![]() It appears that way.... good evening... ![]() Onemind, I was wondering whether perhaps you were having a bit of a joke with Gypsy, as she does work in a nursing home. it certainly gave me a laugh... ![]() Egad I'm psychic! |
Maybe you should get a job at a nursing home. As I understand it, people there sometimes have trouble crapping. You'd be like a Godsend to them. Just think of how much they would save not buying all that laxative! Hahahahaha..... please tell me you are joking! Where do you think Gypsy works? LMAO!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() What am I supposed to do, slog through every post and do some kind of internet search or whatever to find out where this Gypsy person works? And yes, in fact, I was joking. |
Man can surpass any God!
There is one way a man could elevate himself above any divinity or diety, even if only for a moment... and that is through pure selfless courage (This is not ment to offend anyone. And my intentions are to DISCUSS this topic using sound reason and logic) Why how utterly Greek of you. |
yes men are shallow
am conducting a 'social experiment' if you will on another site after becoming incredibly suspicious that yes men just look at the pictures and no further.... the profile i have seems to be getting plenty of hits and have had lots of contact...then it came to the photos.... i have a choice of several photos - one taken at the end of a six year old birthday party after a week of working fourteen hour days - it is in black and white and i am wearing absolutely zip makeup - the photo i think is quite ok for an 'a la naturale' look and shouldnt scare anyone away the second photo is of course in colour - and i am wearing makeup - you can tell it is the same person but this is quite an attractive photo... the experiment? i alternate btw sending the black and white photo and the colour one no prizes for guessing which one gets the most responses what amuses me no end though is that all these men absolutely insist that 'looks' are not 'that important'....it is a brain they are looking for - someone with a sense of humour, an intelligent mind, who is caring and compassionate and who has their shite together blah blah blah.... oh and btw - it doesnt matter if they are 'ugly' men or 'good looking' men (if you subscribe to an aesthetic point of view' - they all go for the pretty photo... the next part of the experiment - i will make contact again with those that didnt respond to the plain photo by sending them the pretty one... lets just wait and see if they respond to that...if they do...it proves me correct...you really are a shallow species... Go treat a short, fat, old and ugly homeless man to dinner and a movie, then take him to bed. After that, tell us all how enlightened you are. |
you all. Don't know if I should even post this here or at all but you may be able to help me. You see.......I have the most extrordinay gift of making ppl crap!!!! True Story!!! For some odd reason, everytime one of my friends come over to my place......they take one look at me and do a b-line to my bathroom. For what else??? to take a crap!!! Now, Ive thought about this long and hard.......what is it about me that makes people want to crap in my bathroom and not their own??? It is not that my toilet paper is more luxurious than theirs because I will buy the cheapest toilet paper just so people won't want to take a crap there. And then I started to think.......maybe they are eating sandwiches in there....and dont want to share....I'm at a loss as to why I have this ability!!! I feel rather crappy about the whole situation. You may even feel that if you read this, you too, may have to crap idk......Please help me!!!! Ive had a real ****ty day!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe you should get a job at a nursing home. As I understand it, people there sometimes have trouble crapping. You'd be like a Godsend to them. Just think of how much they would save not buying all that laxative! |
Yeah, their called Republicans. |
Nothing matters
Its all a bunch of bull. NOTHING MATTERS. (Not exactly as you put it but correct fundamentally) I am glad someone else came to their senses Read Allan Watts ![]() You evidently have little understanding of Alan Watts. His teaching was basically Buddhist/Taoist. They are not, contrary to what some westerners with limited understanding think, Nihilists and neither was Alan Watts. He taught that the universe "matters" and "energys" in the same way that planets like our own, "people" and apple trees "apple". So, yeah, if anything matters to you, then "it" matters. |
help me
new here help me find forever Forever will find you soon enough. Forever catches up to all of us sooner or later, scythe in hand and one fell swoop. |
That i am seriously afraid of.... so i have been talking with this woman for about 3 months now and we went out this past week, and not only has she revealed that she is falling in love with me, i am feeling the same way. Neither of us want to hurt one another but in the same instance we dont want to hide our feelings anymore. I am just seriously afraid that my heart is going to be shattered and i just dont know if i can repair it one more time ![]() Sounds like a pretty good "problem" to have. Anybody else should be so lucky. |
What, you don't swallow?
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Ginger or Maryann?
A little bit of Ginger in my tea, a little bit of Mary Ann by the sea.
What is in your pocket???
I got a wocket in my pocket.
old cartoon character from the 1940's?
