Topic: Nostradamus Prophet or Fake | |
Nost. everyone has heard of all his prophecies and it is true people find them after the fact. Perhaps reading into them what they want to.
He was of Jewish descent and his following of the OT cleanliness laws. He was a great influence in the plague being stopped. He even lost his wife and child because of him going into the cities when drs. were running out. They died of the plague also. Some of the prophecies he predicted and he told a king that he would die in a jousting match on accident. This did happen as the joust for some reason went through the small hole of his helment piercing his eye and he died 10 days later. he did nothing that I know of but try to help people. But he had to be careful because of all the superstitions at the time and the rule of the church. he was chased and his country home burned with the pope making sure all of the many books he had written be destroyed in the fire. I personally believe he was a prophet as we can see noting but good and wisdom that he learned using herbs as medicine. Now to the meat of the matter. It looks like for the 1st time in our history we will have an African American President at a time the world is in turmoil. here is a prophecy could this be refering to our most likely president to be? decide for your self The great host and sect of the crusaders, will be massed in Mesopotamia [Iraq]...(3 Q61) Between the two rivers he will fear the military hand. The Black One will make him repent of it." - (6 Q33) Michel de Nostradamus (1555-56) The Black one will make him repent. Are we getting ready to see this fullfilled..Blessings...Miles |
crazy stuff
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Who can know if Nostradamus was a faker or a seer? What can easily be discerned is the interpreters. Just like the Bible, written by men, interpreted by men....
I just find this prophecy and the reference to the Black one would make him repent. I would find it strange for him to write at that period of time about a great black leader. Who has much power. And us being the worlds superpower are most likely going to elect who he may of seen.
false prophet..
Rev.16:12-14 not to be repented of |
Do you believe that after Yahshua's death and the Apostles that Yahweh stopped having prophets for tell the future? I do not see how this could align with scripture for future prophets to just stop. What they write may not be considered scripture but we definately see thier will be ones who will warn the world of things to come.
Edited by
Thu 05/08/08 10:17 PM
Do you believe that after Yahshua's death and the Apostles that Yahweh stopped having prophets for tell the future? I do not see how this could align with scripture for future prophets to just stop. What they write may not be considered scripture but we definately see thier will be ones who will warn the world of things to come. this is going to hurt a bit. The Holy Spirit is the prophetic utterance now. the Church in one accord is hearing the true Word. The Biblical model is sufficient to bring any man woman or child to a saving knowledge of Jesus Chirst. The Bible also says, "the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy" Revelation 19:10. worship God |
Well the Apostles after the Holy spirit came prophecied of what was to come. I mean what did John write for. Yahweh says he is the same yesterday today and tommorrow so to say the Holy spirit prophecies to all is not true. We are told if it were possible even the very elect would be decieved. Rev show in chapter 14 144000 virgins. Yahshua as being our High Priests can not marry except for a virgin. The marraige supper which comes down as a bride out of heaven. They will be royalty. The others you see in chapter 15 are the ones who acts as priests. Elisha got a double portion of the spirit which very possible the 144000 will have also. But to say thier are not prophets and prophecies is to say john was on LSD. Shalom Friend...Miles
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Edited by
Fri 05/09/08 02:43 AM
Miles......God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
True. The five fold ministry is still for was back then. I don't know where it is in Revelation at the moment, but the book of Revelation spoke of the 2 prophets that would be killed. So that must mean prophets are not only for today..but for tomorrow too..and not just in the past. However, there are a lot of false prophets out there too...claiming to be prophets , and are once does need the leading of the Holy Spirit, to be able to discern a true prophet from a false one. I am not that knowledgeable in this area concerning prophets.....and I need to learn much more. But what I do know is...God gave us His Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth...and the Holy Spirit enables us also , to discerm truth from false. And the Holy Spirit also enable us all to be able to prophesy, also( this is also stated in the bible ). I myself, have prophesied, but that does NOT mean I am a prophet. In other words, to be able to prophesy(gift of prophesy....just one of the several gifts of the Holy Spirit), is NOT the same as the Office of the Prophet(one of the 5 fold ministries). The concept of the five-fold ministry comes from Ephesians 4:11. "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers." I also agree with what Wouldee shared in his posts.... Wouldee said and I quote.... <<<<<<<....The Holy Spirit is the prophetic utterance now. the Church in one accord is hearing the true Word. The Biblical model is sufficient to bring any man woman or child to a saving knowledge of Jesus Chirst. The Bible also says, "the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy" Revelation 19:10.......>>>>>> I agree, Wouldee. |
Saying he predicted a king's death might be stretching it.
