Topic: Will a Temple Be Built | |
funny you would mention him. Part of his heritage was Jewish. This is probally was his religion as he used the cleanliness the bible teaches as him going in and fighting the plague back then. Then thier is more evidence that he was Jewish because the Catholic church was hunting him down for what he was teaching even though he was saving lives. He wrote many many books that were burned so nobody could read his heresy. Myself I believe he could actually be a prophet. It seems that after Yahshua that anyone being a prophet just can not be. Which I have a hard time believeing since prophets are all through the Bible and Solomon said thiers nothing new under the sun. So yes personally I do believe he was a prophet but he wrote in a way that might not be meant for us to understand yet. Blessings..Miles ![]() |
Yes.. The problem is thier have been so many say prophecies that people have claimed after the fact that he is dismissed. But the is also true with the bible and they are even harder to interpret if a after the fact prophecy is really what the scriptures are talking about. Your right about false prophets they are all over the place. I saw one on TV one time this guy goes into a trance and say Yahweh says that on June 8th i think around 1992 that the biggest earth quake ever was going to happen. Well the preachers on thier and even different programs was declaring this was going to happen. I decided I was going to pay close attention to that day and what they would say. Well thier was no earth quake. So what was these different large Tv ministies claiming. That it did happen just like he prophecied. We just could not feel it because it was so far deep in the earth. More amazing than that is People believed them and sent in even more money. I said give me a break the largest earth quake ever happened but we just could not feel it. How gullible people can be. Blessings..Miles
ty Miles...I learned something new. I'm always eager to learn things. Good thing I'm not a cat or my curiosity would have killed me long ago lol
I still can't say if I think it will happen though |
Well that where I want to keep my opinion out of this. I want to see all the different thoughts on this. It is a big deal and getting bigger everyday in the minds of people everywhere. Blessings of Shalom Yellowrose....Miles Time for bed
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Well not true :Christians under their beliefs and with some crazy politics had many colonies in many parts of the world . These colonies suffered and still suffer from their deeds . How does Jesus fit in all this human tragedy ?. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well not true :Christians under their beliefs and with some crazy politics had many colonies in many parts of the world . These colonies suffered and still suffer from their deeds . How does Jesus fit in all this human tragedy ?. ![]() First of all, let me inform you that not everyone who calls himself a Chirstian is. Some are just in a very lucritive business of conning money out of clueless but good-hearted people, some don't really know what the conditions are to being a Christian, and some are religious, just going thru the motions. How do you know which are which? How their lives ( one is perfect, but repentence will show here) line up with the instruction of the Bible. And the Bible teaches to love enemies, study the Bible, believe that Jesus is the Messiah, Who came in the form of man to die as the unblemished sacrifice for man's sins, and to share the faith to prevent others from missing out and going out into an eternity we don't want anyone to have to face. A lot of evil has been done in the name of religion...even Christianity. And that is NOT Christian. Now, would you care to cite examples of Christians caused and continue to cause suffering in colonies around the world? As a Christian, I read prophecies in the Bible that tell of the destruction of earth, of an end-all battle between the god of this world and the true God of all. The reason so many Christians and religious people speak on it is because we believe it. If you did, would you not tell people to "wake up" and be prepared? In Biblical prophecy, the temple will be built. |
Edited by
Sun 04/27/08 03:17 PM
Religions history speaks for itself : from wars to endless killings ,from hatred against those who do not believe in them to all the contradictions ...etc. If religion was made by a perfect designer ,it would have been not so ridiculous in nature . Those who believe in religion escape the reality of life to find some comfort in it ; while others use it for monetary ,political and power gains . If in 2008 we still believe in all the mythology of religion ,we have a serious problem on hand .
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() There are thousands and not only hundreds of religions and to suggest that one of them is correct and the rest are not is somehow bizarre especially lots of them are very similar . Our education system gives much importance to religion ignoring the scientific issues that make religion a laughable sort of thing . A world without religion based on human laws according to common sense ,fairness ,equality ,justice ,logic and peace is an ideal system for all . |
I are speaking truth of religion. Religion does not work. A relationship with Christ is what a Christian is to be of. And that means not willingly hurting others or being disrespectful. It's living from love rather than from being religious to a set of creeds or doctorine. Jesus rebelled against the religious leaders of the day. Religion is religion, whatever the name above the door is.
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it is what is truth to the individual. what is myths to some is history to others. to tell something they are flat out wrong and they are living a fairy tale is nothing more than lack of respect. it may not be a truth to you....but no one should discount someone for not believing as you do
it is what is truth to the individual. what is myths to some is history to others. to tell something they are flat out wrong and they are living a fairy tale is nothing more than lack of respect. it may not be a truth to you....but no one should discount someone for not believing as you do This is true. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 04/27/08 06:41 PM
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Is it possible that the Bible does not support a Temple being built? Blessings..Miles
I are speaking truth of religion. Religion does not work. A relationship with Christ is what a Christian is to be of. And that means not willingly hurting others or being disrespectful. It's living from love rather than from being religious to a set of creeds or doctorine. Jesus rebelled against the religious leaders of the day. Religion is religion, whatever the name above the door is. ![]() Good for him. I think we should rebel against the religious leaders too. I'm talking about the Vatican and the Black Pope and churches who support Christian Zionism. JB |