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Topic: amazed
Russian900's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:24 PM
well....i was just trying to make them feel better...

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:25 PM

how quickly people forget the true meaning of love ( i know it sounds corny) but i know alot of people who dont treat women with the respect and love they deserve.

no offense dude, but how can anyone take you serious when in one thread the op asks if this dating site works and you post "it works" and in a thread you start, you ask why you can't find someone to love you. If you can't find someone to love you, how do you know if this site works?

I :heart: you.

Russian900's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:25 PM

no photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 PM
Well, good night everyone. Good luck to you, Russian boy.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 PM


I was talking to the person I quoted.

itsmetina's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 PM

oh god...someone get him offa here
flowerforyou don't diss mirrorflowerforyou

Russian900's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 PM
again thank you

Russian900's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:26 PM
wow u people just dont get it lol

1FunGirl's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:28 PM

wow u people just dont get it lol

Russian900's photo
Mon 05/19/08 07:30 PM

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