The king in question was Henri II. He was killed in a joust when Gabriel Montgomery's lance broke and a sliver of wood pushed through the visor and pierced the king's brain. The quatrain ran ;- The young lion shall overcome the older one, on the field of combat in single battle, He shall pierce his eyes in a golden cage, Two forces one, then he shall die a cruel death. Not exactly specific. Nostradamus' words can usually be twisted to fit thousands of possible events AFTER the fact. In this case the number of eyes pierced doesn't match. Why not send a letter; "Hey your most chritian majesty, Don't go jousting with any Scotsmen in the Marais district." |
it was spoken in the beginning of creation only two spirits had been sent into the world.....
these two spirits are mentioned time and again in the new testemant as well.......a holy spirit and the spirit of god... each thing born into the world has a holy spirit that see all thru good and bad for learning of good and bad......a holy spirit that control the mind.....thru fear many prophecies were heard and spoken from a fearful interpretation and hearing to keep the day and time of a new beginning or cycle a much needed secret........... the spirit of god was as a perfect love, that seen all as precious and worthy, and that none should perish, and willed peace and love for the whole world........this spirit embrace and know each has come for their purpose, and that each day humanity has lived has been for learning, and not for daming the good or the bad, as what thing can learn without both hot and cold water the effects and properties of water....... nostrodamis was inspired by the truth, as all men chosen are.......many things he has said have already come to pass, and all that he said will come to pass....... |
Nost. everyone has heard of all his prophecies and it is true people find them after the fact. Nostradamus and all prophet are what you call "Monday Morning Quarter-Backs" which means anyone can miraclously becomes a prophet after the game is over anyone with a little imagination can take one of Nostradamus predictions and tell why it predicted that "Punxsutawney Phil" would see his shadow on groundhog's day |
decide for your self The great host and sect of the crusaders, will be massed in Mesopotamia [Iraq]...(3 Q61) Between the two rivers he will fear the military hand. The Black One will make him repent of it." - (6 Q33) Michel de Nostradamus (1555-56) The Black one will make him repent. Are we getting ready to see this fullfilled..Blessings...Miles Century III Quatrain 61 The great band and sect of crusaders Will be arrayed in Mesopotamia: Light company of the nearby river, That such law will hold for an enemy. Century VI Quatrain 33 His last hand through 'Alus' sanguinary, He will be unable to protect himself by sea: Between two rivers he will fear the military hand, The black and irate one will make him rue it. They are two seperate quatrains...I'm not sure why you ramed them together, but no Nostradamus wasn't a prophet. |
Nostradamus did with his predictions the same thing the many authors of the bible did. He wrote ambiguously so that it could fit almost any situation. So he is the same as the authors of the bible, however you want to classify that.
