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Topic: havin' fun......
No1sLove's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:34 PM

oohhh .....

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile smooched love
Again? I don't know...you know I have a LONG HARD day tomorrow. Or that's what you promised anyway. :wink: :wink: bigsmile bigsmile
would you get in bed im logging off
In a jiffy pop! smooched smooched smooched

Night Johnboy! devil devil

TheShadow's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:44 PM

what do you think about 2 people being in the same house playin on JSH.
if both are on seperate computers and havin fun is this wrong...

i'd say the 12 step program is needed
Good idea...it's bout 12 steps to the bedroom. love

You hear that Wolf...no cyber tonight...we're on the 12 step program now! smooched

No thats called the 13th step LMAO

DebbieJT's photo
Thu 06/12/08 11:53 PM

what do you think about 2 people being in the same house playin on JSH.
if both are on seperate computers and havin fun is this wrong...
im sure i could think of better things to do lol

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:21 AM

what do you think about 2 people being in the same house playin on JSH.
if both are on seperate computers and havin fun is this wrong...

I don't see a problem. With 8 computers here, there's bound to be someone else on at least one of them. The only real downside is that I only have 16 static IP addresses and ran out of wall jacks long ago. laugh laugh laugh

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