Topic: NICKNAMES!!!! | |
I call my kids "stinky butts"
Stork leg's.....thank's to Phyllis Reily. Because I was so thin. She was a riot! |
was in a bar yrs ago...
a friend of a friend.. forgot my name apparently.. he saked my friend..."how is Casey" she finally realized who he was talking about.. So ..HI my name is |
Also called...."Q"
Ex-wives call me "Azzhole" Kids try to call me "ATM" Mom calls me "Idiot Magnet" (because of previously mentioned ex-wives) Dad calls me "Hot Shot" Sister calls me "Braniac" High school football coach called me "Reaper" Competitors call me "Awwww Sh!t" (at least that's what I hear when we are paired up) Friends call me.....for help when they're moving. But my favorite was what my maternal grandfather used to call me when he'd come see me play baseball. "Slick". That old man loved to watch me play baseball. Sure wish he could have seen me drag race. |
I grew thinking my name was little bast##d,
well it was what dear old dad called me ,,,,,,, then I got married and found it to be OHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OHHHHHHHHHHHH Then the divorce and found it to be, the SAME as my dad had called me,,,,,,,,,,,,so I guess, HE WAS,lol |
HA! Thanks for the post...had to think of all the nicknames that I have had to endure.
I thought my name was "Pete" until I was about 8 yrs old as my Dad would always call me that. My brother dubbed me with "Sinker" and I have yet to understand where that came from. Later, my sister-in-law labeled me "Munchkin" because she was so tall and told me that I reminded her of one of the Oompaloompas' from the Willy Wonka movie. More recently, I have been called "Midget", which has stuck and I have vanity plates on my vehicle proclaiming that title. |
Fe Fe LaMore... |
Back in grade school my peers would call me Barney after the purple dinosaur character because they though my real name sounded close to the character. I hated being called the name... LOL
my best friend calls me f*c*tard.... it's a term of endearment... he loves me.... really.....