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Topic: after you make a decision....
Peccy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:34 PM
is it final, or is there room for negotiation? :wink:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:34 PM
Depends on what the decision is I suppose... we as humans have the choice and ability of changing our minds....

sexxyandsingle's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:35 PM
Deffintally negotiable happy drinker happy drinker

Jill298's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:35 PM
depends on what I decided onlaugh

crazysillygirl's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:36 PM
when you decide something ...isnt it usually final????

Peccy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:36 PM

Depends on what the decision is I suppose... we as humans have the choice and ability of changing our minds....
True, but some are steadfast

DestinysDream's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:36 PM
Negotiation unless I say the words, "I promise". I always will keep my promises so they are final.

ShellyinAZ's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:36 PM
It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind?! :wink:

Peccy's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:37 PM

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind?! :wink:
So I've learned.........:wink:

Lily0923's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:38 PM
it's mostly final.

I take a long time to make them, but when I do, I stick to my guns.

No1sLove's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:38 PM
I only change my mind if I discover I was wrong about it. It does happen. ohwell So unless I owe you an word stands.

ShellyinAZ's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:38 PM

It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind?! :wink:
So I've learned.........:wink:


grneyedldy1967's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:38 PM

Depends on what the decision is I suppose... we as humans have the choice and ability of changing our minds....
True, but some are steadfast

Yeah like deciding on getting a tattoo... once it's done it's done....

KeepingTheFaith's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:38 PM
It depends on the decision and what led up to it.

I never want to be so rigid that I won't entertain logic, reason, and anothers long as they respect my opinion too!:wink:

A64WOODY's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:39 PM

is it final, or is there room for negotiation? :wink:
would you not be undecided then?

Jill298's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:40 PM
it depends Peccy... for example, if I decided I'm going to make meatloaf for dinner, thats negotiable... if I decided I wanna get sum from my man tonight then that's not up for debatelaugh

Jtevans's photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:40 PM
there's always room for change

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:40 PM
That would depend.

I went skydiving once and I changed my mind after I jumped out of the plane.

It was too late for that decision.


no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:40 PM
NO, well, maybe..ok, sure, hell...who knows???
huh huh

no photo
Thu 05/01/08 09:41 PM

it depends Peccy... for example, if I decided I'm going to make meatloaf for dinner, thats negotiable... if I decided I wanna get sum from my man tonight then that's not up for debatelaugh

What a spoiled brat! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hey, no means no, remember. bigsmile

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