Topic: Love at first sight?
Nurseguy08's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:23 PM
I used to believe that it could happen but I'm getting cynical now...anyone still believe in it? I think I feel a click now and again but nothing like the lightning strike, ya know?

hippieguy24's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:25 PM
Edited by hippieguy24 on Thu 04/24/08 12:25 PM
I don't believe in love at first sight, personally. Lust at first sight, sure... but after that first look most women turn out to be shallow and full of themselves :P

me2g's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:26 PM

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:26 PM
You know what it is? Crash and burn, over and over agian. We get soooooooo tired of it the we're afraid to give our selve's freely anymore. That's all.

No1sLove's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:27 PM
I have to know what's inside without my x-ray goggles it's just not possible for me. happy

crazysillygirl's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:28 PM
i believe in love at first sight yes....but it may not happen to everyone !!!!

cdanny47's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:31 PM
Happen to me,,,, even tho we did divorce after 14 year's we had a beautiful son and I am happy with it and think she is aswell..

BlueskyJ's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:31 PM
Not love at first sight....attraction at first takes me time to fall in love....i have to spend time with the person & get to know her first

Robm248's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:32 PM
Not a believer. Lust at first sight... yep.
Wait, you mean someone else, a guy even, said it's not all about looks!! YES! Rock on man!drinker

no photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:33 PM

I used to believe that it could happen but I'm getting cynical now...anyone still believe in it? I think I feel a click now and again but nothing like the lightning strike, ya know?

When I get that way, I look for the first free IQ test on the web to see how bad it dropped, usually into 2 digit territory. A little chemistry is good, but alot of partnership is better.

puckthefackers's photo
Thu 04/24/08 12:35 PM
I personally do not. I dont go around dropping L bombs that easily but if it works for you.....then great.

lilangel2's photo
Thu 04/24/08 02:57 PM
Yes, or maybe it was strong lust bigsmile

How do you differentiate?

d4tc's photo
Thu 04/24/08 03:15 PM
I read this in a book... "Love is like lightening. You don't know what it is, until it hits you" ;)

There is no such thing as LOVE at first sight. Lust at first sight, YES. But not LOVE. LOVE is not a word to be taken lightly. It's a feeling of lust that becomes nurtured into LOVE over time.

I could look at a woman I have never seen before and say, "Wow! I love her!" Would you really take me seriously? I wouldn't.

lilangel2's photo
Thu 04/24/08 03:17 PM

I read this in a book... "Love is like lightening. You don't know what it is, until it hits you" ;)

There is no such thing as LOVE at first sight. Lust at first sight, YES. But not LOVE. LOVE is not a word to be taken lightly. It's a feeling of lust that becomes nurtured into LOVE over time.

I could look at a woman I have never seen before and say, "Wow! I love her!" Would you really take me seriously? I wouldn't.

Ok, maybe I was in love with the lust...bigsmile

kayliz88's photo
Thu 04/24/08 03:21 PM
I believe in lust at first site but not love at first site...I think you have to know a person to be in love with them.

rush2001's photo
Thu 04/24/08 03:21 PM
I belive in love at first sight, it just never happend to me.frown