Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
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Fri 02/23/07 05:10 PM
phew.. better now (((wego))) sis... now that some MORE reality 'sucks'
stuff is DONE!!! LMAO

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... tis wonderful to be FLYDAY eh?? *z plops down
in her big comfy chair by the fire after she ruffles her poochies ears
and stokes the fire a lil bigger*

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:11 PM
*cues up billy joels greatest hits* id like some blue here z.happy

Fanta46's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:12 PM

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:12 PM

drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:13 PM
OMG.. did T just say I was a VIRUS???? noway ya didn't!!! GURL.. I
deLOUSED just YESTERDAY!!!!!!!! laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

ooooooooooo Lion.. I feel SOOOOO special.. *z giggles and noogies lion
again* na na :tongue: only ME can..
woooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo *z jumps on the pool table and does
a dance like saturday nite fever* yabba dabba dooooooooey laugh

*z passes wego a huge stein of blue juice..* sorry sis.. can't steamy
it.. that's karma's thang.. :cry: drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:16 PM
*z hands another huge stein filled with blue juice to lion then noogies
him again* sorry dude.. just in a GREAT mood today an I've not noogie
anyone in YEARS... it's sooooo fun :tongue:

fanta.. hey dude.. is school out yet or what eh?? what do ya teach by
the way *z tears up his test papers beFORE he hands them out... then
pretends all innocence*

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:17 PM
i need some thing strong my tooth is killing me.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:17 PM
drinker :tongue: Go ZZZ Gurl!! woohhooo!!!! drinker :heart:

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:18 PM
brush real good & swish lion if its real bad stick a asprin in it

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:19 PM
well i wasnt totally truthful mac can give me noogies too but i dont
think she will lol.laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:20 PM
I know lion... ROFLMAO.. let me tie a piece of string round yer tooth
then we'll hook the OTHER end to her bumper car... now.. just brace
yerself genst the door and HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *z revs the engine
and heads out the back door... but after a moment when the string
tightens... her car stops DEAD!!* OMG lion..yer tooths REALLY in thar


drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker here catch.. put some
pixie dust in thar for lion wud ya?? he's in SORE need of a pain killa

Fanta46's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:20 PM

Is it abscessed Lion?

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:21 PM
i got a wisdom tooth coming in all funny its driving me nuts .i swear id
rather have a broken arm than a tooth ache lol.

tallandtttanned's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:22 PM
hey z what about me don't i get a hug

catch why are u sitting way over there

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:22 PM
well.. mac has EVERY liberty don't she?? LMAO.. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

so everyone?? what's up this weekend? evening? anything exCITIN going

wego.. hows yer shoulder gurl??

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:23 PM
no its not absess, just coming in all screwed up.its like twisted and
and at a weird goin to the dentist tomarrow after work.

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:24 PM
don't you teach fanta?? or is that yer cousin???

OOOOOOOOOOO sorry dude>>> hey TnT ((hugs)) bigsmile snowblinded by
all the whiteness of ONT and the GREAT WHITE NORTH thar dude LOL

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:24 PM
well z with me she does......she could do what ever she wants with
me........and the worst part is she knows it.

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:26 PM
ooooooo 5 more postsdevil devil devil devil devil devil
devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil
devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil
devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil
devil devil devil devil

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 05:26 PM
oKAY lion.. but... do you have all the liberties with HER?? I would
think SO no?? :wink: :tongue: :wink: *z giggles at lions blush*