Topic: I love when you... | |
Let me bury my face in your neck..
...are the voices in my head.
cuddle up with me and tell me how much you missed me today
let me be me
look at me
with those eyes that shatter all my fears and a smile that makes want to wrap myself in your soul |
hold my hair while i puke........ k maybe not so much
..share your day with me.
You Mow my Lawn
you lay on my back while I lay on my stomach
tell me how proud you are of me!!!!
understand me even though I am just babbling
Gently kiss the top of my forehead when you're holding me and think I'm sleeping
put me in your ear and spend the lunch hour with me!
I love when you __________ (fill in the blank) Have a good day and tell me about it |
give me o's wooohoooo |
when you dont scream at me !
clean my belly button lint
don't scream out your ex's name
I love when you visit me in the hospital when I am sick.