Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:41 PM
AWEsome Karma.. oooooooooooo MORE blue juice!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:41 PM
Uhm why not just use the elevator Karma?

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:41 PM
poet.. I think it's out of order.. besides.. his dragon hide can't fit I
don't think laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:42 PM
buttons, you can go to a web site I think, without looking, it's You can download a free software that you can run and it
will find and isolate any viruses. Of course you have to pay for the
upgrade to kill it, but as long as it's isolated it can't harm anything.
I have it set up to run daily as I'm a real we surfer. A good anti
virus software is an absolute must too, but the adaware software will
catch what your anti virus might not.

scottishemt's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:43 PM
Fine ZZZZZZZZZZ-wipin droolin from mouth-you? busy,bust,busy,just need
to wash some of the day down-gulp slurp

karmafury's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:44 PM
Scotty? Did you just guzzle from that stein on the bar?

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:45 PM
Oh ok who broke the elevator?? It wasn't me, I wasn't any where near it
with my wand!!

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:46 PM
woooooooooohooooooooooooo scotty.. double fisting it tonite er what eh??
drinker drinker wow.. you ARE thirsty eh??

well.. the name says it all eh?? laugh

welcome to the bar Redy

scottishemt's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:46 PM
uh yea why(?!?!!?!?!?!?)

lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:46 PM
hi z here is that drink I promised!!!!
hi everyone!

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:46 PM
OMG Karma.. what was in the stein?? *z shirks back afraid ta ask*

karmafury's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:47 PM
Solution for cleaning brass.

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:48 PM
HI scott, Lazy & Redy

oh boy he drank from the stein on the bar ohhhh boyyyyyyyy

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:48 PM
bout TIME ya got here dude.. sheesh and they say WOMEN are slow..
so.. how was dinner?? yer still alive?? laugh

*z takes the drink from lazy and thanks him with a warm hug.... :wink:'s
and gives him the LOOK* bigsmile

scottishemt's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:48 PM
(Gettin dizzy-seein big bird,and gilligan kissin) am I goona be ok here

lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:50 PM
drinker bigsmile glasses .. dinner was good ex virgin...lmao

karmafury's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:50 PM
It's diluted a lot because I use it on my scales to polish them.

You may want to check your bus for something to make you puke though.

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:50 PM
don't KNOW dude.. YER the EMT

laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:50 PM
thanks redy i did run a virus scan etc... said there were none then my
comp gave me the blue screen again reloaded everything back in ... just
was hoping it didnt come from here but more than likely did cause i
havent been browsing the internet

lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/04/07 06:53 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
glasses glasses glasses