Topic: Convicted Sex Offenders...
joshua2727's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:08 AM
like most ppl have said alot of ppl have gotten the title for a child molester themselves there is no rehabilitation for that theyre sick and will always be sick...look how many have been to prison multipul times for our children and make them well known....they gave up their rights when they descided to harm a child

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:09 AM

well i will go one step further

i do not think they should be released from prison

child molestation breeds child molestation

those molested have a higher chance of becoming molesters

thus lets stop the spread by keeping the convicted out of the public domain

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I agree in so far in the case of repeat offenders (although I tend to believe in penal colonies more than prison). But you HAVE to give a person a chance to reform first. And especially in the case of a teenager being prosecuted by his girlfriends parents, you HAVE to give them the chance to show that they are not a danger to society. As I said, there are very few in the end who will repeat their offenses, so you can not punish them for what the few bad ones do.

maybe maybe not

that teen was more than likely molested

and those that the teen molests are likely to molest another

and i said kept from the public domain

i did not say how they should be isolated from the public

if you give them a chance to prove there reform then you risk the spread of the crime to others

sorry you hurt the kid ya should be gone from society

no second chances

if you want a second chance then set up a place for them to interact within there own community and families that agree to be there

and still this puts children at risk and still it is a bad thing
some special kind of controls need to be implemented here as well

it is not an easy fix but society is not the one that is broken

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:13 AM

well i will go one step further

i do not think they should be released from prison

child molestation breeds child molestation

those molested have a higher chance of becoming molesters

thus lets stop the spread by keeping the convicted out of the public domain

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I agree in so far in the case of repeat offenders (although I tend to believe in penal colonies more than prison). But you HAVE to give a person a chance to reform first. And especially in the case of a teenager being prosecuted by his girlfriends parents, you HAVE to give them the chance to show that they are not a danger to society. As I said, there are very few in the end who will repeat their offenses, so you can not punish them for what the few bad ones do.

maybe maybe not

that teen was more than likely molested

and those that the teen molests are likely to molest another

and i said kept from the public domain

i did not say how they should be isolated from the public

if you give them a chance to prove there reform then you risk the spread of the crime to others

sorry you hurt the kid ya should be gone from society

no second chances

if you want a second chance then set up a place for them to interact within there own community and families that agree to be there

and still this puts children at risk and still it is a bad thing
some special kind of controls need to be implemented here as well

it is not an easy fix but society is not the one that is broken

I think I misunderstood what you said here. Did you mean that the 18 tear old who sleeps with the 17 year old by choice on both sides (teenager who sleeps with his girlfriend), was probably molested as a child?

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:18 AM

well i will go one step further

i do not think they should be released from prison

child molestation breeds child molestation

those molested have a higher chance of becoming molesters

thus lets stop the spread by keeping the convicted out of the public domain

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I agree in so far in the case of repeat offenders (although I tend to believe in penal colonies more than prison). But you HAVE to give a person a chance to reform first. And especially in the case of a teenager being prosecuted by his girlfriends parents, you HAVE to give them the chance to show that they are not a danger to society. As I said, there are very few in the end who will repeat their offenses, so you can not punish them for what the few bad ones do.

maybe maybe not

that teen was more than likely molested

and those that the teen molests are likely to molest another

and i said kept from the public domain

i did not say how they should be isolated from the public

if you give them a chance to prove there reform then you risk the spread of the crime to others

sorry you hurt the kid ya should be gone from society

no second chances

if you want a second chance then set up a place for them to interact within there own community and families that agree to be there

and still this puts children at risk and still it is a bad thing
some special kind of controls need to be implemented here as well

it is not an easy fix but society is not the one that is broken

I think I misunderstood what you said here. Did you mean that the 18 tear old who sleeps with the 17 year old by choice on both sides (teenager who sleeps with his girlfriend), was probably molested as a child?

do your homework that is not considered a sex offender

(at least in ohio there has to be more than 3 years difference in age and the age of consent is 16)

but if it is then hey law is law and if they break it they break it

daniel48706's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:42 AM

well i will go one step further

i do not think they should be released from prison

child molestation breeds child molestation

those molested have a higher chance of becoming molesters

thus lets stop the spread by keeping the convicted out of the public domain

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I agree in so far in the case of repeat offenders (although I tend to believe in penal colonies more than prison). But you HAVE to give a person a chance to reform first. And especially in the case of a teenager being prosecuted by his girlfriends parents, you HAVE to give them the chance to show that they are not a danger to society. As I said, there are very few in the end who will repeat their offenses, so you can not punish them for what the few bad ones do.

