Topic: Friend of the Court
ffdickie's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:55 AM
I am just venting I am sure because of a horrible encounter with them today but one question, mainly going out to the dads out there.

I have been dealing with the friend of court for 14 years with my daughter and have never had a positive experience with them. Every time I have gone in there to speak with someone, they are rude and unhelpful. I have never been

tanyaann's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:59 AM
what county are you dealing with?

sexxyandsingle's photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:00 PM
I got a payment book, for the courthouse bigger then my carpayment one grumble grumble grumble grumble

IamMewhoRU's photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:01 PM
I feel all your pain.......they automatically treat us Dad's like **** for our whole lives and when you're done paying they don't give a **** who you are at're who?

mcdchaz's photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:10 PM

I feel all your pain.......they automatically treat us Dad's like **** for our whole lives and when you're done paying they don't give a **** who you are at're who?

first of all maybe u should think why you ARE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:27 PM
First and foremost what is a friend of the Court?

tanyaann's photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:30 PM

First and foremost what is a friend of the Court?

in michigan, its the family court that deals with custody and child support.

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 12:52 PM
Unfortunately for the good, responsible dads out there, the deadbeat dads are the reason this type of thing happens.

ffdickie's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:20 PM
I tried to finish the post but the edit tab is gone. ??

kayak69's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:23 PM
Friend of the court ain't nobodys friend.

oldsage's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:28 PM
I find it VERY seldom, when agents of the courts are out of line.
If you are being mistreated, prove it.
Buy a small tape recorder, state time, date & what you are doing. Go visit this person & then file suit & take them down.
Abuse is abuse & needs to be stopped.
Got a problem, DO SOMETHING about it; LEGALLY.

MY opinion & I have been on BOTH sides.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:06 PM
The Friend of the Court is a friend of mine, if I get home before daylight....

I pay my child support through FOC, they take it automatically out of my check.
FOC/State of Michigan decides how much I pay in child support, not what I think they need, not what she thinks I owe or should pay. I don't even have think about it.

When we were discussing custody and visitation, we would go about thirty seconds before jaws would get tight and defenses up. Having the FOC case worker helped us come to a mutually agreeable arrangement.

If there is a problem with her getting the money, its not mine.
Haven't had a problem one.