Topic: 666 - What is the mark of the Beast?
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/30/08 01:56 PM

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:07 PM
However any religion or alien conspiracy, conspiracy theories, prophecy, new age information or any other cults approach the idea of end times; the rapture, and the mark of the beast etc, (and I have read a large number of these different sources, beliefs and ideas,)

I suspect that we are indeed approaching the final stages of the earth game where "humans" are concerned. I don't know when that might be or if it will happen in this lifetime or not.

This current consideration/conclusion comes to me simply because all information seems to point to it, however different and varied and distorted that information is.

I suspect that "humans," who are essentially simultaneous incarnating spiritual beings, will be taken, harvested, ascend, raptured or otherwise leave, the earth, by death or otherwise, to occupy other spiritual worlds.

Left behind will be mostly the non-human reptilian cultures of the galaxy that represent the sequential incarnating personalities (aliens) who have tried ~ but have never been human, along with any fallen angelic beings or leaders involved in the rebellion.

Perhaps the chip implants or "mark of the beast" will happen later when the population of the earth has been reduced or after most humans have left,(been killed or raptured or whatever) but I know for a fact that the technolgy to put a chip in every person right now is in effect and they they will start by putting the chip in your credit cards.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:10 PM
flowerforyou Its no wonder the science fiction series "Left Behind" was such a best seller. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:10 PM

However any religion or alien conspiracy, conspiracy theories, prophecy, new age information or any other cults approach the idea of end times; the rapture, and the mark of the beast etc, (and I have read a large number of these different sources, beliefs and ideas,)

I suspect that we are indeed approaching the final stages of the earth game where "humans" are concerned. I don't know when that might be or if it will happen in this lifetime or not.

This current consideration/conclusion comes to me simply because all information seems to point to it, however different and varied and distorted that information is.

I suspect that "humans," who are essentially simultaneous incarnating spiritual beings, will be taken, harvested, ascend, raptured or otherwise leave, the earth, by death or otherwise, to occupy other spiritual worlds.

Left behind will be mostly the non-human reptilian cultures of the galaxy that represent the sequential incarnating personalities (aliens) who have tried ~ but have never been human, along with any fallen angelic beings or leaders involved in the rebellion.

Perhaps the chip implants or "mark of the beast" will happen later when the population of the earth has been reduced or after most humans have left,(been killed or raptured or whatever) but I know for a fact that the technolgy to put a chip in every person right now is in effect and they they will start by putting the chip in your credit cards.


I will gladly welcome the alien overlords and goad them on to greater atrocities than they already plan.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:23 PM

One frivolous argument against the rapture is the word "rapture" isn’t even in the Bible.

With all due respect feral, you called it frivolous, yet I would call it indicative of the nature of the claims.


I'm not sure what you mean by "indicative" in this context. But Feral is absolutely correct that the lack of the word "rapture" does not change the events described in the Bible. The word "rapture" is used to describe a previously nameless event described by several verses in the Bible. The fact that the word "rapture" doesn't appear in the text does not change the fact that the events which define the word "rapture" are predicted in the Bible.

tyvm has to understand scripture....or at least in this case with how it was said.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:26 PM

flowerforyou Its no wonder the science fiction series "Left Behind" was such a best seller. flowerforyou

much more truth to it then you may think.....I would say biblically based but put in the here and now....interesting point also to think that so much of our life is run by bar codes, and it has been said that eventually will will be run with everything in our life by a chip placed in our hand.....interesting if you compare that to what the bible says and the mark....and honestly ppl we are close to that now.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:34 PM
How could you not just adore JB and her alien conspiracy theories. And for the most part JB agree with what you are saying....We are indeed in the final stages.....But a huge difference for me is that I will be raptured before the 7 years of tribulation which on earth will not be a fun time....

Now I also don't think that anything will be left...not even reptilian creatures. And anything not of Christ will be thrown into the pitts of hell so to speak.....which will of course include satan.....his 1000 reign will be done forever and ever and ever. The mark of the best will be after the decent for sure....and this again is where it will come in that every human being has heard the good news of God...and what they do is up to them.

And again just for those final moments to say.....OMG they were right wrong whatever...will be to late......

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 04/30/08 02:36 PM

However any religion or alien conspiracy, conspiracy theories, prophecy, new age information or any other cults approach the idea of end times; the rapture, and the mark of the beast etc, (and I have read a large number of these different sources, beliefs and ideas,)

I suspect that we are indeed approaching the final stages of the earth game where "humans" are concerned. I don't know when that might be or if it will happen in this lifetime or not.

