Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:47 PM
ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:48 PM

Which Witch is dead?

The wicked witch??

Im sorry, I couldn't help myself

they are all wicked in my book

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:48 PM
I wish it didn't have to happen, but it did and I can't change it.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:49 PM

I wish it didn't have to happen, but it did and I can't change it.

preservation of self my friend. you did all you could

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:49 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

EveningKiss's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:51 PM
*peers up at the others bragging - apprently forgetting whom gave the death blow but shrugs it off returning to the book*

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:51 PM
Boromir walks wearily down the stairs rubbing his eyes. He must have dozed off for awhile. He sees a bunch of adventurers with no drinks. Criani would definetly fire him for that. He immediately walks behind the bar hoping someone will order.

Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:51 PM
what's done is done, if you spend too long dwelling on a decision, a lifetime will pass you by as you are feeling sorry for yourself, think that was your first kill, there are thousands beond that wall, if you are not strong enough in mind to handle a little witch, how about a few thousand orcs? Please don't mind me, I mean no offence.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:51 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

Speaking of work I should really get to bed. As you all know the early bird catches the worm... In this case a little too literally. ohwell Good night all.

*Rathil goes up the stairs to his room*

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:52 PM

Boromir walks wearily down the stairs rubbing his eyes. He must have dozed off for awhile. He sees a bunch of adventurers with no drinks. Criani would definetly fire him for that. He immediately walks behind the bar hoping someone will order.

Boromir, I could use another Elvin wine please.

Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:53 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

Speaking of work I should really get to bed. As you all know the early bird catches the worm... In this case a little too literally. ohwell Good night all.

*Rathil goes up the stairs to his room*

what room? you haven't paid for a room tonight

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:53 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

Speaking of work I should really get to bed. As you all know the early bird catches the worm... In this case a little too literally. ohwell Good night all.

*Rathil goes up the stairs to his room*

Goodnight friend

Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:55 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

Speaking of work I should really get to bed. As you all know the early bird catches the worm... In this case a little too literally. ohwell Good night all.

*Rathil goes up the stairs to his room*

what room? you haven't paid for a room tonight

*Hearing Barbus his hand drops down to his pocket and he realizes he doesn't have a room key..*

how right you are my friend. I fear I may have had a bit too much brew tonight.

*Walks back down and hands Boromir 10 gold pieces for a room*

EveningKiss's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:56 PM
* closes the book on her finger and looks to see who is still around*

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:58 PM

Boromir walks wearily down the stairs rubbing his eyes. He must have dozed off for awhile. He sees a bunch of adventurers with no drinks. Criani would definetly fire him for that. He immediately walks behind the bar hoping someone will order.

Boromir, I could use another Elvin wine please.

Boromir serves the wine and takes the three gold pieces.

Barbus's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:58 PM
you, the quiet one, I know you were with these guys, I flew over you once tonight, why so glum? I would think after an adventure like that you would be excited too, but you are all hum drum reading a book, and ignoring the bartender when he offers you a drink when you arrive, am I not good enough company for you?

Max_Darkling's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:58 PM
I to will need a room and a bath would be nice. He hand Boromir 15 gold coins

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:59 PM

ahh, must have cought her on a bad day did ye?

yes i think so but I did find work as a candle makers helper so the day was good all in all

Speaking of work I should really get to bed. As you all know the early bird catches the worm... In this case a little too literally. ohwell Good night all.

*Rathil goes up the stairs to his room*

Boromir takes the 10 gold pieces for another nights stay from the ranger.

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:00 PM

I to will need a room and a bath would be nice. He hand Boromir 15 gold coins

Boromir takes the gold and goes upstairs to get a hot bath going.

joshyfox's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:00 PM

Boromir walks wearily down the stairs rubbing his eyes. He must have dozed off for awhile. He sees a bunch of adventurers with no drinks. Criani would definetly fire him for that. He immediately walks behind the bar hoping someone will order.

Boromir, I could use another Elvin wine please.

Boromir serves the wine and takes the three gold pieces.

Thank you sir, and I'll have a room if I may.

*Hands over an additional 10 gold*