Topic: Christianity and atheism
Rathil_Thads's photo
Wed 04/09/08 03:10 PM

A lot of Sciencists are beginning to see that what the bible says, is truth aferall.

And a lot of scientists today... in their new recent views ....are finding now....that science and the bible...agree...

Google "Science and the Bible"...with Dr Hall.

I am sorry but you are going to have to show me where scientifically a man can be raised from the dead 3 days after being crucified, or how scientifically a virgin can give birth to a child or even scientifically a woman can be made out of a mans rib for me to even begin to agree with you there.

If by Science and the Bible agree you mean that the bible made mention of dinosaurs or certain astronomy conclusions were made in the bible. Fine I agree with that. Although those agreements mean next to nothing from a religious stand point or really have anything to do with what was being talked about in this thread.

There is no way to scientifically prove almost anything that the bible says in regards to religious belief.

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Wed 04/09/08 03:12 PM
Ok...let me re-phrase what I was trying to say, ToastedOranges...
cause I can see where the statement I made earlier, could be misunderstood to mean that I was saying... ALL science and the bible agree......

ah no RIGHT thenlaugh

ONLY Recent scientific discoveries are actually discovering the Bible to be true....and are therefore in AGREEMENT with the bible ....THAT is what I meant earlier.... when I said science is in agreement with bible now ...

SOME scientists are seeing this ..not all....laugh

Google " Dr Hall...Science and the Bible"...

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/09/08 03:28 PM

A lot of Sciencists are beginning to see that what the bible says, is truth aferall.

And a lot of scientists today... in their new recent views ....are finding now....that science and the bible...agree...

Google "Science and the Bible"...with Dr Hall.


This is just Christian proselytizing propaganda lies.

Science does not agree with the Bible. That’s a farce.

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 03:36 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 04/09/08 03:42 PM
EXCEPT a man be born again in his SPIRIT...he will he never understand the things of God....simply cause God is SPIRIT....


man will NEVER understand God thru his INTELLECT only...

simply because....

Spirit and Intellect are on two SEPARATE planes....

and because of this...

the twain shall NEVER meet.

spirit has to meet with Spirit...before the things of God can be fully and finally understood.flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 03:51 PM

Contrary to what some may claim, science still has no answer for how the universe could be finite (have a beginning and end) and yet still be eternal.

nothing is really infinite because infinite like time doesn't exist ...the term infinite is just a tool to measure or descibed the vastness of an existing reality and once that reality is measured it is no longer infinite

even the Bible provides proof that the Universe is not infinite ..The Bible states that God created everything in sixth days and stopped on the seventh day which means that the border of the universe is no more than six god creation days long

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Wed 04/09/08 04:02 PM

I am sorry but you are going to have to show me where scientifically a man can be raised from the dead 3 days after being crucified

that's why they hold wakes to make sure the person is dead and not dead drunk

or how scientifically a virgin can give birth to a child

a turkey baster can be used to accomplish that procedure

or even scientifically a woman can be made out of a mans rib for me to even begin to agree with you there.

you can clone from a man and subsitute his xy chromosomes with xx which would make cause him to develope into a female

anything can be done.....we have the technology

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:03 PM

Christianity: In the beginning there was an Ultimate Being. Which created everything.

Atheism: In the beginning there was nothing. Which exploded.

?????? I have always characterized myself as an atheist (while admitting I don't actually know anything for sure), but I don't believe in the big bang, either. Take a look at Eric J. Lerner's book "The Big Bang Never Happened" and the plasma cosmology theories of Hannes Alfven. Way too many holes in BB.

So I guess I can't be in either of your categories?

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:08 PM

Contrary to what some may claim, science still has no answer for how the universe could be finite (have a beginning and end) and yet still be eternal.

nothing is really infinite because infinite like time doesn't exist ...the term infinite is just a tool to measure or descibed the vastness of an existing reality and once that reality is measured it is no longer infinite

even the Bible provides proof that the Universe is not infinite ..The Bible states that God created everything in sixth days and stopped on the seventh day which means that the border of the universe is no more than six god creation days long

What is 6 days unto the Lord?

And don't you think Infinite Almighty Powerful God couldn't create an infinite universe in just 6 days?

See..God gave us the Inspired Word of that man could understand within his limited understanding...cause man dwells in the time dimension here on therefore, what God means by 6 days..and what man understands 6 days to be..may be 2 entirely different things...

Man tries to limit God...due to his finite thinking....
failing sometimes to remember matter what man thinks....

God's ways are Higher than our ways.
but God still...did NOT leave us in the dark....

that is why He Gave us His Word.....
and ALSO the Holy Spirit as a guide help us "get the full meaning" of His Word.flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:11 PM
See..God gave us the Inspired Word of God

Uh, no...


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:17 PM

man will NEVER understand God thru his INTELLECT only...

