Topic: MAC and LION,,,CHEERS !
no photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:22 PM
My bro has met his bow, Mr Lion now suffers the big MAC ATTACK!
She came on here and found her mate, Mr. Lion was her Fate.
They fell in-love on Just-say-hi, OMG, I want to cry.
Two strangers who became best friends, let their love never end.
Miss Mac I say to you right here,you are loved and held so dear,
To sweep this dude off his feet, You have to be very sweet.
Paully it was quite a shock, damm you two must really, "rock"!
Denise and I wish you both the best, when you do go out west.
Love is very hard to fine, and even harder to trully define,
Your words to each other on the post, the shear love you boast.
We raise our glasses to the air, and give you two this toast.
As you start on this journey through life, and Mac becomes your
Beautiful wife,let no one stand in your way, love life everyday
make memories to last your whole life through.
Live each and everyday in peace, and love so true!

Good luck Mac and Paully, we love ya bunches,
"D" and me, and all here on the site! :heart: drinker

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:29 PM
drinker drinker Here Here lets give a cheer.
Congratulations you two. I have a feeling of joy as I see the Cannonball
Love hitting its mark. I think Cupid decided to bring in the heavy
artillery lately. Good Luck and may God Bless your Happiness.

flowerforyou glasses bigsmile


lionsbrew's photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:32 PM
i swear you all rock and i know when mac sees this she is going to want
to cry .it is really nice to have so many people who do truelly care
about one another.and im sure i speak for both of us when i say thanxs
for all the kind words and encouragement and may you and d keep
eachother happy and sane.....well almost sane through lifes great
journies and i am sure the happiness we are all feeling right now is
going to last.bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
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bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:37 PM
Lion,, I am so happy for you,,, Follow your heart my Dear and the Love
you too share will fill your Souls until the end of time Be happy and
live each day as if it were your last...
Hugs & Kisses to ya both.... Denise flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:39 PM
:heart: Hey Paully, man you have always been here for me and I you,,I do
trully hope that Mac and you have long love and long
We will share are pictures with each other on "our day"
when we both have had the honey moon, lol...drinker
You are trully the nicest young man I have met on here, and Mac is a
sweetheart who will love you true...:heart:
Never lose YOU, and never lose EACH-OTHER!!!!!!!:heart:

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 02/12/07 10:52 PM
ill always be here for you all too terry and i cant wait to send pics of
the weddings out as well as invites when we do pick a date so
happy to have mac in my life bro and you know i will cherish her always
and keep her words and emotions close to my heart she truelly makes the
day go by much easier and i love her with all my heart man......well im
off to bed, gnite you crazy kids and keep on keepin on

aleacim831's photo
Tue 02/13/07 04:57 AM
Awe ty Terry and Denise bigsmile It is always so nice to have people
that care about you. I'd expand on this more but the kids just woke up
so I'll have to later (((Terry and Denise))) love love love love
love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: love love love
love flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

karmafury's photo
Tue 02/13/07 05:10 AM
Well said and written Iam. Congrats again to Lion and Mac. You and
Denise also Terry.

no photo
Tue 02/13/07 05:51 AM
guess the cat's OFFICially outta the bag now eh lion?? laugh

Best wishes, GOD speed.. and MUCH :heart: you two!! (((MAC&LION))) I
COULDn't be happier for you both bigsmile flowerforyou

Tneal's photo
Tue 02/13/07 06:36 AM
Well this valentines day is going to rock LOL

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/13/07 07:35 AM
Ya said that Tneal lol Cupids arrow seems to be hitting pretty hard good
one there T. Best of wishes to you Lion & Mac just keep the dreams

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 02/13/07 12:17 PM
you all are so great to all make us feel like family and we
couldnt be happier to have all of you pulling for us happy happy
happy happy happy

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/13/07 12:20 PM
Pulling hell I better get an invite to this one lmao Houston is not that
far for me lmao bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 02/13/07 12:22 PM
of coarse you will and so are many others on this site who want
to come. i think of alot on here as family and would really enjoy if
they would come.and as soon as we have a date we will send out invites.

michael1313's photo
Tue 02/13/07 04:16 PM
and another two are found upon the pages of justsayhi!!!