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Topic: Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
Topsykretts's photo
Thu 06/12/08 03:35 AM
Is your glass half empty, or is it half full?

boneyjoe's photo
Thu 06/12/08 03:54 AM
if my glas was like my gass tank in my truck,,,,,,when it gets to a 1/2 tank,,,i always stop an fill it back up,,,,,,,,,,so if my drink is 1/2 gone,,,,,i need a refill,,,,so whats th difference

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 03:56 AM

Is your glass half empty, or is it half full?

its always just rightbigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 03:57 AM
50 % of both . drinker .

transientmind's photo
Thu 06/12/08 04:03 AM

Half full of air. Nobody appreciates air until it's gone or polluted.

I think the other half is pee.ohwell

transientmind's photo
Thu 06/12/08 04:03 AM

Half full of air. Nobody appreciates air until it's gone or polluted.

I think the other half is pee.ohwell

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 04:19 AM

Is your glass half empty, or is it half full?

I no longer settle for half full.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:06 AM
Usually an optimist, unless in a specific situation where past history or indicators tend to lean otherwise.

I tend to believe the best about people until they prove me wrong and always abide 'innocent until proven guilty'.

And it's amazing what some planning, teamwork and creative thinking can do in a situation that looks bleak.

Gotta have hope, man.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:08 AM

Is your glass half empty, or is it half full?

Just get a smaller glass.....problem solved bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:08 AM

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:09 AM
It's not 1/2 anything ...

I have passion for life to the full drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

"Don't be afraid your life will end, be concerned it never began" :wink:

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:21 AM
I am an optimistic pessimist

Lily0923's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:21 AM
My glass is half full, of cyonide.laugh laugh laugh

Lily0923's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:22 AM

I am an optimistic pessimist

I'm a pessimistic optimist...does that make us enemies or friends?

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:23 AM
it makes us 2 peas on the opposite end of a podlaugh

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:24 AM
ofcourse I will always be your friend

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:27 AM

It's not 1/2 anything ...

I have passion for life to the full drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

"Don't be afraid your life will end, be concerned it never began" :wink:

flowerforyou nice one....flowerforyou

beautiful quote and philosophy to live by...drinker

:heart: hello to everyone and love to all :heart:

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:28 AM
hi rapunzflowerforyou how have you been

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:31 AM
I try to be optimistic!! But other peoples emotions bring me down.........and Im tired.......I cant do it anymore!!ohwell

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:40 AM

hi rapunzflowerforyou how have you been

flowerforyou I've been well, Honey, thank you ... flowerforyou

drinker I have missed you , you are A Very BUSY GUY flowerforyou

flowerforyou I hope and pray that all is well with you flowerforyou

:heart: & with your family & friends God Bless You :heart:

drinker smokin drinker are you out of the service entirely now ??? drinker smokin drinker

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