Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:00 PM
me sick? well maybe.. it could be fun to have two TTO's bigsmile

well that isn't too bad then.. that you have help making sure the kids
get to their games on time

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:03 PM
no see this is where I am greedy , and want to be the only one ... how
did that movie go ??... There can be ONLY one .. lol.. besides I am not
sure what my clone would say to you, and how he would act. I would have
to really be annoyyed if he did or said the wrong things .. :)

I am actually helping HER out as the kids are at her house tonight ...
Feeling alittle better today are you ??.. are you working or home now ..

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:07 PM
i'm home.. i can't access the internet at work. there was an email from
the asst general manager stating.. no more internet access as it came
down from our home office. a couple of people at other locations were
visiting porn sites.. while at work. pretty stooopid i'd say.

yeah.. i can understand why you wouldn't want a clone.. you'd never know
what they'd do.

do you share custody of your kids? and how old are they?

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:08 PM
yeah, doing better today

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:13 PM
Oh I hear that ... I don't have the internet athome yet ... not ni the
buget YET , but looking like it more and more ... another BILL I don't
really need .. lol...

yes we do . she has Primary residence, as they call it here in Canada,
BUT over a 14 day period, I have them 6 days she has 8.
So basically every other weekend and 2 days a week... but with all the
hockey they play and sports , pretty much see each other every day as we
live 5 blocks apart to. That way kids have same church, school, friends
you know ...

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:17 PM
that is good..

my daughter went to a private school.. so when my ex and i split up..
she didn't have to change schools. but then i moved 3000 miles and she
had to start all over again.

my ex and i had joint custody.. where she'd spend one week there and
then one week with me.

oh yeah.. i hate bills.. have way too many of them

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:20 PM
that would almost make you broke getting her back and forth between
homes ,, wow ...
I had a chance at a job in San Jose and turned it down as my kids would
have that travel, OR not, and I thought they were to young then ..
maybe next time .. lol ( if it happens .. lol )

I think you said she is ALMOST done school ??.. and does she see her Dad
still as often ??

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:24 PM
she just started college and she makes the choice as to whether she sees
her dad or not. she spent christmas with him.

once i moved to jersey.. he only saw her during spring break, summer and
either thanksgiving or christmas.. he paid for her tickets.

San Jose as in California? My daughter flew alone.. and she was 12 when
she started that.

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:29 PM
well she is older now , so it makes it a bit easier ... and she can
decide for her self right ??

I don't know, I just have alot of reservations about kids traveling
alone .. as a parent it just makes me REALLY nervous. I know they are
VERY well looked after , BUT it only takes a second for something to go
HORRIBLY wrong...

yeah SJ , in CA .. would have been a blast too..oh well.. don't lose
sleep over those kind of decisions when it involves my kids ..

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:33 PM
believe me.. i worried every time she flew.. i waited at the airport
until i knew she was off the ground and the ex had to call me as soon as
the plane landed.. and i didn't care what time it was.. i had to make
sure she was there. now, she has her own cell and she calls me to let me
know that she has to shut her phone off, then again when she lands.

well, actually.. i worry about her still..

you ever been to CA? or washington state?

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:35 PM
She sounds like a good daughter ... and you have raised her right .. :)

No I have not ... have always wanted to DO the West coast... start at
the top of Seattle and drive down , hang out.. dip my HUGE toes in the
ocean down there .. lol.. Actually , Toronto is at the same Latitude as
Norhtern California ...
Ever been to CA ???.. I know you said you were in the West coast for a

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:40 PM
i lived in the Seattle area.. all my life until i moved to jersey in
2001. yep.. been to CA several times. i was just out there in July of
last year. driving down the Pacific Coast Hwy (101) is an awesome trip..
you get to see sooooo much scenery and little towns. you have to make
sure you have several days for the drive. you have to make the stops in
the little towns.. it is required :wink:

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:46 PM
And there in lies my problem.... I would need several WEEKS I think ,
cause that is what I love doin... drive STOP... see the world ... spent
almost 4 months thru Europe... a life time ago too.. lol..

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:50 PM
i love to travel.. not much of a flyer.. but i love to drive..

i spent 10 days in the Netherlands. i loved it there.

that is why i don't have a problem driving up to see my daughter in
college, which i'll be doing on the 10th.. as it is her spring break.

then i'm driving up to spend a weekend with z.. in april.

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:56 PM
lol I hear ya .. I drive everywhere I can ... use to be a GGOD flyer,
but had a few nightmare flights so .. now not so good a flyer.... LOL...

I heard the big road trip .. that will be fun .. she is such a nice lady
... this is not the MOVIE trip is it ??. thought that was like July or
something ??.. I am so confused ... lol

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:57 PM
::enters bar...half asleep from the long weekend::

Hey all yawn

no photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:00 PM
There she is ... Miss I am A FLyers fan ... LMAO ..

How are you Steph ???

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:00 PM
hey yalls hows it goin.

herewego's photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:00 PM
the movie trip is to albany in july.. this is i need to escape and z
invited me up.. so gonna take her up on the offer. seems kinda weird to
be driving up and staying at her house.. when i've never met her before.
but as i have gotten to know her, it seems like i've known her for quite

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:01 PM
hiya tto ,flyers hows yall doin?