This current consideration/conclusion comes to me simply because all information seems to point to it, however different and varied and distorted that information is.

I suspect that "humans," who are essentially simultaneous incarnating spiritual beings, will be taken, harvested, ascend, raptured or otherwise leave, the earth, by death or otherwise, to occupy other spiritual worlds.

Left behind will be mostly the non-human reptilian cultures of the galaxy that represent the sequential incarnating personalities (aliens) who have tried ~ but have never been human, along with any fallen angelic beings or leaders involved in the rebellion.

Perhaps the chip implants or "mark of the beast" will happen later when the population of the earth has been reduced or after most humans have left,(been killed or raptured or whatever) but I know for a fact that the technolgy to put a chip in every person right now is in effect and they they will start by putting the chip in your credit cards.


Spider said:

I will gladly welcome the alien overlords and goad them on to greater atrocities than they already plan.

You probably have done that already. Don't think they aren't already here. What, you think they are waiting for a mass invasion? Nope. They have been invading and infiltrating since the rebellion.

If you are a saved Christian as you claim, you will have probably been raptured or "harvested" by the time this is supposed to happen unless you are not really "saved."

To me, a "saved" person is one who chooses to practice love and compassion for the good of the prime source, the universal creator.

Make love, not war. flowerforyou

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:36 PM
this is another of those sections of the bible which is used by fundamentalists to sell fear.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:44 PM

You probably have done that already. Don't think they aren't already here. What, you think they are waiting for a mass invasion? Nope. They have been invading and infiltrating since the rebellion.

If you are a saved Christian as you claim, you will have probably been raptured or "harvested" by the time this is supposed to happen unless you are not really "saved."

To me, a "saved" person is one who chooses to practice love and compassion for the good of the prime source, the universal creator.

Make love, not war. flowerforyou

I just want to know where to sign up! I can't wait for them to genetically modify me so that I can use their high-tech weapons to eradicate the remaining free humans. Sounds like loads of fun.

Oh...can you explain something to me? Why is it that a race capable of galactic travel would need to do your crazy invasion plan? With their level of technology, taking over the earth would require almost no effort. But what would they gain? We are already building robots that can do a great deal of our labor. Why can't they build robots? We have no natural resources that aren't easily available throughout the universe. If they have already been here, why this long convoluted plan? Why didn't they take over when we were in the stone age? Yeah...there are absolutely no holes in what you have posted...

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:45 PM

this is another of those sections of the bible which is used by fundamentalists to sell fear.

Do you agree that Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all parts of the Bible? Were they completely changed to include storys of the end times and hell?

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:48 PM

this is another of those sections of the bible which is used by fundamentalists to sell fear.

Perhaps, but I don't claim the Bible as my soul source of information. I have come to my considerations about end times from numerous different sources of information, some of it being very different.

I think most humans will be judged according to their works regardless of their religious beliefs, and will be given ample opportunity to ascend to the next level of being.

I am not one of those who claim that if you don't do so-and-so or belong to this or that religion you will burn in hell. If you are human and you go the path of love, you will transcend to the next level of existence.


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/30/08 02:56 PM

this is another of those sections of the bible which is used by fundamentalists to sell fear.

Do you agree that Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all parts of the Bible? Were they completely changed to include storys of the end times and hell?

numbers in the bible play an incredible symbolic role.
as seven is a number which represents perfection, six represents imperfection.
seventy times seven means forever and ever.
six hundred sixty six means the biggest imperfection which is related to the antichrist.
there are some scholars who assured that John was referring to Nero.
Antichrist can be any important figure who represents evil in a superlative manner. (Hitler, Saddam, etc.)
People need to know how to read the bible, and not just to read it verbatim. Those who read it word by word, comma by comma are what are known as fundamentalists.
For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists. There is no sense whatsoever in affirming such a thing. This is just an allegory used for the inspired author to teach us the creative force of God.
Therefore, I affirm that the "666" thing is one of the section used by fundamentalist to proselytize and sell fear. Through fear they can convert masses.
Nevertheless, that is not the right approach if I'm going to preach I'd preach about the love of God to us as His creation. I won't preach condemnation, i would preach salvation.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:00 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 04/30/08 03:10 PM

For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists.

Jesus believed and taught just that.

Matthew 19:4-5

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Compare to:

Genesis 2:24

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:09 PM

You probably have done that already. Don't think they aren't already here. What, you think they are waiting for a mass invasion? Nope. They have been invading and infiltrating since the rebellion.

