Community > Posts By > KayaksJuliet

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Wed 07/14/10 03:38 PM
Edited by KayaksJuliet on Wed 07/14/10 03:41 PM

That's a huge portion saying they agree with AZ looks like Americans support the law

I wish I could have seen the poll. I have heard that is the consesus. Yet the Government that works for the people disagrees? How is this right?

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Wed 07/14/10 03:36 PM

Thank you but the link you sent me to has been deleted.

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Wed 07/14/10 03:34 PM

Not sure how it is in other states, but if I am pulled over here for a traffic violation or whatever, I have to produce an ID (driver's license)

I would be held until they confirm who I am (I could have warrants or be a wanted fugitive, for all they know)

This should be expected.

KayaksJuliet, I THINK it was only Los Angeles that wanted the ban. Not the whole state, but then again, they do have Pelosi laugh

I checked on the California ban. This is the most recent I found. And it has alot of interesting points as well in the entirity.

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Wed 07/14/10 03:17 PM

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Wed 07/14/10 03:15 PM

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Wed 07/14/10 03:09 PM

Our President has decided to sue the state of Arizona for, in a nutshell...racial profiling in the SB1070 Immigration Law. I believe this is a huge waste of taxpayers money considering there is NO reference to any particular race. Check it out yourself, straight from the Governor of Arizona site..

Type in the "find" box any race (black, white, hispanic) it will return with "no matches found"

I believe we should protest this bold over reaction and waste of our money in some way. Either...
-Find a way for the Legal American People to vote on this issue (Obama's decision or the Immigration Law)all across the United States.
-Or maybe we should sue the President for gross misuse of our Funds/Investments.

What are your thoughts? Suggestions?

Actually the major law suit is over the violation of the rules that say immigration is a federal policy, not a state control.

Arizona removed some of the profiling aspects of the law.

There will be more than one law suit filed.

The fact that Arizona would be willing to racially profile in their state is a problem in and of itself.

A state of racists? Are they racist because they cannot see the crime making them ignorant of the crime committed or are they intentionally racial biased?

When they can tell me how you identify an illegal alien on sight without being discriminatory or racial then I will let up my work to make sure they are identified as racially biased. My work to make sure that all who ever read me or talk to me know Arizona is not a good place to spend money or time.

Can you post the original document (site) of SB1070 that shows in the content anyones specific race? Because I am not finding it and I would like to see.

Very interesting points. Here are my own:

If I drive a huge suburban,a van, or truck with dark windows and tons of "friends" packed in. I would expect to be pulled over anywhere in the border states. And Im white in color. If I run, when the vehicle stops..expect arrest. Point being is there or "signs" to look for.

Lets say on the street. I run when I see a police officer. I would expect to be chased.

In these cases they have probable cause to delay me and ask for identification at the very least. If I start shaking in my shoes when they ask questions...that would be suspicious.

In any organization you go to, work at, deal with usually requires thorough identification(Drivers License, Social Security Card, etc).

I drive(Phx to Tucson) all the time and live in this area so I have seen it.:wink:

As far as Boycotting AZ thats your choice. The state of AZ is considering boycotting the states boycotting us. Is this what we really want as a society?

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Wed 07/14/10 02:36 PM

I can't remember the latest number of states wanting to adopt similar laws, but if enough states adopt it, then hopefully the government will get the picture that if they won't enforce their own law, then the states will.

18 US States now filing versions of Arizona’s Immigration Bill SB 1070

One of America’s national organizations fighting against illegal immigration is announcing that 18 states are now filing versions of Arizona’s SB 1070 law which is designed to help local police enforce America’s existing immigration laws.

Numerous national and local polls indicated that 60-81% of Americans support local police enforcing immigration laws.

Activists have been working for almost four weeks now to encourage state lawmakers across the nation to file versions of SB 1070, to help alleviate boycotts and other political antagonism towards Arizona. Citizen activist are being asked to call, e-mail, visit, and fax their state lawmakers to encourage them to support existing SB 1070 type bills or to file them as soon as possible.

We have documented the following 18 states are following Arizona’s lead in response to citizen pressure.

Here’s the list of all US states seeking to adopt Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law.

1 – Arkansas
2 – California
3 – Idaho
4 – Indiana
5 – Maryland
6 – Michigan
7 – Minnesota
8 – Missouri
9 – Nebraska
10 – Nevada
11 – New Jersey
12 – Ohio
13 – Oklahoma
14 – Pennsylvania
15 – Rhode Island
16 – South Carolina
17 – Texas
18 – Utah

:wink: Some of the states wanting to adopt it are the same ones boycotting Arizona for having it. frustrated rofl frustrated rofl

no photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:51 PM
ABSOLUTELY! YellowRose. Its a frivolous waste of OUR money For the Federal Government to sue a State for enforcing a law (same terms) that the Federal Government enacted YEARS ago and is still IN PLACE.

Thats why I believe the American People need to stand up and DO something. Just WHAT?

no photo
Tue 07/13/10 08:39 PM
Our President has decided to sue the state of Arizona for, in a nutshell...racial profiling in the SB1070 Immigration Law. I believe this is a huge waste of taxpayers money considering there is NO reference to any particular race. Check it out yourself, straight from the Governor of Arizona site..

Type in the "find" box any race (black, white, hispanic) it will return with "no matches found"

I believe we should protest this bold over reaction and waste of our money in some way. Either...
-Find a way for the Legal American People to vote on this issue (Obama's decision or the Immigration Law)all across the United States.
-Or maybe we should sue the President for gross misuse of our Funds/Investments.

What are your thoughts? Suggestions?

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Tue 07/13/10 08:06 PM

Yeah, that happens frequently. There seems to be a fine line between what might be minimal, and what might be major.

Even dating smokers, and since I don't smoke. I've always been asked why I didn't push the issue of asking them to quit. I see that as far more major, and it's not my responsibility for them to quit.
smoking makes you looks 50% cooler lol:laughing: rofl

Urgh! No! tongue2
i smoke n when i didnt i dated smokers

I don't and most did. I totally draw the line at pot though.
same i am disease n drug free so i guess i expect the same in the other person

slaphead smokin smokin smokin ~Im a jokerlaugh , Im a smokersmokin , Im a midnight tokerdevil smokin ~

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Tue 07/13/10 03:56 PM

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Mon 07/12/10 09:55 PM
Boo Ewww :wink: laugh

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:53 PM
Tell my boyfriend how wonderful he is!flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:51 PM
Close tie between compromise and respect.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:49 PM

nice shaped good size boobs nice azz screws like a wh0re

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:47 PM


:tongue: waving

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:46 PM
Eh Sometimes it can happen. Rarely but it can. Because its what is said and felt that really is what love is about. Not so much what is seen.

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:43 PM
Yes I think they can attract:wink: , I think its about learning new things and being open to it. If you are you will embrace the mutual changing in growth. flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:40 PM
It would really depend. If they asked me to quit smoking...sure.:thumbsup: If they asked me to give up my dog....they better hit the door!:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 07/12/10 04:38 PM
Happily love taken. love

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