Topic: What was your first thought
no photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:56 AM
when you chose your nickname here?

SimplyElla's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:57 AM
short, sweet and truthful

ladyliz1417's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:57 AM
It's the same one I use on all my profiles.

lilangel2's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:57 AM
ima short angel and someone else beat me to it (2)

michiganman3's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:57 AM
Man, in Michigan. Numbers 1 and 2 already taken.laugh

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:58 AM

It's the same one I use on all my profiles.

Mine too...

IamMewhoRU's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:59 AM
Edited by IamMewhoRU on Sun 06/08/08 11:59 AM
um.....just the name just popped into my head and I said ....hey.....perfect.......

thanks...IamMeWhoRU? smokin

prettylady4's photo
Sun 06/08/08 11:59 AM
mine came from an previous boyfriend he always called me pretty lady i loved him alot 7 years was a long time hes in my memory always:wink: :smile:

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:01 PM
A friend, Tigerman, told me about this site and I just came on here to glance around, hence the LookinRound. I didn't really think I'd stay but I had to create a log in id.
By the time I got so involved in the forums I never bothered to go back and change it.
Certainly not my most creative effort to date!

Riding_Dubz's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:01 PM
i changed mine to many times i kindam iss my old name frown

TheShadow's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:01 PM

when you chose your nickname here?

People watcher. my name fits medrinker

auburngirl's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:06 PM
Auburn fan

DestinysDream's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:16 PM
I want to see my dreams realized and find the one person I will live with for the rest of my life.