Topic: You're out on a date, and if that | |
My "attitude" also come from a jaded place....
I worked for a company that staffed local factories, and I did sales to the factories, however, I did work in the office, and saw the same people who came in and cried about not having a job, we would set them up, give them bus passes, and schedules. lay out the schedules for them, and they would work for about 3 days and then no show for 2 weeks and then come back into the office and ask for their jobs back. When you would ask them where they were, the excuses ran the gambit. Yes, we did place some people who wanted to work, and need the job and the money, but they called if they were sick, or couldn't come to work. So do I feel sorry for people.... not really, you make your own destiny in life. If you chose to be a loser, your a loser... and I'm not going to help that along.... **NOT TO SAY THERE AREN'T PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO DON'T NEED AND APPRECIATE OUR HELP** |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 06:24 AM
[ouote] I believe kindness is contagious, & so is apathy. Which do you want to spread?
``````````````````````````````````````````````` I try to always buy them something to eat. I keep extra clothes and blankets in my car for emergencies...... I once saw three homeless guys in Oregon. They had put thier money together and were buying donuts. NO of them had a paperbag over his head to keep warm. I gave him my beenie hat.......he was so proud to have it and it was bright red. I try never to give money. You can tell about them if you offer food and they dont take it or take it with an attitude. That has happened to me a few time and that shows thier real intentions. I even had one guy ask and I went in, got the food and he was gone....dogs were real happy to have a treat of a burger, lol. I really like the gift certificate idea. I think I will get some. We have homeless people around here all the time, but the scammers mostl;y work in pairs or groups, so if I see one on every corner at the same intersection, I get wary. |
[ouote] I believe kindness is contagious, & so is apathy. Which do you want to spread? ``````````````````````````````````````````````` I try to always buy them something to eat. I keep extra clothes and blankets in my car for emergencies...... I once saw three homeless guys in Oregon. They had put thier money together and were buying donuts. NO of them had a paperbag over his head to keep warm. I gave him my beenie hat.......he was so proud to have it and it was bright red. I try never to give money. You can tell about them if you offer food and they dont take it or take it with an attitude. That has happened to me a few time and that shows thier real intentions. I even had one guy ask and I went in, got the food and he was gone....dogs were real happy to have a treat of a burger, lol. I really like the gift certificate idea. I think I will get some. We have homeless people around here all the time, but the scammers mostl;y work in pairs or groups, so if I see one on every corner at the same intersection, I get wary. I'll take apathy, when the kindness goes in vain. |
Kindness never goes in vain. Karma is a b!tch.
Kindness never goes in vain. Karma is a b!tch. yes, yes it is. hence why the decisions you make in your life are very important. If I give a man money, and he uses it for crack.... what does that do to my Karma? |
Coming back to my car with a girl after a concert in Chicago...there was a small group working the parking lot, asking people if they could clean their windshields.
