Topic: Will a Temple Be Built | |
Will a Temple Be Built? I would just like to see different opinions and why. I am going to stay out of it unless someone asks me a question I will answer it. Or email me if you want a opinion from me. I hope this is fruitful. Blessings of Shalom..Miles
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Sat 04/19/08 11:25 AM
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There have been thousands of temples built... do ya mean in Jerusalem?
There have been thousands of temples built... do ya mean in Jerusalem? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What if there is some truth in the scriptures...
What if the truth has been distorted by editing to the point that it is too confusing to know which is which? Who knows? One command, from one leader, could begin a nuclear assault. One decision. |
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Kill 'em all and let 'God' sort 'em out...
That always intrigued me... |
The temple referenced would have to be built where the "Dome of the Rock" now stands. The "Dome" is the second hloiest of sites next to Mecca. Destroy it or ear that "Dome" down and there will be a middle-eastern war of unprecedented magnitude!
Has anyone been in the "Dome"? I have a few times. It is really cool inside. There's a huge rock protruding inside for viewing. It is "traditionally" believed to be the rock where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son and the Angel stopped him. The rock itself has ancient channels cut into it for the sacrifice of lambs by the priests. The channels are there to allow for blood flow away from the point of sacrifice. Go there if you can. It's fascinating! |
The temple referenced would have to be built where the "Dome of the Rock" now stands. The "Dome" is the second hloiest of sites next to Mecca. Destroy it or ear that "Dome" down and there will be a middle-eastern war of unprecedented magnitude! Has anyone been in the "Dome"? I have a few times. It is really cool inside. There's a huge rock protruding inside for viewing. It is "traditionally" believed to be the rock where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son and the Angel stopped him. The rock itself has ancient channels cut into it for the sacrifice of lambs by the priests. The channels are there to allow for blood flow away from the point of sacrifice. Go there if you can. It's fascinating! God tells Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree and then an Angle steps in and gets them to do it. God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son and then an angle steps in and stops it. God doesn't seem to be able to control his angles very well. |
Considering that so many people believe in the mythology I would actually be surprised if someone doesn’t attempt to rebuild the temple just to fulfill the prophecy of the religion they believe in. It would well become a self-fulfilling prophecy. That wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
The temple referenced would have to be built where the "Dome of the Rock" now stands. The "Dome" is the second hloiest of sites next to Mecca. Destroy it or ear that "Dome" down and there will be a middle-eastern war of unprecedented magnitude! And I agree with what Bobby wrote here. If they attempt to rebuild the temple it probably will start a war of unprecedented magnitude. And then everyone will proclaim that this is the battle of Armageddon and the end of the world. If you get enough people believing in that they will probably all throw in the towel and believe that it really is the end of the world. The masses are easily drawn in to that kind of stuff. It could very well constitute a bloodbath that will most likely result in a nuclear holocaust. Will the sky open up whilst the warheads are in the air with Jesus floating down on a cloud to stop the war and ever knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he’s the king of kings and the lord of lords? Who knows. My guess is probably not. What is more likely is that mankind will do some serious damage to the planet and Mother earth. Some humans may survive the disaster and start all over again from scratch. They’ll probably end up just creating another religious myth and just do the whole stupid thing all over again another ten thousand years down the road or whatever. I hope we don’t lose what we have to religious superstition. But it sure looks like some people are almost aching for it to come true. Like Jeanniebean would say, "Whatever the masses focus on they'll manifest". So don't focus on this catastrophe if you don't want it to happen. ![]() Become a non-believer in the biblical myth,... Pantheism - it's not just for breakfast anymore. ![]() |
Pantheism - it's not just for breakfast anymore. flowerforyou
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Just on a related note,….