maybe maybe not

that teen was more than likely molested

and those that the teen molests are likely to molest another

and i said kept from the public domain

i did not say how they should be isolated from the public

if you give them a chance to prove there reform then you risk the spread of the crime to others

sorry you hurt the kid ya should be gone from society

no second chances

if you want a second chance then set up a place for them to interact within there own community and families that agree to be there

and still this puts children at risk and still it is a bad thing
some special kind of controls need to be implemented here as well

it is not an easy fix but society is not the one that is broken

I think I misunderstood what you said here. Did you mean that the 18 tear old who sleeps with the 17 year old by choice on both sides (teenager who sleeps with his girlfriend), was probably molested as a child?

do your homework that is not considered a sex offender

(at least in ohio there has to be more than 3 years difference in age and the age of consent is 16)

but if it is then hey law is law and if they break it they break it

Sorry I will never agree with a one year age difference (or even three year age difference) being a sex crime, not when both parties are at the least in high school.If the two people involved could conceiveably have been a freshman and a senior in high school at the same time, then I do not think it is a crime. Every reasonable adult out there knows, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop a fifteen year old from having sex if they choose to, no matter what the law states. And for the 18 y/o man to be so heavily punished, and nothing happen to the 15 y/o is nothing other than pure abuse. This is why so many states are changing the laws to where only the da's office can prosecute for "statutory" rape., not the parents.

adj4u's photo
Mon 06/16/08 10:20 AM

well i will go one step further

i do not think they should be released from prison

child molestation breeds child molestation

those molested have a higher chance of becoming molesters

thus lets stop the spread by keeping the convicted out of the public domain

just a thought

but hey what do i know

I agree in so far in the case of repeat offenders (although I tend to believe in penal colonies more than prison). But you HAVE to give a person a chance to reform first. And especially in the case of a teenager being prosecuted by his girlfriends parents, you HAVE to give them the chance to show that they are not a danger to society. As I said, there are very few in the end who will repeat their offenses, so you can not punish them for what the few bad ones do.

maybe maybe not

that teen was more than likely molested

and those that the teen molests are likely to molest another

and i said kept from the public domain

i did not say how they should be isolated from the public

if you give them a chance to prove there reform then you risk the spread of the crime to others

sorry you hurt the kid ya should be gone from society

no second chances

if you want a second chance then set up a place for them to interact within there own community and families that agree to be there

and still this puts children at risk and still it is a bad thing
some special kind of controls need to be implemented here as well

it is not an easy fix but society is not the one that is broken

I think I misunderstood what you said here. Did you mean that the 18 tear old who sleeps with the 17 year old by choice on both sides (teenager who sleeps with his girlfriend), was probably molested as a child?

do your homework that is not considered a sex offender

(at least in ohio there has to be more than 3 years difference in age and the age of consent is 16)

but if it is then hey law is law and if they break it they break it

Sorry I will never agree with a one year age difference (or even three year age difference) being a sex crime, not when both parties are at the least in high school.If the two people involved could conceiveably have been a freshman and a senior in high school at the same time, then I do not think it is a crime. Every reasonable adult out there knows, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop a fifteen year old from having sex if they choose to, no matter what the law states. And for the 18 y/o man to be so heavily punished, and nothing happen to the 15 y/o is nothing other than pure abuse. This is why so many states are changing the laws to where only the da's office can prosecute for "statutory" rape., not the parents.

learn the law

it is not statutory rape

if she is 16 and there is less than 3 yrs age difference

if one is 17 and the other 25 then it is

but lets look at another issue that is related -----

if a child can be tried as an adult then why cant that child also appeal to the court in such a case an prove they are mature enough to make these decisions

the govt wants a double standard (surprize surprize not)

either a minor is a minor or they are not is not so in todays society all circumstances have been opened up for interpretations

and the maturity level is not changed by age it is changed by life experience

and i agree that a small age difference is relative to the issue
i have seen many times the younger of a 3 year age difference to be the more mature between the two

so yes it is relative and should be considered in the event

LouLou2's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:37 PM
I'm not convinced that a sex offender can be reformed. I'm not sure on statistics, but imagine the incidence of true reform is very low compared to that of repeat offense. SWo how does a society adequately protect itself, particularly it's children, from such a person?

