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Topic: Where are you right now?
no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:42 PM
I'm in my hammock. The birds are singing, the breeze is gentle, the kitties are stalking each other and the pup is eating and chasing butterflies in between bites! I hear kids playing and laughing. Too nice of day to be inside!

It's a beautiful day here, with my laptop in the hammock! laugh

chuck366's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:42 PM
Edited by chuck366 on Wed 05/21/08 03:42 PM

dae11x's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:43 PM

Lucky you. I'm here in the office, working my fingers to the bone.

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:43 PM


Yikes, don't drop the laptop!

chuck366's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:43 PM

Lucky you. I'm here in the office, working my fingers to the bone.

ouch! put gloves on

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:44 PM
Home. laugh

iRon's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:44 PM

roygoldenjr's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:44 PM
home with broken ribs damnitgrumble

62easygoing's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:45 PM
right now, i am in need of a little kindness (Smashed my hand with a hammer)--don't ask..:cry: .glasses glasses

heartofgold321's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:45 PM
Home,inside because it is raining out and about 39 deg. YUk frown

MsCarmen's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:48 PM

right now, i am in need of a little kindness (Smashed my hand with a hammer)--don't ask..:cry: .glasses glasses

Here's some kindness flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

But I gotta ask, what did you do?bigsmile

dae11x's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:48 PM

right now, i am in need of a little kindness (Smashed my hand with a hammer)--don't ask..:cry: .glasses glasses
OK, I won't ask. What happened?? laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:48 PM
at home its neally midnight here yawn yawn yawn

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:49 PM
At work! I like my work, but I wont be here long! :)

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:50 PM

Lucky you. I'm here in the office, working my fingers to the bone.

I'm actually glad my work blocks 'dating sites'...else I would never get anything done there! laugh

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:51 PM

I'm in my hammock. The birds are singing, the breeze is gentle, the kitties are stalking each other and the pup is eating and chasing butterflies in between bites! I hear kids playing and laughing. Too nice of day to be inside!

It's a beautiful day here, with my laptop in the hammock! laugh

Sitting in front of 7 computers (1 computer just doesn't do it for me), with one machine in burn-in testing, with the chirping of birds being drowned out by the humm of a micro-stepper motor,eagerly awaiting the annoying church bell on the hour as a distraction from the hum of that even more annoying stepper motor, with the garage door half open so I'm not blinded by the setting sun, eagerly waiting for the sun to drop a few more degrees, so that I can push the button that makes it open all the way. Gee, I wonder if the sentence above is a runon sentence. laugh laugh laugh

jonny63's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:51 PM
On the couch, got Jax the fat Chihuahua sleepin beside me. Just had cookies and Dr Pepper. Beautiful day in TX.

Lily0923's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:51 PM

right now, i am in need of a little kindness (Smashed my hand with a hammer)--don't ask..:cry: .glasses glasses

On purpose or on accident? Either way....flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:51 PM

home with broken ribs damnitgrumble

OUCH, even hurts to type, huh?? flowerforyou

nonchalantwendy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 03:52 PM


How many ladies with laugh laugh laugh laugh

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