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Topic: if you??
buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:15 PM
they did a lazer on my ex sisterinlaw.....

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Sun 05/25/08 06:18 PM

they did a lazer on my ex sisterinlaw.....

ive had it burnt out, cut out, they did everything they could, and they have said theres no more we can do for you unless i have a hysteretomy, or have pain meds. i chose pain meds, as i would like to try to have a baby

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:19 PM

had a illness like me called endometriosis, and it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, how soon would you tell a man that if he was interested in you??
:heart: right away, like others have said.
My daughter-in-law had that and was worried alot about it.
But now they have a daughter who just turned 4 and very beautiful...so you never know til that time,wink..
I wish you alot of luck and love your way....:heart: :smile:

thankyou so much flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:20 PM

did they try pegestrone? i was allergic to thatgrumble

i have the depot provera to stop my periods, because i would loose so much blood i was in hospital all the time on drips. so they had to stop them because it was getting dangerous.

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:21 PM
wow vicodin doesnt work for me at all pain is right through it!!!! trust me i tried it..... actually midol works better the heavy duty one i cant go without it... yea when i get insurance again ill have the lazer but will be the major one so i wont have a time of month anymore..... if i dont go through menopause firstlaugh laugh .... does birth control help it any?

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:22 PM

did they try pegestrone? i was allergic to thatgrumble

i have the depot provera to stop my periods, because i would loose so much blood i was in hospital all the time on drips. so they had to stop them because it was getting dangerous.
oh yea i know what ya mean..... one time i called hospitol thought i was hemoriging.... they made me take ambuliance to hospitol! i could not get a ride from my ma.... i was near the danger point but not there they told me....

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:22 PM
strange that some months are better than others....

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:23 PM

wow vicodin doesnt work for me at all pain is right through it!!!! trust me i tried it..... actually midol works better the heavy duty one i cant go without it... yea when i get insurance again ill have the lazer but will be the major one so i wont have a time of month anymore..... if i dont go through menopause firstlaugh laugh .... does birth control help it any?

the depot provera doesnt help much. i have demerol and df118 and indometacin for the pain, im seeing pain management soon and i think ive got to start injecting myself with demerol and ill have to go on morphine to.

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:23 PM
so soooo sorry you have to go through all that every month!!!! i hope when the time is right you will have a baby!flowerforyou flowerforyou

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:25 PM
yea i wish they gave me that.... so many yrs of pain im proned to pain pretty much now...... and when you do have a baby.... its not as bad as a time of the month.... cause the cramps let up to where you get straight pain for a couple of days on time of month

buttons's photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:26 PM
plus the cramps are no worse either...

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 06:27 PM

so soooo sorry you have to go through all that every month!!!! i hope when the time is right you will have a baby!flowerforyou flowerforyou

i get the pain everyday because of all the scar tissue and adhesions, and it has spread to my bowells and bladder. so every day is a battle.

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 09:29 PM

had a illness like me called endometriosis, and it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, how soon would you tell a man that if he was interested in you??

Honestly. If he really cares, he'll also understand how easy it is to physically hurt you, and have yet another reason to treat you like a queen.

unsure's photo
Sun 05/25/08 09:37 PM

had a illness like me called endometriosis, and it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, how soon would you tell a man that if he was interested in you??

I think this is something that you should talk about AFTER you meet and you know that you are interested in each other. I don't think you should have to tell every single guy you talk to, because you are not going to have a relationship with every one of them.
Never give up the faith that you can have a baby. When you feel the time is right for you, go and be tested!! Good luck flowerforyou

BlueskyJ's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:08 PM
Edited by BlueskyJ on Sun 05/25/08 10:10 PM

so soooo sorry you have to go through all that every month!!!! i hope when the time is right you will have a baby!flowerforyou flowerforyou

i get the pain everyday because of all the scar tissue and adhesions, and it has spread to my bowells and bladder. so every day is a battle.

First let me say how much i feel for you & hope the pain you are going through subsides....it cannot be easy....there is so much physically that you must deal with on a daily basis....it will take a strong man emotionally & mentally to provide you with love & support....you need to let the man know & understand what you are going through as soon as possible....especially if you feel there is a possiblility for an intimate connection.... i wish you the best & pray that the Lord will touch his healing love upon you....:smile:

no photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:12 PM

had a illness like me called endometriosis, and it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, how soon would you tell a man that if he was interested in you??

I would say not until you start getting serious.

wendynhouston's photo
Sun 05/25/08 11:06 PM

had a illness like me called endometriosis, and it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, how soon would you tell a man that if he was interested in you??

I would wait til after you meet in person and see where things go. I've made the mistake of spilling the beans too soon. I'm not saying lie to the guy if the conversation takes a turn towards medical issues or something like that, but there's a time and place for information to be shared.

My cousin has endometriosis. She's been married for 2-3 years now and has a beautiful baby boy. Not to say she hasn't had her share of heartbreaks. She went through two miscarriages and then Aiden was suppose to be a twin, but she miscarried one. Come November when her insurance will start covering the endometriosis, they are trying again for another one.

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