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Topic: One minute after the rapture
MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:43 AM
flowerforyou Beam me up Scottyflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 04/24/08 09:45 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 04/24/08 09:55 AM

Millions of people suddenly vanished on a average day. Grave split open...corpse vanished. It's one minute after the rapture.... What would you begin to do if you missed the rapture. What do you think the government would begin to do??? What would happen globally, economically, politically???? Millions of people are missing.... on a global scale.

So what happens: One minute after the rapture?

I don't believe in pre-tribulation rapture, I don't think that it is scripturally sound. Jesus will have one second coming. Chirstians will be "raptured", the soliders who are fighting in the war will be killed by Jesus and everyone will be presented to God for judgement. So what will the non-saved by thinking? Probably: <i>Oh snap! I should have listened to those annoying people!</i>

Oh that's what all the annoying people say. laugh laugh

They can't wait for their Jesus to come and kill us all. Nice.
He sounds like a really nice guy.

drinker I agree JeannieBean.drinker I dont think the real Jesus is gonna come back and kill a bunch of peopleflowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 04/24/08 10:20 AM

I dont think the real Jesus is gonna come back and kill a bunch of peopleflowerforyou

That would seem to be traumatically out of character for him wouldn’t it? flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/24/08 10:51 AM

I dont think the real Jesus is gonna come back and kill a bunch of peopleflowerforyou

That would seem to be traumatically out of character for him wouldn’t it? flowerforyou

I was once told that it would not be Jesus, but his angels of light that would waste the rest of the population.

Jesus's henchmen, or hit men I guess.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 04/24/08 11:55 PM
Jeaniebean.. That is at the end of the 1000 year regign

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 12:50 AM
miles....what 1000 yr reign???? i'm lost

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 04/25/08 08:37 AM
What is assumed prophecy today is That Yahshua will come back soon and those who come against him will be destroyed. At this time he sets up as King and High Priests in Jerusalem. This is when he regigns for 1000 years while satan is chained. At the end of the 1000 years or close to it.Satan is again set free and goes and gets many followers even those who have been living while Yahshua has regigned to a final battle. This is when Armies of angels come down to fight this last battle and afterwards Yahshua opens the book of life and those who were not in the transformation when Yahshua came back will be judged by thier works.Before the New Jerusalem comes down With Yahweh hinself when the earth will need no more light for the light will be with them.The 1000 year regiegn is for 1/5th of the worlds population who are still alive after the battle of Armengedon will go back to a sacraficial system. Because they refused to believe who Yahshua was and accept his blood as thier sacrafice for thier sins. So now they have to do as Moses and the Israelites sacrafice to understand redemption.. Blessings..Miles

no photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:12 AM
I'm glad to be in the age of grace:smile: It's interest what is going on in the world. It almost seems like a dress rehearsal for very near future events of the tribulation.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:15 AM

Millions of people suddenly vanished on a average day. Grave split open...corpse vanished. It's one minute after the rapture.... What would you begin to do if you missed the rapture. What do you think the government would begin to do??? What would happen globally, economically, politically???? Millions of people are missing.... on a global scale.

So what happens: One minute after the rapture?

If I believed in it, I would be horrified that I missed it. But I don't so, I guess it would be day as usual. I would not even know they were gone, I am sure.bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:17 AM

What is assumed prophecy today is That Yahshua will come back soon and those who come against him will be destroyed. At this time he sets up as King and High Priests in Jerusalem. This is when he regigns for 1000 years while satan is chained. At the end of the 1000 years or close to it.Satan is again set free and goes and gets many followers even those who have been living while Yahshua has regigned to a final battle. This is when Armies of angels come down to fight this last battle and afterwards Yahshua opens the book of life and those who were not in the transformation when Yahshua came back will be judged by thier works.Before the New Jerusalem comes down With Yahweh hinself when the earth will need no more light for the light will be with them.The 1000 year regiegn is for 1/5th of the worlds population who are still alive after the battle of Armengedon will go back to a sacraficial system. Because they refused to believe who Yahshua was and accept his blood as thier sacrafice for thier sins. So now they have to do as Moses and the Israelites sacrafice to understand redemption.. Blessings..Miles

Wow, quite a story. Very gripping.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:19 AM

I dont think the real Jesus is gonna come back and kill a bunch of peopleflowerforyou

That would seem to be traumatically out of character for him wouldn’t it? flowerforyou

I agree, or at least the Jesus I was taught about anyway. Now God on the other hand is capable of great horrific angry actions, from what I was taughtnoway huh

no photo
Fri 04/25/08 09:43 AM

I dont think the real Jesus is gonna come back and kill a bunch of peopleflowerforyou

That would seem to be traumatically out of character for him wouldn’t it? flowerforyou

I agree, or at least the Jesus I was taught about anyway. Now God on the other hand is capable of great horrific angry actions, from what I was taughtnoway huh

Grab a Bible and teach yourself about Jesus, your previous teachers were lacking.

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