Barbus's photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:59 AM

Boromir, are we starting a zoo here? First we have that woman bringing her wolf here, now you bring a donkey? I know I help out around here, but I am not cleaning up after no donkey. We gotta get him out of here, what if Criani returns? She would make us both dead.

"Heee Hawww! Heee Hawww! I am no donkey I am a alchemist and I have poor eyesight at my old age and read the wrong ingredients swallowing a potion that turned me into this state. I wait for the old and wise wizard next door to treat me," shrills the donkey after a few snorts.

**Boromir only shrugs his shoulders**

If you are an alchemist, you must have all the chemicals and such to revert yourself back to normal, knowing you have hooves instead of hands, might I be of some assistance?

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:02 AM

Boromir, are we starting a zoo here? First we have that woman bringing her wolf here, now you bring a donkey? I know I help out around here, but I am not cleaning up after no donkey. We gotta get him out of here, what if Criani returns? She would make us both dead.

"Heee Hawww! Heee Hawww! I am no donkey I am a alchemist and I have poor eyesight at my old age and read the wrong ingredients swallowing a potion that turned me into this state. I wait for the old and wise wizard next door to treat me," shrills the donkey after a few snorts.

**Boromir only shrugs his shoulders**

If you are an alchemist, you must have all the chemicals and such to revert yourself back to normal, knowing you have hooves instead of hands, might I be of some assistance?

"Hee haw Hee haw," I can't stand it anymore doing this hee haw before I can speak! The funny thing is I don't know the reversal to this one. The ancient wizard Esther the Gray knows for sure. Afterall he is known throughout the lands to remove curses and sudden change of states such as I am now. I am sure he will come around and I hope I am of no bother to you," the donkey says after a few shrills.

Barbus's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:07 AM
Naw, no bother, however, just thinking, I have seen plenty of spells and magic in my day, usually they have a duration, then they wear off, like my invisibility tonic that I take. Maybe if you were patient, you will go back on your own? If not, let us just assume you were a beast of burdon, you mean to tell me there is no potion or spell to change them into humans? I see spells all the time changing people's forms.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:14 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 04/17/08 10:15 AM
"It has been many days now and I need a bath. Hee haaww Hee haawww. "Why I can't even scratch my *!*!* and it is killing me. Heee hawww. The other day a group of farmers where chasing me. They wanted me to pull a plow on some potato fields. I managed to get away and just make it in the west gate of this town before lock down. Heee Haawww! Heee haw! If you excuse me for doing that. I can't help it!

where was I.... Oh yes...The guards just watch me walk by with odd faces. Today a armorsmith wanted me to turn a rotating wheel and try to hold me down. I bucked him one and ran here to the tavern. The fine barkeep allowed me to stay here and wait until the wizard comes," the donkey explains.

Barbus's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:21 AM
Well sounds to me like you are in a jam, wish I could help, maybe I will go next door and see if I cannot get that Wizard out of bed, but first I must have a drink, too early for anything else.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:33 AM
Boromir shakes his head as he puts the parchment of the Sinatorium Chronicle down.

"2000 more orcs have come!" we are doomed I say. Why that makes 6000 orcs out there! We are doomed!" Boromir whines.

Barbus's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:39 AM
1 orc, 6000 orcs, what's the difference? they can all be killed. Not the most intellegent creatures either, nor are they very brave, I am willing to bet what they are doing is all for show, they catch one glimpse of the knights protecting this town, as well as the elvin archers, their numbers will wane as some of them break off and retreat. If I were to get off of my old butt, I know even more of their numbers will peel off, but, I want to see what these younger kids can do, especially the loud group last night which had a rough go with the Witch.

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:04 AM

1 orc, 6000 orcs, what's the difference? they can all be killed. Not the most intellegent creatures either, nor are they very brave, I am willing to bet what they are doing is all for show, they catch one glimpse of the knights protecting this town, as well as the elvin archers, their numbers will wane as some of them break off and retreat. If I were to get off of my old butt, I know even more of their numbers will peel off, but, I want to see what these younger kids can do, especially the loud group last night which had a rough go with the Witch.

As I return from my arrands I see Barbus.Why hello Barbus,I over heard you something about a witch,Oh my what is going on now

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:08 AM

Boromir ,may I please have a drink and some fruit,toss some gold coins on the bar.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:10 AM
*Comes back in, her cloak covered with a bit of dirt and dead grass. She shakes some of the debree off before fully stepping in then heads back to her dark table*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:14 AM

*Comes back in, her cloak covered with a bit of dirt and dead grass. She shakes some of the debree off before fully stepping in then heads back to her dark table*

*Rathil sees her as she walks in and goes to her table. Noticing the dirt and grass*

Looks like you had a rough night? Didn't run into any more witches out in the town did you?

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:15 AM
*She slowly looks at Rathil, her eyes shine from under the cloak. She just shakes her head and then peers back at the table*

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:16 AM

*Comes back in, her cloak covered with a bit of dirt and dead grass. She shakes some of the debree off before fully stepping in then heads back to her dark table*

why hello, I see you have been out in woods, do you not get cold
out there?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:17 AM

*She slowly looks at Rathil, her eyes shine from under the cloak. She just shakes her head and then peers back at the table*

Well thats good. Are you going back out around the town tonight? Do some more exploring?

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:18 AM
What is all this talk of witches,First its demons,orc ,now witches please tell me what might be going on.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:20 AM

What is all this talk of witches,First its demons,orc ,now witches please tell me what might be going on.

Oh you didn't hear? The wood elf here and a few of our friends ran into a witch down the road in one of the houses. She apparantly didn't like her privacy invaded and tried to kill them.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:21 AM
*pulls out her orange glowing book and starts to read again, drawing her feet onto her chair*

unicorngal's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:22 AM

What is all this talk of witches,First its demons,orc ,now witches please tell me what might be going on.

Oh you didn't hear? The wood elf here and a few of our friends ran into a witch down the road in one of the houses. She apparantly didn't like her privacy invaded and tried to kill them.

oh my was any of our friends hurt? What happened to the witch?
For I would hate to run into her.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:27 AM
*Ponders something for a moment and stands, walking back outside into the Sanatorium*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:27 AM

*pulls out her orange glowing book and starts to read again, drawing her feet onto her chair*

Okay, ignore me if you like, but I am just letting you know right now that as a fellow wood elf, since there are not many of our kind that have left the forest for our own freedom and lives. I feel it is my responsibility, Nay my DUTY!

*Rathil stands up as he says the last word*

To break you of your lonely solitude that you seem to be in. I don't know what your reasoning was for leaving your home. I don't know if it was for the same reasons I had to leave. Although you should know that as long as you are at the Green Dragon, you are surrounded by friends!

So it is now my sworn mission to get you to realize that. So it would make things easier on both of us if you just put on a smile and enjoyed yourself!