Topic: Just Pondering
lizethmarina's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:33 PM
Sitting alone, surrounded by the unseen crowd
Feeling the soft ocean breeze of memories
Deep down in my soul, asking where did everything go
Pain in this silence i can no longer deny

I miss everything we were back when we first were married
but those memories have faded by the person who you have become now
Thinking to myself did i make the rigth choice this time?
Wondering if I should have stayed, give it one last try

Years of misunderstanding, years of feeling alone, years of feeling no love
I felt freedom calling not too long ago
still you resisted after the warning signs came and went
Still you dare say i never cared

How hard can it be for a now single mother?
Being asked by her little child, where is my daddy?
unable to give an answer as to the reasons why a marriage gets broken
cheating, lies, abuse.... what do you say?

We will be fine, just don't leave your son behind
It's not his fault, he still loves you, even thou I don't
See past your sorrow, past your anger towards me
Realize that no matter what, your son, he will always be.


MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:40 PM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou


LightVoice's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:40 PM
wow :heart: brilliant, moving.. powerful :heart:

Dragoness's photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:40 PM
Very niceflowerforyou

lizethmarina's photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:18 PM
Dragoness flowerforyou

light flowerforyou

MissTeddy flowerforyou

Thank you all.