I'm not sure, but I don't think releasing such a person back into society after a designated time period is the answer. The death penalty is abhorrent to me. It's a difficult call to make, but I lean more toward some type of permanent incarceration. Particularly when involving children, a sex offenders actions destroy many of the same ways as murder does. What price will pay the debt to society for that type of crime? I don't claim to know the answer to that...

Jim519's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:45 PM

Once released from prison, should be mandated to post a sign in their yard or on their door letting everyone know a sex offender lives there.

Just like Ron White said..."Because I no longer care about your rights"

Bull f'in ****.
As far as I am concerned their legal rights and libirties are already being denied as it is. By the letter of the law, when someone is sent to prison, they are sent for rehabilitation purposes as well. And when they are released they are deemed to have served their punishment and are thus rehabilitated.
A person that shopl;ifts and is sentenced to jail, does their time and then is released anddoes nt have to register or anything. Because they are considered rehabilitated. So to force anyone else who has been released from prison, no matter what their offense is, to register with the public or whatever, is absolute bull****. It is already a matter of public record that they were arrested, charged and sentenced. To follow them the rest of their lives is tatamount to harrasment and prejudice.

Now, don't get me wrong. I agree with registration, just not public availability to that list. Police, school, churches etc, anywhere kids are at should have access for background screening purposes. Police, in case something happens in the area the person is living, can immediately check them out and either arrest or cross them out as the case may be.

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. At least I wont call yours bullsh1t. I am a little more mature than that...

But IMO, I have the "right" to know as a parent to protect my child. Being in prison does not mean they got better. That is a sickness, not a bad habit of stealing something. Sex offenders are a flat out menace to society and should be exposed to every fashion possible to protect the innocent.

yes you have the right to open your eyes and ears and pay attention in the first place when the person first gets sentenced. That is your notice form society that this person is there. It is now your responsibility to retain this information that you were given publicly for the future; especially considering you know he WILL be released some day.

And I am sorry but anything that removes the rights and liberties of another human being, once they are no longer in the penal system is bullchit. You, nor I, nor anyone else has the right to condemn a man to a life of ridicule, shame and discrimination. Only the law has that right. Which, as I said the law should have a registry of all offenders, because some of them WILL repeat yes (and as far as I am concerned second offense should mean automatic removal from society for life). But the majority of offenders from what I have read over the years and seen on the news do NOT repeat. It is just like any other situation; one bad apple ruins it for the rest. In other words, you have 5000 offenders, and ten of them repeat the crime after they are released. All of a sudden the other 4990 offenders are automatic repeat offenders, even though they have not done so, and probably wont do so. And people wonder why so many offenders do NT register after they have gotten out; or they register, and then move away without changing their information. It's becasue they want to simply live their life the way they have a right to do so, without the harrasment and persecution they otherwise face.

This is where I disagree....As an honest citizen I have EVERY right to know in regards to protecting my family...If convicted..YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHTS! Your a scumbag! Simple as that....If you dont want to do the time, dont do the crime...And the time will follow you forever outside of the "pen"...

Your sources dont sound solid, more of an opinion then actual stats.....

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:04 PM

like most ppl have said alot of ppl have gotten the title for a child molester themselves there is no rehabilitation for that theyre sick and will always be sick...look how many have been to prison multipul times for our children and make them well known....they gave up their rights when they descided to harm a child

How many of those prison's actually have a rehabilitation program? Not many institutions rehabilitate for certain offenses, there aren't any programs that one can attend in most prison's that address such an issue.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:14 PM
Well I am glad some have some sence on here.

Do you really think the laws that have come through for sex offenders (making them almost non human) is in our best interest?

Do you know what our own Govt. Rescidism rate for sex offenders released fro jail is?

Take a guess those who want to make them out the Jew Devil to everyone as Hitler did...

The same exact tactic was used.

now what is the REAL rate of a sex offender after release of committing a sex crime is?

I am curious what everyone thinks it is.. Thanks Mies

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:28 PM
How many people realize The Supreme Court has a case before them now whether people convicted of raping children may be executed.drinker

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:30 PM
That is in Missouri also

Fanta46's photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:32 PM
In addition to the guns case, the justices are still weighing whether Exxon Mobil Corp. has to pay a $2.5 billion punitive damages judgment over the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska in 1989 and whether people convicted of raping children may be executed.

Also awaiting a decision is the case of a man sentenced to death in Louisiana after he was convicted of raping his 8-year-old stepdaughter. Only five states — Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas are the others — allow executions for the rape of a child, but only Louisiana has imposed death sentences on people convicted of the crime.

