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Topic: men and committment
dirtyblonde007's photo
Sat 06/07/08 01:37 PM

i dont like committment. and i have a vajajahappy

great point! some women are that way

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/07/08 01:46 PM

are men afraid of committment?

Ok, so I've been dating on here for a little while, and I've come to the conclusion that men are afraid of committment. They tell me they want a committment, and then when they get sex from me, they walk away, never to talk to me again? WTF? Even the one's that say they want a relationship really don't want one, or don't know what they want. So I'm asking if there is a guy out there that actually is not afraid of a relationship. I'm asking if there is a guy out there that can think out side there ****? hmmm? I don't know? I'm about ready to give up! Some one please prove me wrong!!

Ok what i'm about to say, you all need to understand this does happen and it's not me saying cmcook1114 is easydrinker

I read your post and to me it sounds like you give in to easy as for as giving them what they want, but what about you? Why not take your time with somone because it seems like you go from talking to them for a little bit to sleeping with them and they get what they want. Try not giving them what they want for a change and that alone will tell you if there going to stick around or not. The fact is that most men on this site or any are just looking for sex and then you have the few that are actually looking for somone and then you have the ones that just want friends. So why not Try being friends first and go from there...

Shadow (as well as all you guys), please try to understand something. A majority of women have lived within the illusion that somehow SEX and LOVE go hand in hand. We (as a whole) are led to believe that sex is a natural step in a relationship...and sometimes we fail to see that it may not be the "next step" but the final goal. And let's not forget that those "3 little words" can be powerful ammunition. Many of us long to hear someone profess their love for us...it's a natural human need to be needed, wanted and loved. We desire to be desired. We need to be needed. And the heart is a powerful thing. Many people have succombed to the ideas of their heart while their head was screaming "NOOOO!!!!"

I don't think the problem lies completely with the one being "used". While we all must shoudler some blame for the mishaps and mistakes in our lives...the "user" must carry the brunt of the fault. In all honestly, if you're really looking to just get a piece...there are plenty of people looking for the same thing. Cripe, any one of us could walk into our local bar and walk out with someone to please any physical desire. People who PREY on the lovelorn are PREDETORS...IMHO.

My advice...be a little more cautious. Don't be so quick to blindly believe the words that come out of someone's mouth. Actions speak louder, and a REAL relationship...based of LOVE, RESPECT and INTEGRITY will present itself differently than the men you've met in the past. Good things come to those who wait...

I undersatnd what you said and agree. it's learning how to take care of ourselves. I just think if a person goes from meeting you to having sex and moves on. Things went way to fast and i'm not the type that will jump in with both feet right off that bat. For those that feel sex and love go hand in hand, yes they do, but that as you said, you can lose yourself in that and end up being in that same pattern and if you don't learn how to brake from that and if you don't you'll never be happy with yourself. Question, well at least this is what i'm getting from you. Do you feel that way? that you need to have sex with the one your getting to know?

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 06/07/08 01:53 PM
Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

Kleisto's photo
Sat 06/07/08 01:57 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 06/07/08 01:57 PM

Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

Can see what you're saying, though I would argue when done slowly and with care, sex can be very intimate.

DestinysDream's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:02 PM

Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

Exactly! flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:06 PM

are men afraid of committment?

Ok, so I've been dating on here for a little while, and I've come to the conclusion that men are afraid of committment. They tell me they want a committment, and then when they get sex from me, they walk away, never to talk to me again? WTF? Even the one's that say they want a relationship really don't want one, or don't know what they want. So I'm asking if there is a guy out there that actually is not afraid of a relationship. I'm asking if there is a guy out there that can think out side there ****? hmmm? I don't know? I'm about ready to give up! Some one please prove me wrong!!

Did you seriously think that maybe these guys did not find in you what they wished for ?. For instance if a man has a high sex drive and a woman does not ; the relationship will not work ......etc .

TheShadow's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:08 PM

Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

You know and from first hand. I do believe you you do think sex is important and that alone is what people get lost in and thats why people end up getting hurt. They put that before anything else. I could prove this but I can't on the forum...

michiganman3's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:18 PM
I am not looking for commitment, a serious relationship,or sig. other. Just some casual dating, no not casual sex.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:21 PM

Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

You know and from first hand. I do believe you you do think sex is important and that alone is what people get lost in and thats why people end up getting hurt. They put that before anything else. I could prove this but I can't on the forum...

I could too. I could site instances where I thought that sex was in the expectations...and when there wasn't discertainable interest I was hurt...and didn't know how to express it. And because of that I might have lost a chance for happiness...

there are times when sex is important...very true. However, when getting to know someone I just think maybe it's better to put it on the back burner...for everyone's sake...


no photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:50 PM

Do I feel that way, no. To me sex is so unimportant...the act itself is less intimate than a myriad of things two people can do. A man that holds my hand and looks in my eyes seems much more passionate to me than some guy who can unzip his own pants. Seriously, I can get to the "big O" on my own...I don't really need anyone even in the vicinity of me! laugh Someone that holds my heart and knows my soul...someone that engages my mind and lets my spirit fly is so MUCH MORE...

You know and from first hand. I do believe you you do think sex is important and that alone is what people get lost in and thats why people end up getting hurt. They put that before anything else. I could prove this but I can't on the forum...

I could too. I could site instances where I thought that sex was in the expectations...and when there wasn't discertainable interest I was hurt...and didn't know how to express it. And because of that I might have lost a chance for happiness...

there are times when sex is important...very true. However, when getting to know someone I just think maybe it's better to put it on the back burner...for everyone's sake...


Good sex first and then everything will follow smoothly .
How do you honestly expect a horny man to think properly ?.
The stress of libido makes thinking unbearable ...
laugh laugh laugh .

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:51 PM
Never was , never will be!!

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