I told him thanks but that I didn't have any money...he told me "that's alright sir"...and then proceeded to clean the window anyway. It was really cold out and I noticed his bare hands were red and chapped as he I offered him my gloves...which he at first refused stating he couldn't possibly...but I insisted. He was most appreciative. I spent the 45 minute drive home arguing and defending myself to my date as she felt to give them anything was enabling them to be homeless. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 06:53 AM
Kindness never goes in vain. Karma is a b!tch. yes, yes it is. hence why the decisions you make in your life are very important. If I give a man money, and he uses it for crack.... what does that do to my Karma? I don't usually give money, like I said, I buy them food or give them something they might out money is very rare. Im not saying all homeless people are on crack or that they are not. I say, I do the best I can to help and there are time when I have to make that judgement call. So in my book, my karma is ok, if they ar scamming, thiers sucks and they will get whats coming to them. Cant be a bad thing to buy them a sammich or give them something warm to wear when it is snowing. That was very kind of you Darth, and this is excactly the kind of thing that I am talking about. Kudos to you! |
My "attitude" also come from a jaded place.... I worked for a company that staffed local factories, and I did sales to the factories, however, I did work in the office, and saw the same people who came in and cried about not having a job, we would set them up, give them bus passes, and schedules. lay out the schedules for them, and they would work for about 3 days and then no show for 2 weeks and then come back into the office and ask for their jobs back. When you would ask them where they were, the excuses ran the gambit. Yes, we did place some people who wanted to work, and need the job and the money, but they called if they were sick, or couldn't come to work. So do I feel sorry for people.... not really, you make your own destiny in life. If you chose to be a loser, your a loser... and I'm not going to help that along.... **NOT TO SAY THERE AREN'T PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO DON'T NEED AND APPRECIATE OUR HELP** I truly understand what you are saying. When I was young, alot of homeless people surrounded my place of employment. When I was older, I worked with the mentally ill. It could be that when they didn't show up for work, they couldn't mentally handle the responsibility and stress of a job. Depression hits them. If they are bi-polar, they have good days and bad days. One doesn't know. Also, it is difficult to be ready for work if you are sleeping outside and have no alarm clock or clean clothes and a shower. And yes, they could be an addict. Therapists are seeing, though, that many addicts have mental problems and started to self-medicate and then came the addiction. It's like what came first - the chicken or the egg. There could be so many different scenarios. I understand what you are saying. I just wanted to talk about the other side of the coin. |
Coming back to my car with a girl after a concert in Chicago...there was a small group working the parking lot, asking people if they could clean their windshields. I told him thanks but that I didn't have any money...he told me "that's alright sir"...and then proceeded to clean the window anyway. It was really cold out and I noticed his bare hands were red and chapped as he I offered him my gloves...which he at first refused stating he couldn't possibly...but I insisted. He was most appreciative. I spent the 45 minute drive home arguing and defending myself to my date as she felt to give them anything was enabling them to be homeless. ![]() Kudos to you. I don't understand why your date argued about it. You're the one that has to look at yourself in the mirror. |
giving to others is wonderful
Coming back to my car with a girl after a concert in Chicago...there was a small group working the parking lot, asking people if they could clean their windshields. I told him thanks but that I didn't have any money...he told me "that's alright sir"...and then proceeded to clean the window anyway. It was really cold out and I noticed his bare hands were red and chapped as he I offered him my gloves...which he at first refused stating he couldn't possibly...but I insisted. He was most appreciative. I spent the 45 minute drive home arguing and defending myself to my date as she felt to give them anything was enabling them to be homeless. ![]() I think you are truly a great person for giving your gloves! I myself think you should have dumped the lady you were with! Lets hope that she never falls on hard times and people don't treat her like she treats others! My mother has always told me to treat others like I want to be treated...maybe thats why I am so kind to others ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 07:30 AM
I stopped at a convienence store once. There was this raggedy old man and he was in there buying food. They has a hot food counter. Something told me to help him. He walked out the door before I could pay for his meal. I asked the guy at the counter if he ever came in and bough liquor. He said never, just always for food. The poor thing was gone before I could do anything. I went outside and he was gone, but if I ever see him again, I will have a Mickie D's certificate for him. Not all of them are druggies. They are just poor folk who have lost thier way or are mentally ill and have no where to go. It's hard to get them to the Dr....this is exactly why I gave my hat to the guy who was wearing a paper bag on his head when it was snowing.
I was in Chicago about 22 years ago. I had gotton my truck under a overpass that it couldn't clear.
When I looked in my side mirror at the traffic behind me, it was ENDLESS, all honking and flippin me off. I had a guy running with me but when I asked him to get out and get some cars to move so we could back He said hell no he wasn't getting out of the truck. There was about 6-7 gang bangers on the sidewalk, and he was scared. WELL I couldn't back up and get them to move, so as we were now BOTH fearfull of our situratin, and cops.. This big old man in a trench coat came up and asked if I needed him to get some cars moved behind me, he said I'll get um to move. Me and my friend just laughed and thought he was just nuts... THEN, I watched him in my mirror as he started KICKING the cardoor of the first one back, then the second, THEY STARTED MOVING,,,,,couldn't freakin believe this dude,,,,wow,,,my hero So I got backed out and clear. Then I went up to the guy, shook his hand thanked him and gave him all the money I had on me, 5.00 BUT, HE SAVED OUR AZZ.. And every since THEN,,,,,I have ALWAYS felt and known that STREET PEOPLE,,,,are PEOPLE GOD showed me that then. At the start of my driving career, and I NEVER forgot him or his hero personality......I know,,,long story,sorry.. |
Gift certificates are a great idea! It will give them something to eat.