People often ask why anyone should be afraid of Christian proselytizing. Well, if Christians believe that there is going to be a huge battle of unprecedented proportions in the Middle East, and they are attempting to convert the entire world to this belief via their aggressive organized proselytizing campaigns, then there’s clearly a very good reason to fear what they are up to. As Jeanniebean points out, what the masses believe they will manifest. So if the Christians succeed in converting everyone into believing in this catastrophic myth,….. well duh???? ![]() It’s a dangerous myth to be going around converting the whole world into believing! ![]() |
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Sat 04/19/08 06:21 PM
Will a Temple Be Built? I would just like to see different opinions and why. I am going to stay out of it unless someone asks me a question I will answer it. Or email me if you want a opinion from me. I hope this is fruitful. Blessings of Shalom..Miles Will the third temple be built? That is the Zionist's plan. It is a long and sorted story of how the Zionist's are using Biblical prophecy's to manipulate world events. The 9-11 event was part of it. Larry Silverstein (landlord leasing the world trade center and owner of Building 7) and the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), a billion dollar Zionist “charity” organization, are all involved in the complicated plot. Silverstein is a former chairman of UJA. This organization raises hundreds of millions of dollars every year for a network of Zionist agencies in the United States and Israel. Before war could be waged in the Middle east, something had to be done to get us to go over there. 9-11 got us there -- for some reason, along with propaganda about a terrorist network, blah blah blah.... All faked of course. We destroyed Iraq. That was step one. Next plan: Iran. Step two. Next plan: all out war, and take over where Zionists (Israel) will take control of the Temple mount and find that the temples have been destroyed and replaced with mosques. They will tear them down and rebuild the temple. This is not Prophecy. This is the plan! It has nothing to do with the Christian religion, it has to do with the new world order, world power and domination. Then the aliens will land the mother ship in the area of the temple mount. ![]() (I know, this is where I loose a lot of people, but oh well) The new owner of earth has arrived. We be slaves now. Lets hope our new master is a kind one, but don't count on it. JB |
I believe that a temple will be built. Not only does Hebrew University teach the Levites how to perform the various priestly duties, most of the utensils, vestments and other aspects of a temple are already created and in place. There are blue prints and the only thing that has stopped them from building it is the Dome of the Rock. However, it is not proven that the Dome does not sit on the temple site, but more where the sacrifices were. Remember there is a great rock there not temple ruins, and God said they were not to have an altar to sacrifice on that had a cut stone. The Dome is where they killed the animals not where the holy of holies was. That is where a shrine called the dome of the tablets exists.
The reason that I believe a temple must be in existence before Christ comes is this: THERE WILL BE SACRIFICES BEFORE CHRIST COMES Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. AN ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION WILL BE SET UP IN THE TEMPLE Dan 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. THE BEAST WILL COME DOWN INTO THE HOLY LAND & WILL RESIDE THERE Dan 11:45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. CHRIST EXPLAINED THAT THIS WOULD BE THE EVENT THAT SIGNALED THE BEGINNING OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) THE BEAST WILL BE THE ABOMINATION. HE WILL SIT IN A TEMPLE, WORK MIRACLES WITH THE FALSE PROPHET, AND CLAIM TO BE GOD 2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Art |
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Thu 04/24/08 01:18 PM
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Thu 04/24/08 01:20 PM
You just can not do whatever you want in 2008 based on your own beliefs where billions of others disagree with you . Besides that people have no rights whatsoever to use religions to make colonies and slave the weak ,the poor ,and those who can not defend themselves . Politics and religions go hand in hand and no wonder people do not give a damn about religions anymore. Those who use religions to achieve their political goals are primitive in nature and the same goes to those who believe in them . |
the temple will be rebuilt....alot of people will be pissed when the dome is knocked down but it will happen....the question is will we be here to see it
I think it will never happen as billions of people are against this crazy idea . Also , people around the world are well informed about the mixture of religions and politics for the sole purpose of colonisation and bulling .
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Thu 04/24/08 05:46 PM
The religious Israeli Jews are determined to fulfill its' building with or with out consent and contract.
They have already prepared to catalog the pieces that will make the edifice a whole when the location is determined to be the accurate one, along with the implements, attire and furniture. It is, on their part, not a self fulfilling prophesy but rather a necessary act of collective conscience. That it would appear to be a self fulfilling work of man is subject to the judgement of those outside of the Judaic faith. Within Judaic thought, the temple's construction is a foregone conclusion yet to manifest itself as the completed edifice with a purpose. When the Ark of the Covenant is moved into the temple, know that the Ark is only waiting for the construction to be completed. None of that can happen without the ashes of the Red Heifer, either the original ashes or an equivalent which they are attempting to genetically produce as we read this. The Ark and the ashes are the key, not time. The time is set by God, but the temple building is set by the Jews. The time appointed and the time to build are mutually exclusive with regard to the actual construction of the temple. Discover the Ark publicly and the timing is established. Produce a red heifer without spot or blemish with no white or black hairs and the Ark may be moved to meet the High Priest in the temple. Follow the knowledge of the Ark and the Ashes, not the construction. When construction begins, know that the Jews have both. At present, they do not. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Where is peace then ?!. All the universe needs peace now .
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