Topic: To slap or not to slap? | |
well sweets mine has behavioral problems that have nothing to do with lack of dicipline but with emotional issues.he is starting counseling next week and seeing a child psychologist soon.I don't want the school doing squat as their lovely methods have including closing my kid in a quiet room while holding the doors closed.some kids have real problems and i have missed work because of it.Let's not be so quick to label kids brats and parents lazy.pisses me off. I saw a special on television the other night about how many children are having behavioral problems and diagnosed with ADD and bi-polar etc. being given drugs. Too many. There is something wrong here. I think it is the crappy food that we are faced with that fills the supermarket shelves. Artificial everything, over processed everything, tainted meat, hormones in the meat, and last but certainly not least SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR... HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP IN EVERYTHING. Eat more natural food and please cut out the POP. It is not good for your kids. JB |
I have talked to many parents who are afraid of disciplining there children in any way and they run wild 98% of those kids. Starting in the 3rd grade my kids gave me the " Ill tell social services on you or the cops" I have given them the same response for 10 years. "go ahead, I'll hand you the phone,dial the number and pack your bags but Im gonna whop the tar out of you before they get here to make it worth my time, you want to talk abuse I will SHOW you abuse" My kids have NEVER done that and I havent had to come even close to spanking in a very long time.I had a cop tell me as long as you dont leave a mark anywhere you can spank your child and I did but ONLy as a last resort. I agree that many parents used to get much to carried away and it ended up being abuse NOT discipline but that is NOt an exscuse for the way society has went in the other direction mine did get social services here because he was mad i took his toys and video games away.all it takes is a wird to a |
well sweets mine has behavioral problems that have nothing to do with lack of dicipline but with emotional issues.he is starting counseling next week and seeing a child psychologist soon.I don't want the school doing squat as their lovely methods have including closing my kid in a quiet room while holding the doors closed.some kids have real problems and i have missed work because of it.Let's not be so quick to label kids brats and parents lazy.pisses me off. did i in any way say anything about children with true behavioral problems? No i said crappy parents who will not discipline their children.Only you would know if this were or in this case were not you.Don't be so quick to take everything to heart i promise the world is not out to "get you". I know the world's not out to get me but people are very quick to judge without knowing the situation.have a good day. ![]() |
well sweets mine has behavioral problems that have nothing to do with lack of dicipline but with emotional issues.he is starting counseling next week and seeing a child psychologist soon.I don't want the school doing squat as their lovely methods have including closing my kid in a quiet room while holding the doors closed.some kids have real problems and i have missed work because of it.Let's not be so quick to label kids brats and parents lazy.pisses me off. I saw a special on television the other night about how many children are having behavioral problems and diagnosed with ADD and bi-polar etc. being given drugs. Too many. There is something wrong here. I think it is the crappy food that we are faced with that fills the supermarket shelves. Artificial everything, over processed everything, tainted meat, hormones in the meat, and last but certainly not least SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR... HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP IN EVERYTHING. Eat more natural food and please cut out the POP. It is not good for your kids. JB my son has been like this since infancy believe it or not and he wasn't eating sugar then. |
my son starts Kindergarden this fall, HIS biggest fear is, and he asked me this....'Mommy, what if the teacher HITS me?'
![]() My son is VERY well behaved, for him to even think a teacher would hit him is way beyond comprehension!! I don't swat/spank my son for anything, there are other ways to teach a child how to behave. IF you have to result to swat/spank....them ima thinkin the parent is the one that needs the help, NOT the child!!! |