Unfortunately we do have posers out there that are faking they need help. Its sad. Then we have the ones who buy booze or drugs. Very sad. I have often bought food and given it too people on the streets. I have alot of respect for people who lend a hand to others. There are alot of true homeless people out there who could use help... It makes me sick when people shun them. They are humanes too. There are alot of reasons why people are homeless. I would never say never- it can happen to anyone at anytime. You could be fine one day and lose everything the next. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment... For we never know- that could be us some day... |
Gift certificates are a great idea! It will give them something to eat. Unfortunately we do have posers out there that are faking they need help. Its sad. Then we have the ones who buy booze or drugs. Very sad. I have often bought food and given it too people on the streets. I have alot of respect for people who lend a hand to others. There are alot of true homeless people out there who could use help... It makes me sick when people shun them. They are humanes too. There are alot of reasons why people are homeless. I would never say never- it can happen to anyone at anytime. You could be fine one day and lose everything the next. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment... For we never know- that could be us some day... You coldn't be more right. I live on about 10,000 a year. I live hand to mouth and don't qualify for any kind of help except what Im already getting from SSI, but that doesnt stop me from helping. I am literally one foot in the gutter, and have been scoping out the market baskets.......I know that my situation is precarious and I wouldnt want the few bad apples to keep people from helping me. |
Gosh, for over a year, I kept running into the same homeless lady. Gave every time I saw her. She was nice, just having problems....
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I don't have a problem with that have done it many times myself. It shows compassion and that they have a heart not a thing wrong with that.
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My "attitude" also come from a jaded place.... I worked for a company that staffed local factories, and I did sales to the factories, however, I did work in the office, and saw the same people who came in and cried about not having a job, we would set them up, give them bus passes, and schedules. lay out the schedules for them, and they would work for about 3 days and then no show for 2 weeks and then come back into the office and ask for their jobs back. When you would ask them where they were, the excuses ran the gambit. Yes, we did place some people who wanted to work, and need the job and the money, but they called if they were sick, or couldn't come to work. So do I feel sorry for people.... not really, you make your own destiny in life. If you chose to be a loser, your a loser... and I'm not going to help that along.... **NOT TO SAY THERE AREN'T PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHO DON'T NEED AND APPRECIATE OUR HELP** I truly understand what you are saying. When I was young, alot of homeless people surrounded my place of employment. When I was older, I worked with the mentally ill. It could be that when they didn't show up for work, they couldn't mentally handle the responsibility and stress of a job. Depression hits them. If they are bi-polar, they have good days and bad days. One doesn't know. Also, it is difficult to be ready for work if you are sleeping outside and have no alarm clock or clean clothes and a shower. And yes, they could be an addict. Therapists are seeing, though, that many addicts have mental problems and started to self-medicate and then came the addiction. It's like what came first - the chicken or the egg. There could be so many different scenarios. I understand what you are saying. I just wanted to talk about the other side of the coin. ![]() I agree with this 100%, I also know that everyone has a "rock bottom" and until a person hits their "rock bottom" they will excuse their own behaviour, or victimize themselves. Which is neither helthy or productive, to themselves or society. I'm not uncaring or heartless, I have put on benefits for the battered women's shlter, Haven of Rest (a homeless shelter here in Akron) and Violet's cupboard (an AIDS shelter in Akron) I know these programs, I've seen the people in these situations, and those are the people I chose to help before the one's who arn't ready to help themselves. The most helpful hand is the one found at the end of your own arm. So like you said, yes, which came first the chicken or the egg? |