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Topic: When
franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 01:50 PM

tried to make light of the topic, sorry flowerforyou

but my first question is why would anyone say this, unless they are used to or have been prejudged in their past?

he doesn't like his paternal father who is a drunk, Mexican and too machismo. He said even for the short amt. of time his dad was around, his father instilled negative thing's that still exist.

He must face those demons and understand that it is his opinion of himself that matters most.


damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 04/17/08 01:51 PM

tried to make light of the topic, sorry flowerforyou

but my first question is why would anyone say this, unless they are used to or have been prejudged in their past?

he doesn't like his paternal father who is a drunk, Mexican and too machismo. He said even for the short amt. of time his dad was around, his father instilled negative thing's that still exist.
Is it that his self esteem is that low? I'm trying to understand not be judgemental.

Sounds like it!

Hell ihave low esteem too but i goto theropy for it ^.^

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 04/17/08 01:53 PM

tried to make light of the topic, sorry flowerforyou

but my first question is why would anyone say this, unless they are used to or have been prejudged in their past?

he doesn't like his paternal father who is a drunk, Mexican and too machismo. He said even for the short amt. of time his dad was around, his father instilled negative thing's that still exist.

He must face those demons and understand that it is his opinion of himself that matters most.

As a friend, what can or should I do? Give me some insight into this plz.

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 04/17/08 01:58 PM
I think I understand my answer's. Keep giving positive feed back. I recieved that from someone in my earlier year's . My mother left me with no self respect or self confidence. My bf at the time built me up. Now it's time to give back.

franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 02:03 PM

I think I understand my answer's. Keep giving positive feed back. I recieved that from someone in my earlier year's . My mother left me with no self respect or self confidence. My bf at the time built me up. Now it's time to give back.

Always pay it forward, but make sure he knows he is responsible for his own happiness not you. You're there to help but you are not the solution.

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 04/17/08 02:17 PM

I think I understand my answer's. Keep giving positive feed back. I recieved that from someone in my earlier year's . My mother left me with no self respect or self confidence. My bf at the time built me up. Now it's time to give back.

Always pay it forward, but make sure he knows he is responsible for his own happiness not you. You're there to help but you are not the solution.
thank you Franshade, for your insight and understanding.

franshade's photo
Thu 04/17/08 02:20 PM

I think I understand my answer's. Keep giving positive feed back. I recieved that from someone in my earlier year's . My mother left me with no self respect or self confidence. My bf at the time built me up. Now it's time to give back.

Always pay it forward, but make sure he knows he is responsible for his own happiness not you. You're there to help but you are not the solution.
thank you Franshade, for your insight and understanding.

you are so welcomed, hope it helps flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:50 PM

somebody say's that they want to be accepted for who and what they are. What do you think they are saying in actuality?

When I say it, it means I don't come with a steering wheel, so don't try. It's shorthand for "Sorry, I'm never going to be mainstream, and I don't feel like wasting time on people who are only looking for that."

izzie's photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:52 PM

somebody say's that they want to be accepted for who and what they are. What do you think they are saying in actuality?

When I say it, it means I don't come with a steering wheel, so don't try. It's shorthand for "Sorry, I'm never going to be mainstream, and I don't feel like wasting time on people who are only looking for that."

ok.. butwhat color is that??

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:54 PM

ok.. butwhat color is that??

Blue with orange trim -- sort of like that cheerleader outfit you have -- you know the one I like so much....!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:54 PM

could mean many things.. hiding something.. sick of being judged... feel like they dont fit in..

I agree with you there...
People are judgematic by looks, profession, hobbies, friends that they hang out with. You really can not truly pass judgement on a person until you actually get to know them.

maraskia74's photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:55 PM
i dont want to change lol flowerforyou

izzie's photo
Thu 04/17/08 03:57 PM

ok.. butwhat color is that??

Blue with orange trim -- sort of like that cheerleader outfit you have -- you know the one I like so much....!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

ooooohhhh... you mean this one???

is that a hint that you dont like my chartruse cat??

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