Topic: If you were having a bad hair day...
Snoman1951's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:50 PM

I thought all hair was good laugh laugh

butt hair is not good laugh laugh laugh
I ain't shavin' laugh

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:51 PM
That's why we have hats!!!

Akinyahalo's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:51 PM
Well if it was possible for me to have a bad hair day i still wouldn't cancel hell its been 2 years since i have had a date

rush2001's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:53 PM
grumble What do you mean "if" I was having a bad hair day?noway

hauveralan's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:54 PM

grumble What do you mean "if" I was having a bad hair day?noway

your hair looks great from here

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:54 PM

I thought all hair was good laugh laugh

butt hair is not good laugh laugh laugh
I ain't shavin' laugh

```gettin' out the hot wax...bend over! HA! bigsmile

Akinyahalo's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:55 PM

grumble What do you mean "if" I was having a bad hair day?noway
You can't have a bad hair day your hair is amazing looking

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:56 PM
If I had a date tonight yesssss!
Skipped showering this morning (no sense taking one) >>>>> marched in a baseball parade in the pouring rain,sat in a cold windy rainey park for about 6 hrs! Yeah.... Opening Day!! mad

rush2001's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:57 PM
laugh You should see it up close.

hauveralan's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:58 PM

laugh You should see it up close.

wait let me grab my binocloirs then..........yep still looks goodlaugh laugh laugh laugh

Akinyahalo's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:58 PM

laugh You should see it up close.
hmmm guess i am making a trip to fl then

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:58 PM

laugh You should see it up close.

Accept the compliment with a :wink: flowerforyou :wink: Akinyahalo bigsmile

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:58 PM
bigsmile Definitelyhuh

itsmetina's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:59 PM
women always think they are fat and their hair is not good sucksmad

auburngirl's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:59 PM

bigsmile Definitelyhuh

laugh laugh laugh Water

itsmetina's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:59 PM
Edited by itsmetina on Sat 05/17/08 05:03 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Akinyahalo's photo
Sat 05/17/08 04:59 PM

laugh You should see it up close.

Accept the compliment with a :wink: flowerforyou :wink: Akinyahalo bigsmile
LOL lilangel the attempting matchmaker

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:00 PM

women always think they are fat and their hair is not good sucksmad
I dont think Im fat, but I sure can have some crazy hair days bigsmile

rush2001's photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:00 PM

laugh You should see it up close.

Accept the compliment with a :wink: flowerforyou :wink: Akinyahalo bigsmile

:wink: flowerforyou :wink:

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 05:01 PM

bigsmile Definitelyhuh

laugh laugh laugh Water

Are you laughing at me? Are you suggesting that I should not cancel a date if I'm having a bad hair day?