Topic: Two questions for Chrstians | |
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Sun 06/15/08 04:47 PM
guy's : hmmm don't you get it? it's not just the christian religion thats a sham - its "ALL" organized religions that are made farces.If man has had a hand in it it is not to be trusted. there is no organized religion i will ever accept as "the truth" there are no words in books or spoken that if man has put them forth as "ultimate truths" that are worth my or anyones time. The only "truths" that exsist are self evident, they need no defense, they need no one to believe them - they could give a crap less if anyone even cares about them - "they just are" - "natural truth's" are all i can or will believe "ever". Everything else is a spiritual and mental meatmarket of proverbial canard's. I definately get it, the thing is though since Christianity is "in power" as a widespread religion it is the only one that has members attacking my religious or spiritual beliefs, or my right to choose my own spiritual path without being psychologically bludgeoned with threats of hell. I also believe it is the only faith that has taken so many terms and twisted them to it's view such as in the Christian holidays thread. ok BB - so? What are you and me and the other's trying to do ((outside of abra who is trying to destroy monotheism)), What will i, you or other's accomplish here? Are we vain enough to think we will save somebody from the ""boogy god's""?? That we have "the truth"?? i don't - i think i only have truth's that work for me and hopefully some others will also find this out on their own with - "SHORT" but wise counsel, not what we've been doing here with multiple page discussons that prove nothing more that all of our ignorance. I for one don't believe you can know anything of god's or spiritualities until you know yourself first, all else will evolve from that point as to what is "truth". And there is very little to be found ![]() seek ye first the kingdom of "self knowledge" ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 06/15/08 05:06 PM
ok BB - so? What are you and me and the other's trying to do ((outside of abra who is trying to destroy monotheism)), What will i, you or other's accomplish here? Are we vain enough to think we will save somebody from the ""boogy god's""?? That we have "the truth"?? i don't - i think i only have truth's that work for me and hopefully some others will also find this out on their own with - "SHORT" but wise counsel, not what we've been doing here with multiple page discussons that prove nothing more that all of our ignorance. I for one don't believe you can know anything of god's or spiritualities until you know yourself first, all else will evolve from that point as to what is "truth". And there is very little to be found ![]() seek ye first the kingdom of "self knowledge" ![]() ![]() I don't know originally I was here discussing thoughts, because I find religion, theology, and philosphy interesting. When it became clear even these discussions are not feasably possible due to "christian" trollers I was seeking to explain froma Christian point of view why the attacks are wrong. In this I have not succeeded because many embrace blind faith hatred, and will not accept that others have a right to their own views without harassment. You can simply not set a mind or spirit free, they can only do this for themselves. So what have I been doing? I've been learning more about interaction with explosive hostile personalities that refute reality, reject spiritualism, and use religion as a weapon. Will this lesson help me in any way? Perhaps so, because it has if nothing else shown me some of the more brutal methods used, and even made me look up a few scriptures that explain the situation for me within the bible if they are actually read. In addition to that I think that all of us Christians and non Christians alike have effectively shown for anyone reading the way that blind faith ridicules reality and the true following of religion. So far as my goal I was trying to show a couple of the hostile or delusional personalities the reality of their behavior, but it has become clear that the type of conflictual personalities that were represented here are not interested in true religion, spirituality, or reality. I believe my lesson was that although the reasonable type discusses, those infected with the sickness are so lost that even their own god can't get through to them. |
ok BB - so? What are you and me and the other's trying to do ((outside of abra who is trying to destroy monotheism)), What will i, you or other's accomplish here? Are we vain enough to think we will save somebody from the ""boogy god's""?? That we have "the truth"?? i don't - i think i only have truth's that work for me and hopefully some others will also find this out on their own with - "SHORT" but wise counsel, not what we've been doing here with multiple page discussons that prove nothing more than all of our ignorance. I for one don't believe you can know anything of god's or spiritualities until you know yourself first, all else will evolve from that point as to what is "truth". And there is very little to be found ![]() seek ye first the kingdom of "self knowledge" ![]() ![]() BlackBird: I don't know originally I was here discussing thoughts, because I find religion, theology, and philosphy interesting. When it became clear even these discussions are not feasibly possible due to "christian" trollers I was seeking to explain froma Christian point of view why the attacks are wrong. In this I have not succeeded because many embrace blind faith hatred, and will not accept that others have a right to their own views without harassment. You can simply not set a mind or spirit free, they can only do this for themselves. So what have I been doing? I've been learning more about interaction with explosive hostile personalities that refute reality, reject spiritualism, and use religion as a weapon. Will this lesson help me in any way? Perhaps so, because it has, if nothing else, shown me some of the more brutal methods used, and even made me look up a few scriptures that explain the situation for me within the bible if they are actually read. In addition to that I think that all of us Christians and non Christians alike have effectively shown for anyone reading the way that blind faith ridicules reality and the true following of religion. So far as my goal I was trying to show a couple of the hostile or delusional personalities the reality of their behavior, but it has become clear that the type of conflictual personalities that were represented here are not interested in true religion, spirituality, or reality. I believe my lesson was that although the reasonable type discusses, those infected with the sickness are so lost that even their own god can't get through to them. tribo: I understand what your saying and your frutrations, i feel much the same way- but this forum and maybe other's will not get you anywhere - i say other's because this is the first time i have engaged in a religious forum of any type outside of close personal friend's, who donot respond as hardly anyone here as to my belief's. Your a free spirit BB, do as you will but i believe your wasting your time as i have, but if it brings you some sort of pleasure be my guest. You know what your up against so carry on - my rittle gass hoppa, find your own enrightenment - ![]() |