all matter's also. your ignorence is comical.:smile:

At least I know how to spell ignorance!
Or at least use a spell checker!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Now go play with your wiki-board or look for UFO's!
Your intelligence is benign!

fanta - i would rather mispell a word unintentionally, or in haste than "pretend" by using a "spell checker" that i'm more intelligent than i really am by having to use such contrivence. And it's not "wiki" board" - it's "ouija board". As to "UFO's" - i can only take that to mean - U.nidentifiable F.anta O.ratory

Amathyst2's photo
Mon 06/23/08 11:57 PM
Thank you for explaining a few things to me TLW. I'm not judging at all. I just wanted a perspective from someone who may be more knowledgable about Catholicism than I am.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 06/24/08 09:17 AM

Thank you for explaining a few things to me TLW. I'm not judging at all. I just wanted a perspective from someone who may be more knowledgable about Catholicism than I am.

your welcome.flowerforyou

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