The Supreme Court banned executions for rape in 1977 in a case in which the victim was an adult woman. The last executions for rape or any other crime that did not include a victim's death were in 1964.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:45 PM
then theres the kids who cry rape when thier parents try to disapline them..... how many of these people are guilty of nothing more than trying to make an unruly kid behave? the answer might suprise many of you. once your accused of such a crime, there is little hope of a fair trial unless you are able to pay for a damn good attorney. i dont know about everywhere else but it happens all the time around here.

Pete026's photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:46 PM

hell, they should have to wear shirts that say it

sick f'kers noway

They should be branded on the forehead and castrated.

But noooooooo, thay have "human rights" grumble grumble grumble

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:47 PM
For those who just might be interested in the Govt. own studies on the resdism rate of release sex offenders..

It is a whopping 3.2% just barely above whether a murder will murder again..

I like murderes living beside me and not knowing..

Don't u?

Jim519's photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:53 PM
drinker drinker They should have no rights!!

hell, they should have to wear shirts that say it

sick f'kers noway

They should be branded on the forehead and castrated.

But noooooooo, thay have "human rights" grumble grumble grumble

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:55 PM

I have a friend who was the Best Grade School princible you would ever run across.

The news showed him having his head shaved if the students would have a certain grade point average at the end of the year.

They had it on the main news around here what a great princible he was..

2 years later..

A 4th grade girl was dared to say he touched her.

he was immediately relived of his job.. Was on the news constantly..

3 months later the girl finally admitted she did it as a dare she did not want her friends mad at her if she told the truth.

his career though was ruined. They settled out of court because the school district said 2 many parents said they would pull thier kids from that school if he went back..

never mind he did nothing wrong.

just be accussed and our news media has made u guilty.

I do not even know where he lives now.

They said he probally could never be allowed to work with children again.

being innoccent meant absolutely nothing..

how sadsad frown

Jim519's photo
Mon 06/16/08 05:58 PM


I have a friend who was the Best Grade School princible you would ever run across.

The news showed him having his head shaved if the students would have a certain grade point average at the end of the year.

They had it on the main news around here what a great princible he was..

2 years later..

A 4th grade girl was dared to say he touched her.

he was immediately relived of his job.. Was on the news constantly..

3 months later the girl finally admitted she did it as a dare she did not want her friends mad at her if she told the truth.

his career though was ruined. They settled out of court because the school district said 2 many parents said they would pull thier kids from that school if he went back..

never mind he did nothing wrong.

just be accussed and our news media has made u guilty.

I do not even know where he lives now.

They said he probally could never be allowed to work with children again.

being innoccent meant absolutely nothing..

how sadsad frown

But what if it were true?

What about those that say they were raped and the guy gets away with it when he actually did? noway

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:18 PM

Do you know your children on a regular basis are taken into the school counselers office and asked about home life.

They ask if thier parents do drugs that they should tell them that they will get them help.

Knowing full well that the child will be taken away from the parents if it is true.

Where is the help they promiced that poor child?

Do you think they had any idea that they would get to live possibly in a foster care home the rest of thier school years?

The point is where does this stop?

What happened to innocent untill proven guilty?

What happened to we the people?

Think about this because it happens in Mo. all the time and i know it does in Ill.

A city council, our state reps., our gov. all can impose any law on you they want at any time wiith u having nothing at all to say about it.

here is an example and this you may very well realize u have seen this.

It is not portrayed as nothing but govt. doing what is best for the people.

We are 2 stupid to know what is best for us.

Smoking laws.

How many of you have seen city councils state reps or a Gov. say smoking is over?

Cities who just say it is illegal now to smoke in any public building.

The Gov. of ILL even though the state leg. was against it decided and it went into law this year.

No smoking in any public building of any kind in the state.

We the people is gone.

The city of columbia Mo did this and it started Jan 1st 2007.

Bars started going out of business. Restruants profits were down.

In dec 2007 the city council says we are having problems funding our projects. Tax revenue is down 40%.

They are still trying to figure out what to do because see now the non smokers are upset because they want to raise taxes to make up for it.

When we as a people let a select few decide what is best for us and take away our rights and twist the laws to mean what they want them to.

We are headed for disaster. Sound like communism?

I wonder what the definition is?

No battles for control of the people comes over night.

It is a planned process to where the enemy sneaks in and you think they are one of you.

how many things can anyone here think of that has sneaked in silently that the people had no control over in the last 20 years?

How many?