The world dosent relize
Edited by
Fri 08/21/09 10:16 PM
Eric’s POEM THE WORLD The world does not know how vulnerable it is. With riots, merders, and other things like this. The world is one big battlefield with death and decay. The only hope we have is God will rescue us someday. The world does not realize how lucky it is. To live in a time when prophesy are coming true ant the knowledge that the time is near for you and me. Time will tell you Christ wants your heart and the devil wants your soul. The Anit-Christ is already here plotting his reign but whom it is and what is it? Each one of us has a great decision to make. Do what want of pray to god for his grace? You do not have to like what you hear but know the things ahead are things to fear. Gods love is unquestionable and right. He is there for you during the day and during the night. The greatest felling is he is inside you telling you what is right. God can live inside of you all you need to know is he is true. Each one of us is a temple for Jesus Christ. The best friend you can have because he loves you with all his MIGHT. The world does not realize how lucky it is. To live in times when god is near and evil has something to fear. Do you feel better correcting someone? he wrote his expression down. that's what we should be looking at, not spelling. What's an "ANIT christ" anyway? There are also things out there far worse than Lucifer. Far worse! He and a few others inhabit this plane and locale 2...... It's a very tiny place...apparently, no bigger than this galaxy in comparison, from what i've heard. |
Could You Live With This?
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The world dosent relize
Edited by
Fri 08/21/09 09:57 PM
Eric’s POEM THE WORLD The world does not know how vulnerable it is. With riots, merders, and other things like this. The world is one big battlefield with death and decay. The only hope we have is God will rescue us someday. The world does not realize how lucky it is. To live in a time when prophesy are coming true ant the knowledge that the time is near for you and me. Time will tell you Christ wants your heart and the devil wants your soul. The Anit-Christ is already here plotting his reign but whom it is and what is it? Each one of us has a great decision to make. Do what want of pray to god for his grace? You do not have to like what you hear but know the things ahead are things to fear. Gods love is unquestionable and right. He is there for you during the day and during the night. The greatest felling is he is inside you telling you what is right. God can live inside of you all you need to know is he is true. Each one of us is a temple for Jesus Christ. The best friend you can have because he loves you with all his MIGHT. The world does not realize how lucky it is. To live in times when god is near and evil has something to fear. |
Does your profile Suck? Perhaps. But does it suck GOOD? Its all in the technique.
Philosophically speaking...
And given that the Declaration Of Independence was a group of men declaring their independence from a government who tried to tell them what to believe and insisted that the ruling royalty were better than everybody else and they were less, it is very obvious what the statement about all men being created equal was meant to imply. They were sick of being told that they were less, and they were sick of being told what religion they should practice. They wanted freedom and they wanted freedom of expression and freedom of speech. It is all about law and government but mostly it is all about FREEDOM. FREEDOM IS PARAMOUNT. It's all about law and government based upon the PHILOSOPHY (which I agree with) that freedom is paramount. Clearly the royals had a philosophical difference of opinion with us on that. |
Philosophically speaking...
Edited by
Sun 04/19/09 11:50 PM
The problem here is a plethora of abstraction and lack of concrete example. Let's start with the concrete. The idea of freedom of speech, in this country anyway, has its roots in a basic assumption of the founding fathers, this idea can be found and, has as its best exemplar, the phrase "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal". This line, as most of you know, can be found in the Declaration Of Independence. Its a beautiful thought and one that has been, thankfully, codified intro our laws. But its also manifestly untrue. "Men" - and for that matter, women, are "created" poor, or developmentally disabled, or rich or beautiful, or whatever. No one is created equal, except perhaps, in the eyes of God. Which is, come to think of it, a pretty good reason for believing (as I do, but perhaps not everyone - and that's o.k.) in such a thing as God. So here we can see, that this particular (and really, most) law has at its foundation, philosophy, not "Truth", despite its now being the law. It IS the law, which is based upon a philosophy, which in turn is based upon a beautiful and fortuitous lie. Now, let's try and keep that last part to ourselves, shall we? I think the statement that you mention about all men being created equal is not to be taken literally. That is philosophical. All men are equal as humans. No person born shall be considered less than human is what that statement means to me. And yet throughout time many have been led to believe that some born (of different ethnic races) were less than human. Also, the royalty of England freely admit that they are superior than others by birth. Therefore I think that line was referring to the royal family who think the rest of the human race are less than them or less than human. Right. "Equal" in the eyes of God, who, it would seem, the framers would have us emulate. Maybe we should change it to all "beings", that way the fish and birds and trees, etc. can get an even break. |
Philosophically speaking...
Edited by
Sun 04/19/09 11:29 PM
The problem here is a plethora of abstraction and lack of concrete example. Let's start with the concrete. The idea of freedom of speech, in this country anyway, has its roots in a basic assumption of the founding fathers, this idea can be found and, has as its best exemplar, the phrase "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal". This line, as most of you know, can be found in the Declaration Of Independence. Its a beautiful thought and one that has been, thankfully, codified intro our laws. But its also manifestly untrue. "Men" - and for that matter, women, are "created" poor, or developmentally disabled, or rich or beautiful, or whatever. No one is created equal, except perhaps, in the eyes of God. Which is, come to think of it, a pretty good reason for believing (as I do, but perhaps not everyone - and that's o.k.) in such a thing as God. So here we can see, that this particular (and really, most) law has at its foundation, philosophy, not "Truth", despite its now being the law. It IS the law, which is based upon a philosophy, which in turn is based upon a beautiful and fortuitous lie. Now, let's try and keep that last part to ourselves, shall we?