Topic: What is a Nice person? | |
What is the "Nice" of someone you consider as a "Nice person /Not a bad Person"
Someone who isn't disrespectful toward you. Someone who will actually listen to you. Someone who will not be afraid to hold your hand.
Nice people always finish last. I know this first hand!
a person that has your back. and doesn't judge
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Nice people always finish last. I know this first hand! ![]() |
what darkowl said
a person that has your back. and doesn't judge ![]() |
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a person that has your back. and doesn't judge exactly ![]() |
To me a nice someone who is always there for you.......
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Someone you can always count on.
Nice People are carefully trained to be, at all costs, "good boys" and "good girls." They are steeped, too soon and strongly, in the value of unselfishness, cooperation and the importance of pleasing others. Consequently, they grow up feeling that it is natural to defer to the wishes of others, putting their own desires in second place (or ignoring them altogether). I use the word Nice (capital N) to describe adults who still act like good boys and girls. Such people are often highly intuitive, but they use their sensitivity mostly for the purpose of learning what is expected of them. They have a profound need to be liked and will violate, if necessary, their own integrity for even the possibility of love and affection. They usually are accepted and well-liked, but they are not satisfied, because they know they have withheld something of their true identity. As a result, Nice People often live in fear that nobody will ever really love them -- including their weaknesses and blemishes. They feel they must be perfect. Yet they are constantly and painfully aware that they are not perfect. A good number appear to have bodily symptoms of chronic inner conflict (e.g., anal tension).
Nice People operate on the basis of one central conviction: The only way to get what I need is to do what other people want. They are usually very good at getting what they want (without asking for it) but there is always something missing. Spontaneity is difficult since each interpersonal encounter is, in a sense, a performance. Remaining a Nice Person requires constant vigilance, since all "bad" qualities (e.g., anger, selfishness, competitiveness) must either be suppressed or rechanneled in such as way that they at least appear nice.... Nice people have trouble making explicit requests...Nice People know that if they are just good enough, others will automatically know what they want and give it to them...Nice People are usually "rescuers" ...We rescue somebody each time we withhold or distort our true feelings, not wanting to hurt or anger the other person. We do the same thing when we go along with something that we really do not want to do...Nice People save up little grievances each time they play rescuer because they rarely let themselves say "no" when they want to. As a result, they are chronically angry.... That being said: Smile! Now be totally honest: Do you prefer being around someone that seems too sad or utterly serious, or hanging around somebody that smiles and seems to always be having fun? Yep, We've got it! A friendly smile will always brighten up anyone's day. Being in a good mood makes anyone feel more comfortable to approach you. Offer to help anyway. Are there any friends or a siblings needing any help at all? Why not help them out!? Help somebody study for a test, or help your mom clean the house. There is no problem about helping out someone in need, because soon or later, they will probably (but not necessarily) help you in something, too. Say positive things to people. Encouraging people to do what they like, or saying positive things to make people feel better after any bad situation will sure make you someone unforgettable. When you feel sad about anything in your life, wouldn't you love that someone could appear only to say a friendly word to make you smile? Well, if you are that person, everyone will sure love you forever and you will feel great. Don't criticize. Encourage! As previously said, people want someone that say positive things, not that criticize every move they do. Of course you have the right to give your opinions, but doing it in a rude way won't help anyway. Be receptive and accept all people. No matter how someone else looks or dresses, they deserve a chance. Why not to go up to someone new, smile and let them know if they need something, you will be there. Think before doing anything. Before doing something, stop and think well about the situation. It's always good not to precipitate things or say stuff without thinking, or someone can get hurt. Always do what you think is right, and remember that the best thing to do is that which will be fair for everyone. Also do not be very rude or mean to anybody that you have not met. Reading the Bible can also help your spirit which can eventually help you to be a nicer person. Also think for example: If someone does'nt have an egg wrap and you have two be nice and give them one. Maybe one day when you have no food someone else just might give you some food. You don't need to forget about yourself, but you need to care about somebody else's feelings. Asking their opinion about something won't hurt, maybe they want to speak up, but have no courage for it. You should help out all people. Be friends with people because you like them, never ever because of what they have. If you hang out with someone because you truly like them by who they are, so that friendship will be great and that person will genuinely like you too. But if you hang out with someone because they are popular or have clothes in the latest fashion, so obviously it won't work. Just covering the bases. Kat ![]() |
Nice people always finish last. I know this first hand! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nice people always finish last. I know this first hand! ![]() ooohh ....Goodness. ![]() |
I'm a real bad boy..... you don't wanna talk w/ me.
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