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Topic: How many of you could tolerate or accept
MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:55 PM
flowerforyou Ive had girlfriends that i didnt trustflowerforyou

Max_Darkling's photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:57 PM
A relationship is nothing without lust. devil oh wait you said trust.

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 04:58 PM

a Lover and/or Friend you could not respect or trust?

And, what would you consider in the assessment?

Just curious.

trust and respect only exist as an evaluation and have no more significant than one allows it to have ..so then the issue becomes if one has no trust or respect for a lover or friend then why would they still be a lover and/or a friend ...it then becomes self esteem issue

wiley's photo
Fri 05/02/08 05:01 PM
Maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems like the OP is just looking for affirmation....

caroline4138's photo
Fri 05/02/08 05:03 PM
Depends on whether you want something serious or if you just want to play. If you want to spend any real time w/ him/her then nope, no point in spending it with someone you don't respect.

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 06:06 PM

a Lover and/or Friend you could not respect or trust?

And, what would you consider in the assessment?

Just curious.

trust and respect only exist as an evaluation and have no more significant than one allows it to have ..so then the issue becomes if one has no trust or respect for a lover or friend then why would they still be a lover and/or a friend ...it then becomes self esteem issue


no photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:55 PM

a Lover and/or Friend you could not respect or trust?

From my perspective, there is no such thing.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:07 PM
Some people are so far gone in their lies they don't know how to stop. My last bf turned out to be a huge liar, about lots of little things. I brushed a lot of them off, but they grew into bigger lies. I called him on all of them, and I gave him many chances, but he couldn't stop. They weren't unforgivable lies, but I knew I couldn't trust him because of them. We weren't together for long. I guess it all depends on what your tolerance level is and how much you're willing to lose.

no photo
Sat 05/03/08 02:46 AM

a Lover and/or Friend you could not respect or trust?

And, what would you consider in the assessment?

Just curious.

I can think of one specific friend of mine I do not respect or trust. He has a reputation for telling all these stories, always lying. You can never tell when he's telling the truth, or if he's ever telling the truth at all. He lies to make himself look better, to brag.
I accept/tolerate him because I don't know his story. I don't know why he's a chronic liar. I don't know him better than anyone else does, so I just know that I cannot judge and withhold my compassion because of it. Now, I'm not dumb, so I don't get too close to him. I heed the warning signs. However, I have yet to have a personal reason to completely disassociate myself to him. Other than the fact that he wears crocs. I hate crocs. :tongue:

As for a Lover, some level of mutual respect and some level of mutual trust are mandatory.

smuflicker's photo
Sat 05/03/08 03:22 AM
I will not tolerate either one,friendship or relationship

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