If you are a saved Christian as you claim, you will have probably been raptured or "harvested" by the time this is supposed to happen unless you are not really "saved."

To me, a "saved" person is one who chooses to practice love and compassion for the good of the prime source, the universal creator.

Make love, not war. flowerforyou

I just want to know where to sign up! I can't wait for them to genetically modify me so that I can use their high-tech weapons to eradicate the remaining free humans. Sounds like loads of fun.

Oh...can you explain something to me? Why is it that a race capable of galactic travel would need to do your crazy invasion plan? With their level of technology, taking over the earth would require almost no effort. But what would they gain? We are already building robots that can do a great deal of our labor. Why can't they build robots? We have no natural resources that aren't easily available throughout the universe. If they have already been here, why this long convoluted plan? Why didn't they take over when we were in the stone age? Yeah...there are absolutely no holes in what you have posted...

From what I understand, the current galaxy Orion leadership (The Dracos) use this slow infiltration technique with a small number of infiltrators throughout the galaxy (and on other inhabited planets as well) as the prelude to a full scale invasion force.

It is a lot less messy than the way the Sirians used to do it when they were in power. (This race would just invade a planet and slaughter everyone. ~~Very messy and destructive.)

Once the planet is secured, the second invasion force arrives and takes over very peacefully. That will be after the new world order is in power and in place, and humans are all reduced in population, and totally under their control. A peaceful take over.

That could also be the time of the arrival of the anti-Christ.

He will claim to be Jesus returned, but he will not be the true messiah. He is an impostor.

The headquarters of course is expected to be in the Middle east, (Israel and the Temple mount) and also in America.

In America, headquarters will be at the Denver and Atlanta Airports, and Probably New Orleans will be a major shipping port.

This is just my own theory of course.


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:12 PM

For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists.

Jesus believed and taught just that.

It's really hard for me to agree that Jesus did so. My Lord was way smarter than that.
We need to understand that at the point of time where my Lord came to earth the human mind (as a whole) was not ready to assimilate the concept of evolution. My Lord was smart enough to let human society figure this one out by itself. It just took us about 2000 years.
Jesus had to remain within time and culture context within which He was moving.
Why do you think he talked about sheeps and shepherds? He was not actually talking about sheeps and shepherds. He was talking about us and Him.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:13 PM
What do you base that on? I are claiming to understand galactic politics, various alien races techniques for taking over worlds...are you just having a laugh? There is no way that you can believe this stuff is true, because what would the original source be? It sounds like bad sci-fi to me, but I will wait patiently for our alien overlords to arrive. I guess I missed the part in the Bible about Jesus being a alien lizard.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:15 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 04/30/08 03:15 PM

For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists.

Jesus believed and taught just that.

It's really hard for me to agree that Jesus did so. My Lord was way smarter than that.
We need to understand that at the point of time where my Lord came to earth the human mind (as a whole) was not ready to assimilate the concept of evolution. My Lord was smart enough to let human society figure this one out by itself. It just took us about 2000 years.
Jesus had to remain within time and culture context within which He was moving.
Why do you think he talked about sheeps and shepherds? He was not actually talking about sheeps and shepherds. He was talking about us and Him.

That was an analogy. What Jesus said about Adam and Eve was a direct statement of fact. There is no flowery language, it's just simple and to the point.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:15 PM

For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists.

Jesus believed and taught just that.

Matthew 19:4-5

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Compare to:

Genesis 2:24

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

All this is correct, but my Lord was not referring specificly to Adan and Eve. He was talking as the human kind as whole. The human kind has males and females.
Plus the purpose of this is absolutely different. My Lord was teaching about marriage and not about creation. You see it's all a matter of the correct interpretatin of the scripture.

no photo
Wed 04/30/08 03:16 PM

For instance those who assure that Adan and Eve the first humans and from them all human race comes from are just fundamentalists.

Jesus believed and taught just that.

Matthew 19:4-5

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Compare to:

Genesis 2:24

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

All this is correct, but my Lord was not referring specificly to Adan and Eve. He was talking as the human kind as whole. The human kind has males and females.
Plus the purpose of this is absolutely different. My Lord was teaching about marriage and not about creation. You see it's all a matter of the correct interpretatin of the scripture.

I know what Jesus was teaching about. But he confirmed Genesis when he taught. So Jesus was a liar. Because if Genesis 1 and 2 isn't true and Jesus confirmed that it was, Jesus is a liar.