Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
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Sat 02/24/07 05:46 PM
*z looks at wego.. then at poet.. * OMG you DO look worried you two..

*z watches as MORE people juice drop on the floor.. lookin up.. she sees
where it's coming from..* HEY>> where IS THAT closet ANYway.. OMG. not
in MY place.. *z runs up the stairs into the frolick room.. in the
distance you can hear her scream* WEEGOOOOOOOOO POETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT git
yer arse's UP here NOW please... :angry:

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:46 PM
you know my brains all mush....laugh laugh laugh laugh and mac
likes em that waylove love

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:46 PM
NOT agin??? dang.. dial up's SOOO slow I post and I'm on yet anOTHER
page.. grumble

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:48 PM
*runs up the stairs after z*

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:48 PM
Chin strap Lion!

Hotchikita's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:50 PM

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:51 PM
*z points to the open closet and all the dead bodies strewn about and
her poochie layin in the middle of them chompin on a leg* well?? now me
pups gonna get a STOMach ache.. accccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk POET.. can
ya zap 'em OUTTA here PLEASE?? sigh.... and while yer at it.. cud ya zap
the place clean too?? huh thanks gurl.. *z turns and runs back down
the stairs happy now the EVIDence is all gone..*

no probs bo.. sure..come back ANy time..

wb SD.. was WONderin.. phew.. though poet duct taped ya out back or
something.. LOL

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:52 PM
ooooo POOOOet.. sis?? now where'd YOU go.. laugh

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:53 PM
*looks around upstairs*

wow, so this is what it looks like up here.. way cool.. well except for
the mess

sushi's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:53 PM
Hey Zero, I didn't abandon you in the Picky thread. I just like to hit
and run! HAHA

Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:53 PM
where did I go wrong
Nothing youuuu

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:53 PM
some MESS eh wego?? whew and STANK... lion..?? I'd say the frolick room
was off limits fer a few days dude.. PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEuuuuu.. *z's eyes
are still waterin from the stentch*

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:55 PM
not BAD eh wego?? Mike did a GRAND job of the NEW place eh?? all the
latest.. wooooohoooo..

you DID abandon me sushi.. he dissed us BIG time and I had me fab 4 to
defend us.. so..ya hit an run in here too?? she gone again?? LOL

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:55 PM
yeah.. a big mess

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:57 PM
uh.. fanta?? just curious but .. are ya SININ or talkin to someone??
LMAO.. and they call ME nuts eh?? phew

hey chicka.. yer in MTL??? oooooooooooooooooo.. close eh?? :wink:

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:58 PM
ok aside from SININ are ya SINGING?? someone dropped me g's
laugh laughlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:58 PM
if you all needed places to hide bodies you shoulda called your bro jeez
i only work for a cemetary.......*grabs a resporator and plastic
suit*you all might want to leave for a bit while i clean this up*grabs a
few bags and a couple tons of lime starts cleaning the upsatairs then
goes down in the back yard and excavates a large crater with the back
hoe ....starts throwing bodies out the windows in the whole *

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:59 PM
Now wait a minute here those are sooooo not our dead bodies..I hid our
dead bodies in the closet in the lair!!

no photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:59 PM
well.. hey.. ooops .. that was ME..sorry.. dropped me g's like that.. *z
gets upset at addin to the mess* grumble

herewego's photo
Sat 02/24/07 05:59 PM
gotta love our bro