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Topic: If your spouse or gf/bf....
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Sun 06/08/08 12:42 PM
I was supposed to go looking for them??


Alterego1961's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:50 PM
I'd be looking for them until all hope was lost. Probably for much longer than they would on the soap. I couldn't "seek physical comfort" just because I was lonely. I would have to be able to let go first and then find someone else I could love unconditionally. Just the way I am. flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:00 PM

were missing..being looked for but no sign of them anywhere..How long would it take you to move on and/or seek PHYSICAL comfort from other sources..Ok I know this is a weird question but I watch Soap Operas and this is going on on one of them. laugh

Too many variables. In one case, I might easily be considered a murder suspect, and in another, I might be grateful they disappeared, finally! If there was no explaination and relatives didn't know where they were, I'd be inclined to think something bad happened to them, and it would probably affect me much like the movie, "The vanishing". I wouldn't get movie rights though. laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:05 PM
as soon as they went missing!!!!laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:19 PM

If they just went missing? i'd be searching and worried about what happened...i'd be the one looking!

I agree w/Isaac.

Missing in what degree though? If "missing" on line .. geesh gimme til next roll of my thread. laugh

If 'missing' in r/l ... I wouldn't stop trying to find them..evahhh

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sun 06/08/08 06:09 PM

If they just went missing? i'd be searching and worried about what happened...i'd be the one looking!

I agree w/Isaac.

Missing in what degree though? If "missing" on line..geesh gimme til next roll of my thread. laugh

If 'missing' in r/l ... I wouldn't stop trying to find them..evahhh

Missing as in kidnapped and thrown down a hole in the ground for a month before they were found..Yup!..I'm still talkin bout my shows.laugh

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 07:31 PM
I assumed we were talking real time. As for partners "online"? I learned (the hard way) years ago - "it ain't real till its real", babe. frown

No1sLove's photo
Sun 06/08/08 07:39 PM
I had a friend lose her husband in a rafting accident...they all saw him go under and not surface...but never found the body after searching for 3 weeks. It was a heavily trafficked area that time of the year, so I would agree with her that within a couple of months there is no hope.

Given different circumstances, over a wider search area or lost in the wilderness kind of thing...it would be hard for me to accept for years and years.

Lakeman's photo
Sun 06/08/08 07:56 PM
Like sand through the Hour glass...so goes the Days of Our Lives!!!

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