Well the Apostles after the Holy spirit came prophecied of what was to come. I mean what did John write for. Yahweh says he is the same yesterday today and tommorrow so to say the Holy spirit prophecies to all is not true. We are told if it were possible even the very elect would be decieved. Rev show in chapter 14 144000 virgins. Yahshua as being our High Priests can not marry except for a virgin. The marraige supper which comes down as a bride out of heaven. They will be royalty. The others you see in chapter 15 are the ones who acts as priests. Elisha got a double portion of the spirit which very possible the 144000 will have also. But to say thier are not prophets and prophecies is to say john was on LSD. Shalom Friend...Miles ![]() I do not say that the Holy Spirit prophesizes to all men, Miles Although God does speak to all men, not all men know that it is God speaking to the heart when He does, but that is always of a personal nature, Miles. No matter where one's affections are centered. At the end of John's vision is Rev 19:10. the contexy being that which it is. Inescapably, that is the limitation meant for comprehending the depths ot the import of all things given as prophecy. Even that was given to John from the Holy Spirit. It had not prevented John. It does not prevent any. It merely reflects the importance of things Jesus said that are more important than His Commandments. He didn't command man to get the Holy Spirit. He offered it. Sometimes, Miles, I fail to understand why the world continues to argue with the greatest thing that He said. It only leaves me to pause and praise that God that I did get it. peace, out ![]() |
it was spoken in the beginning of creation only two spirits had been sent into the world..... these two spirits are mentioned time and again in the new testemant as well.......a holy spirit and the spirit of god... each thing born into the world has a holy spirit that see all thru good and bad for learning of good and bad......a holy spirit that control the mind.....thru fear many prophecies were heard and spoken from a fearful interpretation and hearing to keep the day and time of a new beginning or cycle a much needed secret........... the spirit of god was as a perfect love, that seen all as precious and worthy, and that none should perish, and willed peace and love for the whole world........this spirit embrace and know each has come for their purpose, and that each day humanity has lived has been for learning, and not for daming the good or the bad, as what thing can learn without both hot and cold water the effects and properties of water....... nostrodamis was inspired by the truth, as all men chosen are.......many things he has said have already come to pass, and all that he said will come to pass....... read John chapters 14-16 again, my friend. The Holy Spirit is not given to all men. It is offered, though. Not all receive it's manifestation. It is, by the way, the Spirit of God. There are not two. |
Spider I got those off a site on the internet. I had remembered about the black one. and after a while of searching that is what i found.
Now Amos is saying that prophets will be before calamity.One thing i am not sure on but i do not believe he ever claimed to say something in the name of the Father. prophets never wanted the job they were chosen. The 144000 virgins are chosen.They may all be prophets.But If Nost. never said Yahweh told him to say this then he can not be called a false prophet. He did the work of a prophet when endangering his life to try to save others. I wonder if he does not have a stigma on him because of his Jewish heritage.Which knowing since a small child would know the bodies needed to be burned and how to get rid of the rats. Romans 8:28 tells us all good comes from Yahweh. So he was doing Yahweh's work when nobody else would. The plague would of been stopped or probally never even of started if the Law was taught and not thrown aside. He was no false prophet personally i believe he may of been a prophet but thats just me. We do not understand his writings the same as just now and continueing we are starting to understand the sayings/prophecies in the bible. Those were meant for our day instead of 1900 years before. This can be applied to his writings also. we just do not study them and try to understand them. But he can not be called a false prophet just because he wrote about the future. But we know this will happen as Amos says and as Rev 12 says about the chosen being taken into the desert, Amos 3:6-8 6 If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not Yahweh have done it? 7 Surely Yahweh Elohim does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. 8 A lion has roared! Who will not fear? Yahweh Elohim has spoken! Who can but prophesy? NKJV So what is Amos saying in this last sentence? Who can but prophesy? Blessings...Miles |
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Fri 05/09/08 11:54 AM
Amos finished the chapter with this, Miles.
Amos 3:13-15' Hear ye , and testify in the house of Jacob,saith the Lord GOD, the God of hosts, That in the day that I shall visit the transgressions of Israel upon him I will also visit the altars of Beth'-el : and the horns of the altar shall be cut off, and fall to the ground. And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the LORD. He also said this in Amos 3:2. You only have I known of all the families of the earth : therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. He wrote this in approximately 787 BC. In approx. 397 BC., Malachi was the last of the prophets until John the Baptist that had this to say of the end of the time of the "winter house". Malachi 4: 4-6. "Remember ye the law of Moses my srevant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Isra-el,with the statutes and judgements. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the LORD : And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Now the LORD has spoken in Jesus Christ, being the incarnate LORD, Himself. And at the least, John wrote that this is what is given to be shared and unaltered in his revelation, by the Holy Spirit. Revelations 19:10. {b]"the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy" It either is or is not so. Of all the things commanded of God and recorded in the Holy Bible, none surpasses the offering of Jesus which was not a commandment. That is, "come to me and the Father shall give you the Holy Spirit in my name and He will lead you into all truth and testify of me." Is this prophetic utterance, Miles? peace. out. ![]() |