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Topic: I need a new name
FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:21 AM
Bellemonte? Henryietta? Samson? Drydelhomickey?

Jillybean31's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:21 AM
I know a Rebeca Moran (pronounced more-ran) which I've always thought rings nicely....let's see...Becky Moran. It's a good sturdy Irish name...centuries old, meaning "Great One" in the old Gaelic tongue...originally, Morain.

caamken's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:22 AM

If you're feeling lucky we could run a contest...if you promise to go with the winner that is. laugh laugh laugh laugh

carefree101's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:24 AM

I know a Rebeca Moran (pronounced more-ran) which I've always thought rings nicely....let's see...Becky Moran. It's a good sturdy Irish name...centuries old, meaning "Great One" in the old Gaelic tongue...originally, Morain.

Moran, Belemonte....both very good.

carefree101's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:26 AM
Becky Moran Bellemonte

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:29 AM

Becky Moran Bellemonte

Ace, go with it and run! Run I say! Run!!!

carefree101's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:31 AM

Becky Moran Bellemonte

Ace, go with it and run! Run I say! Run!!!


krazykitty323's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:32 PM

Ok, my divorce will be final soon and I need a new last name. I don't like my maiden name.

Any ideas?


Why not keep the name you have

franshade's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:33 PM



ya read my mind
laugh laugh laugh

franshade's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:36 PM
Rebecca J Jingleheimerschmidt

ArtGurl's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:37 PM
Does Cher need a last name? Madonna?

Just think the time you could save on your signature ...

...just a B and a squiggle ...........................


franshade's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:43 PM
the name is Bond
Rebecca Bondflowerforyou

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 04/03/08 02:49 PM

the name is Bond...
Rebecca Bondflowerforyou

We have a winner!!!

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