Hello everyone ..nice to be with ya all. hope its not too hot were you are . For me a beautiful Seattle day, cloudy, sunny haze trying to drift through, cool-ish. I was told it would not be warming up here until July, I could do that..I tend to stay inside too much in the heat past 90. s |
Just muggy here, got 3.5" more of rain last nite.
Hi Don, Dave, Betty and Sadie
How is Sunday? |
Hi connie ,Sadie .DON AND EVERYONE
I.m not feeling so good today. I think the heat and humidity is really bothering me .Not use to it yet. |
Sunday has been busy for me so far.
Keeps me out of trouble, though. |
I'm sorry Betty! I hope you feel better.
I'm bumming today myself. |
The Both of must be in the air..actually weekends tend to be difficult. I feel everything more intensely.
| on a dating site huh.
Also, my sadaversary is next Friday the 13th. That may have something to do with it too. |
I am moody for a month around that day.
I'm not moody just seems emotional in the days leading up. Like last Friday I went to Olive Garden for an early dinner. Waitress seated me on a row with three booths on either side.. All around me were families with young children or couples....and ME. I felt that feeling know the one..but kept thinking it would go away after all, I'm a pro at this now right? But it got worse and I would have left had I not already ordered. Had a good cry in the car though and then it was all better. Guess ya gotta have a pity party now and then.
Good afternoon everyone- Cathy, Betty, Connie, Don, Sadie
I'm feeling better now, was in a very down mood the past few weeks..but I'm much better after saying I wouldn't be back-( I guess I fibbed, sorry )..But I hope your all doing ok. |
We are so glad you are back! Cathy and I were speaking of you earlier hoping you were ok. So glad to see you! |
Caroly if you go back a page you can make not of a new member here. Kiteman=Dave...widowed 19 years.
Hi carolyn welcome Back. was hoping you woldn,t leave us for good.
Connie sorry you are having a bad day. I don,t think the heat is the real story I don,t feel well. Ayear ago march my brother was found daed on the bathroom floor. His wife died 5 weeks later I was very very close to both. Anytheir only daughter had their 1st grandchild in April of this year he is named William after my brother .Anyhow his christining was today and it was at the same church my brothers funeral was at. Bill and Nan never got to see their beautiful grandbaby. Today was very very tough. but thanks to all of you for "being here " |
Knightless, we all need those occassional time outs. Glad your back & hope you stay.
OMG...((((Carolyn))))If you bail again..Ill whoop your butt girl...
Hello ((((Betty))))Hugs to you sweetie ((((Connie)))Girl..get off your tail and smile for me...maybe do a chicken dance or something...hehehehehehe...Im not going to feel sorry for you...just make you laugh your a$$ off is all.. ((((Don))))) ((((Sadie))) ((((Dave)))) The I still a newbie...maybe just to this thread June is horrible for me...Anniversary of marriage and Anniversary of his death....Dont feel bad for me...just make me laugh..thats all I want... |
Thank you so much Connie, Betty, Don..your all angels, and I appreciate you alot..
Hi's very nice to meet you, and you've met some very sweet people in here. Hope you will enjoy it in here as well.. |
Well just look at my pic, causes some to laugh or at least SMILE.
((( Cathy )))...ohhh....I promise you I won't ever bail again, and I sure don't want my tail kicked- (shakes in my boots here), so guess I better behave myself
Nice to meet you Connie