If you truly believe that then move on to Pantheism. This is the heart of pantheism.

Science isn’t even a religion. However, science does study creation so its about as close to studying God as you can possible come using your intellect. Einstein, for one, was well aware of this fact. :wink:

The biblical picture of God is impossible. According to that picture I am the compassionate superior to God. But that’s a oxymoron. I can’t be superior to God. Therefore the picture must be false.

It’s pretty straight-forward, and an open-and-shut case. A judgmental God who would allow anyone he created to go to an eternal damnation is compassionately inferior to even me, and I’m just an average Joe.

The story can’t be true! The God depicted isn’t perfect enough.

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:23 PM

What is 6 days unto the Lord?

And don't you think Infinite Almighty Powerful God couldn't create an infinite universe in just 6 days?

"MorningSong" but the Bible says that it took 6 wouldn't infinite been on the seventh day or the eighth day or the ninth day? ...couldn't God have created on those days? since creation stopped on the seventh day means that the bible itself proves that the universe is not infinite

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:36 PM

What is 6 days unto the Lord?

And don't you think Infinite Almighty Powerful God couldn't create an infinite universe in just 6 days?

"MorningSong" but the Bible says that it took 6 wouldn't infinite been on the seventh day or the eighth day or the ninth day? ...couldn't God have created on those days? since creation stopped on the seventh day means that the bible itself proves that the universe is not infinite

But you are looking at this all thru finite eyes....flowerforyou

Actually, creation goes on everyday.. still..WITHIN the already created universe.......yet the earth and universe and stars are set....not reproducing itself....yet again, creation continues within the creation .. life goes on..and reproduces....
and this is where one has to rightly divide the Word of understand this all...

And in truth, man will probably never understand it all...until He meets God face to face.....flowerforyou

toastedoranges's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:38 PM
why did it take so long for thise one true god to foster belief in man?

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:41 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 04/09/08 04:46 PM
Infinite beginning and no end...

yet within the Infinite also lies the Finite....for man while we exist on earth..cause God knew man would not be able to comprehend the infinite...til we get to that next dimesnion...

Funches..if man KNEW all things like God would not be able to HANDLE it....while having to dwell in this FINITE world...


God KNOWS what He Is Doing...Still.drinker

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:48 PM

But you are looking at this all thru finite eyes....flowerforyou"MorningSong" ...I have even more proof that the universe is not infinite and I will use your belief in "God's eyes" as this proof by asking this simple question.. can the universe be more infinite than God? ...

if the answer is no then that means the universe is not infinite
if the answer is yes then that means God is not infinite

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:51 PM

Funches..if man KNEW all things like God would not be able to HANDLE it....

if God can handle it then so can Man

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:52 PM

And in truth, man will probably never understand it all...until He meets God face to face.....flowerforyou

I seriously doubt that any truly intelligent man ever expects to understand it all.

Moreover, I think a lot of people are really kidding themselves in thinking that some conscious deity will actually understand it all.

The idea of a God is really not much different than the idea of infinity.

People try to imagine that there is a God who will know the answer to every possible question. A God who fully understands all of creation (including the very nature of his own existence). After all, we can’t have a God who is in the same predicament as us (not being fully aware of its own origin and nature).

The idea of not being able to know everything is like the ‘infinity’ of knowledge. And people can’t handle the concept of no knowing. They can’t handle the concept of infinity.

And so they invent a Godhead that knows everything there is to know, thus making knowledge finite.

The God concept is really nothing more than a security blanket for people who can’t handle infinity. They find peace in the idea that someone ‘out there somewhere’ has all the answers.

But that might not be the case. In fact, it probably isn’t the case. It will be interesting to know, and if it is knowable we’ll probably all be treated to that knowledge when we die, no matter what we might have believed whilst we were alive.

I seriously have a problem with a God who passes judgments on people based entirely on nothing more than which fairytale they bought into whilst alive. That kind of God would be seriously flawed.

That kind of faith is a crap shoot that has no integrity with respect to sincerity.

If there is a ‘judgmental’ God surely that God would favor sincerity above all else. Which fairytale a person believed would be totally irrelevant. All that would be relevant would be their internal sincerity.

Even sincere atheists would be totally accepted and loved by God. The idea that a person would need to seek out a particular religion is the most absurd idea mankind ever came up with.

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 04:55 PM
How far is the East from the West?

God is Bigger than Any Question.....

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 05:01 PM

How far is the East from the West?

God is Bigger than Any Question....."MorningSong" ..I ask you the question not God ..because when people ask God questions and he answer back they get locked in a room with mattresses for wallpaper

anyway "MorningSong" I knew you wouldn't be able to answer it

no photo
Wed 04/09/08 05:01 PM

How far is the East from the West?

God is Bigger than Any Question.....

God is the holds the answer., thats why people blinded by faith(such as yourself) always miss the point.