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Topic: 2007 NFL Draft......
redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 10:48 AM
Who do you want your team to draft in the 1st round???
And why???

I hope my 49ers get Dwayne Jarrett from USC. We REALLY need a WR to take
pressure off of Gore havin to run the ball ALL the time.

no photo
Fri 02/16/07 11:46 AM
Dolphins - How about a QB that will turn into another Marino! Enough of
this QB crap we have had.

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 02:41 PM
Too bad they couldn't trade up for #1 and get Jamarcus Russell! I really
want the 49ers to get Calvin Johnson, but at #11, it's kinda

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 03:08 PM
Also, we need DEFENSE badly!!! So, we'll probably get that CB from
Michigan if he's there, just to cover the other side since Walt Harris
is Pro Bowl material as a 49er!

happy happy happy happy

Sluggo's photo
Sun 02/18/07 12:34 PM
Adrian Peterson on the Vikings with that offensive line would be pretty
damn nice: A Dome power run offense (Bush could fit the bill too, but
they might be able to get him in the 2nd round)... Calvin Johnson would
be nice too, since we don't have a #1 Receiver...

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 12:40 PM
I honestly think Calvin Johnson would help ANY team, except of course
the Raiders and Lions.

Sluggo's photo
Sun 02/18/07 01:01 PM
Johnson already clocked a 4.33 40 yd dash and 43 or 45 inch vertical
jump (depending on which site you believe) those are numbers compareable
to Randy Moss (except Johnson has the demeanor & work ethic of Marvin
Harrison).....You think he could help any team? laugh laugh

Calvin Johnson "WILL" end up on the Bucs though at #4.....

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 01:04 PM
I think this years draft class might even have more immediate impact
than last years. How bout you?

Sluggo's photo
Sun 02/18/07 01:18 PM
I'm not sure if I can buy into that one, look at this years top teams:

Colts - Josph Addai replaced the Edge and was a main part on getting the
team to the Super Bowl (and didn't do bad in the win eventhough Rhodes
had a slightly better game)

Bears - Devin Hester was the only thing offensively compensating for Rex
Grossmans ineptness! Without him the Bears wouldn't have been in the
Super Bowl

Saints - Colston & Bush (Do I even need to say anything here)?

Patriots - Marone was the better of the two Patriot RB's this season on
a Team that had an identity crisis at WR (until they killed my Vikings)

Kind of hard to "Beat" that kind of impact, don't you think Red?

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 01:27 PM
True, but look at the teams that absolutely sucked *ss last year. Just
like the Saints, (#2 in the draft last season) some team could find a
couple major parts that they need and go to the playoffs. I don't think
it'll happen for one team like it did with them, but some teams will
come out WAY better than they did last year.

redmange420's photo
Sun 02/18/07 01:27 PM
Better question, who do you think will benefit from the draft more?

Sluggo's photo
Sun 02/18/07 03:23 PM
Who knows....

mbailey1's photo
Mon 02/19/07 05:29 AM
I hope the 49ers take the DT from Michigan. Young is not getting any

no photo
Tue 02/20/07 03:27 PM
hey, i live in Houston the Texans think the draft is a beer

redmange420's photo
Tue 02/20/07 11:06 PM
The 49ers need a great, young DT, I DEFINITELY agree. We also need more
LB's too, and a go-to WR that's not gonna throw temper tantrums (ala
T.O. and Antonio Bryant) when we're not winnin the game. The Vikings
just need to draft somebody that will stay healthy, and I have NO IDEA
what the Texans are doin, besides hittin the bong rectally or somethin.
To pass on both Vince Young AND Reggie Bush was just plain stupid, no
other way to put it. Hopefully the Raiders, or more specificly Al Davis,
ain't that dumb too. But................ya never know. They need help
ALL over the field, but for them to pass on one of those offensive
playmakers that are there would be as bad as the Texan's f*ck up.

Sluggo's photo
Tue 02/20/07 11:49 PM
Actually I heard a rumor that the Texans & Broncos are trying to workout
a trade. The meat of the trade involves:

Broncos Give: Their #1 Pick, Tatum Bell & Jake Plummer

Texans Give: Their #1 Pick

Remember that Kubiac is the Head Coach of the Texans and he'd have the
Broncos Backfield from two seasons ago with Plummer, Bell &
Dayne...LoL...If it happens you heard it here 1st

redmange420's photo
Tue 02/20/07 11:56 PM
That damn sure wouldn't hurt their chances of winnin! What's gonna
happen with David Carr? I haven't heard anything except that they were
tryin to trade him, but don't know who's interested.

derfw3's photo
Wed 02/21/07 05:44 PM
I don't care who the Rams draft as long as it's a LB or a
D-lineman. That said, I'm hoping they can trade down and pick up an
extra pick in the 2nd or 3rd round and be able to draft Adam Carriker.
He'd be a nice compliment to Little and at 6'6" and 280-something he's a
bull to run against.

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/23/07 06:32 PM
I'm surprised the Rams didn't play Dominic Byrd very much last year, I
didn't hear if he was injured or not, but if he wasn't, that wasn't a
smart move for last year. I was pissed when I saw the Rams get him in
the draft last year, I wanted my 9ers to get him to get another good
offensive weapon, and he can block a HELLUVA lot better than Vernon
Davis's olayin a**. The Rams also need more help in the Safety spot,
Adam Archuleta leavin hurt their defense BAD.

derfw3's photo
Sat 02/24/07 10:34 AM
Actually our biggest need is either a 3 down lineman or a true MLB
(Patrick Willis comes to mind) who can help stop the run. Upgrading the
secondary is something to look at if someone falls into the 3rd round or
later (ala Jimmy Williams last year though I realize he fell into the
2nd not 3rd but for a projected high #1 pick that's a fall). Byrd had
some problems learning the offense that's why he didn't play quite as
much as some thought he would, but his blocking earned him his playing
time you're right about that. Losing Archuleta was sort of addition by
subtraction because as good as he was against the run he was atrocious
against the pass (a poor man's Roy Williams) and though his "in the box"
play was missed he couldn't stay healthy long enough to be a full time

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