Topic: Say something totally random about yourself | |
I think all white belts and white sunglasses should be outlawed.
i daydream about being a god that you? lol nope nt george try chris. |
i have a blood clot in my left lung I'm a fraturnal twin |
i can touch my elbows behind my back steps back and watches all the girls in the room try this |
i have a blood clot in my left lung I'm a fraturnal twin I'm glad i'm not an identical my twins a guy..NO THANKS!!! |
I'm either an identical twin or just scizophrenic
i have a %95 accuracy with my 9mm
(random and unimportant) |
i have OCND (Obsessive Compulsive Nymphomaniac Disorder)
I hate volleyball- got hit straight in my face once when I was a kid
i have random thought about killing people who are stupid
Speaking of volleyball, I once gave a girl a bloody nose with my overhand serve.
i have random thought about killing people who are stupid Oist, take my name off in your list. |
Speaking of volleyball, I once gave a girl a bloody nose with my overhand serve. oh god, I bet that hurt lol |
i have random thought about killing people who are stupid with a badass volleyball serve |
sometimes i really hate dealing with tow trucks
I hate pollution
Speaking of volleyball, I once gave a girl a bloody nose with my overhand serve. oh god, I bet that hurt lol She definitely wasn't happy, and since it was a church tournament, I kept my giggling inside, but WOW was I proud of myself. |
Over the last 3 years I have started to learn Greek, Dutch, Croat, Czech and Hungarian amongst others. Can't remember a word. |
I hope I have another kiss like I did tonight. Very soon. REEEALLY SOON.