Community > Posts By > nickelback9

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:28 AM

Somebody call the Waaaaaambulance! Short guys don't wanna date me cuz I'm too tall! tears

woman love me because i am tall , sorry for you hun

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:26 AM
laugh laugh rofl slaphead

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:23 AM
sick tears sick offtopic ill ill

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:15 AM
the way she hold your hand and that feeling creeps up your hand and covers your whole body inside and out

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:14 AM
if anyones looking Hey whats up not bored just snoozen on the keyboardrofl rofl rofl shades

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:11 AM
i think turtles are cool , especially slow roasted over a camp fire!!!!laugh :laughing: rofl shocked

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:09 AM
where is the one where kermit is on fire dude , pitchfork :thumbsup:

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:05 AM

I would rather slide down a pole of razor blades into a pool of alcohol. noway

quervo or jack drinks oops

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:04 AM

hello im up for grabs ladies only :) im 32 love to cuddle, hold hands in public , not affraid of a relationship , very loving person , caring , i listen very well,

If you named yourself after the band .. you're G2G here dude!


thanks your the best , fade to black , nice pic, come check me out some time!!!:thumbsup:

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:02 AM

i just need to know what to do at this point for real , any womans point of view would be greatly apr.

Yes send her flowers, every women likes to recieve flowers.

its to late for flowers , she hasnt talked to me for two days sence she called me about some money, of course i said no, and now have not heard from her , so oh well there are so many more out there for me , just got to keep looking lolbigsmile biggrin

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 10:00 AM

bigsmile What is more important to you: meeting the needs of your significant other, or getting your significant other to meet your needs?bigsmile
my loves happiness is more important to me:heart: I assumes meeting his needs would make him happy:heart: however my needs should be important to him as well:heart:

so true, i think it should be a mix 50/50 all the time myself

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:33 AM
it doesnt matter the age as long as they give from there heart:heart: flowers

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:31 AM
me getting down on one knee and just saying thank you for you surprised bigsmile

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:29 AM

she wants to take it slow cuz of comfort, you need to build on comfort, you 2 known each other for a while, you need to hook up.

ioi's - indicator of interest

iod's indicator of disinterest

dhv- demonstrate higher value

dlv- demonstrate lower value

these how man and women talk, through body language, and this theory.

when you talk to her give her iois, but be carful, she might view it to bold, so you have to take it away, when you give her iois, heres a example

"the last time i saw you we got along great and i like that, i think your like a very nice girl and i like you" (these are all iois)
whatever the ioi be prepared to take it away!
"but me and you known each other for a while, to bad i cant say this in person to you, i mean you know how i feel, i should stop saying nice things to you, unless your around, so thats it no more, i dont like you, your not a nice girl and i dont like you.......

just kidding i really do like you baby and i wish you were here (ioi)

this strand is now invalid , so whats new guys , people always change there minds , like they change there underpants

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 06:26 AM

yep thats pretty much the story
to cold and wet out to do anything

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 05:57 AM

just want to be friends for now?
they want to take it slow but they are an animal in the sack?
they say they want to be with you and move you in to there friends?

Friends for now = still needs to explore all aspects....about you.

Take it slow, animal in the sack = thats the first place they want to explore.....
1. wants friends with benifits is just on the ok side just simply sucks between the 2

Want to be with u/move in with friends.....
1.simple....if the explored aspects of friendship to relationship...if things fail...

Someone gets the big boot in the azz....and the other still has a place to live.....

If sex sucks at the get the boot right then and there...


thats what sucks , happens everytime

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 05:52 AM

All types of stuff, I steer away from the bubble gum of every genre though, they all have them, and I refuse to listen to crap.

like britny spears, and teen junk

nickelback9's photo
Sat 03/14/09 05:51 AM

no one is perfect.

and one more thing, a question.

did you take this pic when u got your pelvic examination done ?laugh laugh

It's a lamp...

anyone can see that is a lamp

nickelback9's photo
Fri 03/13/09 11:11 PM
drool Right on sister drool

nickelback9's photo
Fri 03/13/09 11:09 PM
i got miss piggy right after the acident with kermit , what a tragic end but good for me miss piggy is very generous, she loves to give good snout!!!!!bigsmile rofl :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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