Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
DANE1973's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:35 PM
Nite nite poet ((((ccp)))):heart: Ya!

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:36 PM
dont work on my my bros used to that im immune now sorry.

*starts spinning really really fast*

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:36 PM

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:36 PM
nite sis.

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:38 PM
yer bros used to HURL on ya dude?? eeeeeeeeeeeecccccchhhhhhhhh.... not
after what I ATE today dude.. you'll be beggin fer mercy AND the use of
me shower
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
it's gettin closer to the top dude.. it WON"T be perdy..
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:38 PM
poet sis?? yer leavin?? huh?? huh

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:39 PM
:heart: I LOVE MY FAMILY HERE, just don't want to lose anymore of
yuns!!!!!:wink: :wink: :heart: flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:39 PM
*z catches site of poet for a split second with every spin from lion*

OK.. Stop the world.. wanna get OFF this ride..
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:40 PM
I hear ya iam.. they're droppin like flies cuz of some Trolls roamin the

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:41 PM
*gets dizzy from all the spinning and starts to stumble*ok maybe that
wasnt sucha good idea.but just let me know when your readyto get down.

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:42 PM
oh ok.*lets z get down*

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:43 PM
G'night sweet dreams!!

throws sissy sluggo doll!! devil happy now!! :tongue:

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:43 PM
phew...*z's trick worked and lion stopped spinning*

you ok thar dude??
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I"M good fer a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG time.. but I WILL have to go to bed
SOOON.. me eyes are closin and I'm yawn every 2 seconds.. makin it
hard to type
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Tneal's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:44 PM
Ok I said goodnite in the lair.... but to those that do not go there
(shame on ya) and good nite....



lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:44 PM
well im staying up for about another 2 hrs waiting for mac so you might
as well hop down.

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:45 PM
nite tn.((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:46 PM
nite ((((T)))) not MY fault.. geesh .. got booted out and couldn't get
back IN.. so I had to stay here... :cry: :cry:

ok lion.. sounds like aplan.. yuppers.. methinks me gonna head up to bed
shortly too.. been a LONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG day.. never mind WEEK..

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:47 PM
G'nite Tn ! flowerforyou

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:47 PM
nite ((((((((((((z))))))))))))) have good sleep k.

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:48 PM
*z starts collectin up her mess and clearin up the bar a bit.. not
wanting TOO much mess in the AM to face.. stokes the fire.. pets the
pooochie.. ruffles her fur then slaps z's thigh with her hand and
watches as the poochie stretches an gets up to follow*