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Topic: Feel so damn young
AngelMapper's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:51 PM
Edited by AngelMapper on Sun 04/27/08 10:52 PM
I hate this ive only found a small handfull of people who are around my age, and yea...I feel horribly outnumberd, not that I have a prbolem with older people, just does this make me pathetic being this young and on a site like this?

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:51 PM
come again there sonny? Eh? Speak up, I cannot hear ya whipper snapper

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:52 PM
Edited by OneOfaKindGal on Sun 04/27/08 10:52 PM
I'm 23, not far from you. But I joined this site for the heck of it...does not make you pathetic lol

codelockbox's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:52 PM
laugh laugh laugh

italio69's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:52 PM
huh noway het just be happy that your young and dont have old bones like us:tongue: laugh laugh happy

YourLove1's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM

come again there sonny? Eh? Speak up, I cannot hear ya whipper snapper
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM

come again there sonny? Eh? Speak up, I cannot hear ya whipper snapper


no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM
Hold on my clapper light isnt coming on, I cant see the screen...oh snap Ive fallin and I cant get up...

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM
Yep. Old and decrepit, that's me.

No1sLove's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM
Old people? Gee, thanks Angel! laugh :tongue:

johncarl's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 PM
hey try older ladys i went with 49 year olds at 21.omg they rocklaugh laugh

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:54 PM
I said OLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not old as in anchent! LOL:heart: :heart: :heart:

Queene123's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:55 PM
i dont feel my age and i still get carded as many think im 16 and im a grandmother...laugh

No1sLove's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:55 PM

I said OLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not old as in anchent! LOL:heart: :heart: :heart:
Whatever grumble

Winx's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:55 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 04/27/08 10:56 PM

I hate this ive only found a small handfull of people who are around my age, and yea...I feel horribly outnumberd, not that I have a prbolem with older people, just does this make me pathetic being this young and on a site like this?

Nobody on this site is pathetic.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:56 PM

I hate this ive only found a small handfull of people who are around my age, and yea...I feel horribly outnumberd, not that I have a prbolem with older people, just does this make me pathetic being this young and on a site like this?

Your feelings are valid. You are young.

iUse2B's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:56 PM

I hate this ive only found a small handfull of people who are around my age, and yea...I feel horribly outnumberd, not that I have a prbolem with older people, just does this make me pathetic being this young and on a site like this?

Nah, it would not be your AGE that drives people would be your attitude and maturity don;t whine and don't be thinking of yourself as "pathetic". man up! bigsmile drinker flowerforyou

maraskia74's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:57 PM
flowerforyou younger guy are hot lol dont worrie i wont hit on you, younger guys are more open, not crushed by reality yet.

johncarl's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:58 PM

I said OLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not old as in anchent! LOL:heart: :heart: :heart:
i had a 27 year old blow me off at the bar last night it was so fun.laugh laugh laugh why do the young girls have to be that way i am only 44.laugh laugh

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:58 PM
Yes mr nibbles, Ill turn my self in :(

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