Topic: How Would You React in a Crisis?
TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:24 AM
How Would You React in a Crisis?

If a disaster struck, would you run screaming for the hills or would you deal with the situation in a calm, composed manner? From earthquakes to bee stings to car mishaps, a crisis could happen anytime.

Myself, I feel as if I could deal with most things. By keeping as calm as needed to be.

When my kids were growing up and needed stitches ect.. I was the calm one and handled the situation.

My little sister broke her Neck about 12 years ago in a car wreck. I was the only one in the family that was able to calm her down before surgery.

So how do you react in a Crisis?

FaithfulOne78's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:25 AM
Im calm,cool,and collected in a crisis...runnin around freakin out is not gonna help a situation any!laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:26 AM

flame1cutie's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:26 AM
Calm. That's the only way to handle things.flowerforyou

Alterego1961's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:27 AM
I used to be a paramedic. You learn to stay calm during the crisis. Afterwards could be a little tough though. All those emotions you keep bottled up from the job need to go somewhere eventually.... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:28 AM
I would be the panic OMG the sky is falling kinda guy that needs to be bltched slapped to calm me down

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:29 AM
I would like to say I was calm......but the first time my son had a bleeding nose I ran around the house in circles trying to figure out what to do at the time and my son just sat there calm as can be....laugh laugh laugh

Beavis31's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:30 AM
i always thought i would help anyone... but i had someone passout in front of me once..and i froze... i know cpr but for a moment i froze til other ppl came in than i was fine.... so you never know

karmafury's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:31 AM
Well so far on the job I've been through a major ice storm, a few fires, couple of suicides, discovery of a murder victim and I lost count of how many injured people. Have gone through each without panic.

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:31 AM
Edited by MyrtleBeachDude on Mon 06/09/08 10:33 AM
And never drink a 5th of George Dic-kle as a hurricane approaches. You feel that you can take on the world then fast forward 12 hours later and you find yourself huddled in a corner with your best friend watching everything blowing down the street.

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:31 AM
I know with my military training I wouldnt run, but not sure how calm I would be, it would depend on the situation!!!

lilith401's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:34 AM
I find I tend to be quite clinical and detached in order to do what I need to do, and place my emotions on a backburner to deal with afterwards.

I am the family "window".... people use me for ventilation. :wink: I hope that means I'm good in a crisis.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:35 AM

I used to be a paramedic. You learn to stay calm during the crisis. Afterwards could be a little tough though. All those emotions you keep bottled up from the job need to go somewhere eventually.... flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

So true after my sister went into surgery I broke down for fear of what was next for her in life.

We were lucky she came through with flying colors you would never know she had broke her neck.noway

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:35 AM

I would like to say I was calm......but the first time my son had a bleeding nose I ran around the house in circles trying to figure out what to do at the time and my son just sat there calm as can be....laugh laugh laugh

Ohhhhh too funny I have that visual laugh laugh laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:37 AM

I would be the panic OMG the sky is falling kinda guy that needs to be bltched slapped to calm me down

Lmao, I have seen those kind and believe me those kind you just sit in the corner and tell them not to move lolnoway laugh laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:38 AM

Well so far on the job I've been through a major ice storm, a few fires, couple of suicides, discovery of a murder victim and I lost count of how many injured people. Have gone through each without panic.

Awwww but I do hope these are things you normally come in contact with due to your job.noway

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:39 AM

I find I tend to be quite clinical and detached in order to do what I need to do, and place my emotions on a backburner to deal with afterwards.

I am the family "window".... people use me for ventilation. :wink: I hope that means I'm good in a crisis.

Not only most likely good in crisis but also one that others trust.flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:45 AM
Thank you for saying so, TxsGal. flowerforyou

exit56's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:51 AM
Edited by exit56 on Mon 06/09/08 10:52 AM
one night close to midnight,my wife was driving and i was sleeping,a car almost sideswiped her,i woke and saw the car swerving,dozed back off.
2 minutes later the wife sounds out "there he goes" as i looked up i see the headlights of the car that almost sideswiped us pointing at us then going straight up into the air.she pulled over and i jumped out before she stopped moving,ran down the embankment.jumped into the water and opened the door to the car,which is now upside down, climbed inside and felt around.i grabbed a leg,he's in the back seat,tried opening the back door,its locked,reach in unlock the dooor,grab the man and pull him out.pulled him to the shoreline and tried to clear the sticks from his response but a gasp every 10 seconds or so.after 3 minutes of this, then EMS showed up and i walked up to the road and turned around and realized what had happened.thats when i felt the temp of 35 degrees,i was soaking they pulled the car out of the water i was hoping that there was noone else in the car.
he survived but is paralized from the waist down.this happened in january of 1995.