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no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:05 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 04/15/08 08:05 PM

building 23


The wizard sits in his high arched chair and waits for the adventurers to reply.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:07 PM
good day sir wizard. We came to seek you out because we were given your name by an elvish princess that came to this town in search of a rare potion in your possession. She didn't mention what this potion did but it seemed like she thought you would know what she was referring to.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:08 PM

good day sir wizard. We came to seek you out because we were given your name by an elvish princess that came to this town in search of a rare potion in your possession. She didn't mention what this potion did but it seemed like she thought you would know what she was referring to.

She told us that whatever it did it was mostly black, but would occasionally change colors.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:09 PM
yes, she say you have something thsat you made for her.

Max_Darkling's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:09 PM
Hello sir i to would like a job i still need to pay you for removing the cursed ring

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:10 PM

good day sir wizard. We came to seek you out because we were given your name by an elvish princess that came to this town in search of a rare potion in your possession. She didn't mention what this potion did but it seemed like she thought you would know what she was referring to.

"Ah how could I forget. I have so much on my mind. Yes yes where did I put this," the wizard mumbles. He then opens shranks and looks in book shelves then walks to the table where potions sit bubbling frothy liquids. He then grabs one with much relief. He then gives it to Rathil. "Deliver this to her. It is a serum that will cure a terrible disease that one of her family members has. I thank you for reminding me," the wizard answers.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:11 PM

good day sir wizard. We came to seek you out because we were given your name by an elvish princess that came to this town in search of a rare potion in your possession. She didn't mention what this potion did but it seemed like she thought you would know what she was referring to.

"Ah how could I forget. I have so much on my mind. Yes yes where did I put this," the wizard mumbles. He then opens shranks and looks in book shelves then walks to the table where potions sit bubbling frothy liquids. He then grabs one with much relief. He then gives it to Rathil. "Deliver this to her. It is a serum that will cure a terrible disease that one of her family members has. I thank you for reminding me," the wizard answers.

Thank you very much sir

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:11 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Tue 04/15/08 08:12 PM
thank you sir
i am sure that the princess will apprecaite it very much

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:11 PM

Hello sir i to would like a job i still need to pay you for removing the cursed ring

"Yes Max was that. I unfortunately do not hire anyone let alone touch my valuable possession. Do not fear young one there are many jobs to be found in this town," the wizard replies adjusting his glasses.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:12 PM

good day sir wizard. We came to seek you out because we were given your name by an elvish princess that came to this town in search of a rare potion in your possession. She didn't mention what this potion did but it seemed like she thought you would know what she was referring to.

She told us that whatever it did it was mostly black, but would occasionally change colors.

she said she would pay hamsonly for this potion

Max_Darkling's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:16 PM

Hello sir i to would like a job i still need to pay you for removing the cursed ring

"Yes Max was that. I unfortunately do not hire anyone let alone touch my valuable possession. Do not fear young one there are many jobs to be found in this town," the wizard replies adjusting his glasses.

very well good day

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:17 PM

building 78


The princess looks at the group and sits up from a long nap. She stretches and looks with a confused expression. "Why do you disturb my rest?"

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:18 PM
we have returned with your potion Mistress

joshyfox's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:19 PM
*He was handed the potion by Rathil on the way over. Vun presents the potion before his Princess while bowing.*

Your highness, I have returned with the potion from Esther the Grey.

no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:20 PM

we have returned with your potion Mistress

"That quickly. Now how did you find this wizard. He wasn't in town the last time I looked," she mentions.

Max_Darkling's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:21 PM
Edited by Max_Darkling on Tue 04/15/08 08:22 PM

we have returned with your potion Mistress

"That quickly. Now how did you find this wizard. He wasn't in town the last time I looked," she mentions.

I meet him just last night he told me where to find him

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:22 PM
We met him earlier in the day your highness. His shop is right next to the inn we have been staying at in town.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:22 PM

we have returned with your potion Mistress

"That quickly. Now how did you find this wizard. He wasn't in town the last time I looked," she mentions.

We were aware of where he normally took residence...apparently he can come and go as he pleases.


no photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:23 PM

*He was handed the potion by Rathil on the way over. Vun presents the potion before his Princess while bowing.*

Your highness, I have returned with the potion from Esther the Grey.

She grabs the potion and looks at the unusual content it holds. A tear falls down her face as she then looks at the group. "You must excuse me for my sudden tears. You see this serum will heal my sister who suffers a rare disease. She then gets up and goes to a small chest and opens it with a key. Two small gold bags are held in her hands. She gives them to the adventurers. "I thank you for helping me for my family is everything to me," she finishes.

Each player participating adds 400 gold pieces under gold. thank you!:smile:

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/15/08 08:23 PM
tries to stifle a giggle to Vuns mutterance

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